Chapter 23

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Sargam slowly reluctantly followed me and I could say that from his body language. His shoulders were stiff and his mind wandering. It seemed as though he was in his own world. When I asked him about the first clue, I could still that while giving me the paper, he was too engrossed deeply in his thoughts. I opened the paper and read out aloud,

" Looking a bit different than other trees.                                                                                                                     I'm dense to give cool breeze:                                                                                                                                           I'm too old yet strong                                                                                                                                                          Covered by the leaves throng." 

I moved my eyes to Sargam and from his face I easily knew he had not heard a single word I said. I placed my hand on his shoulder to bring him out of his thoughts. His dull, blue eyes which had been avoiding me for a long time got locked with mine. That's when I could unfold his emotions. Fear and sadness was all I could see. The bright cheery boy I once knew was lost and I needed to find him. I slowly placed my hands around him and his long built walls started breaking down. He started sobbing badly while I held him in his vulnerable state. 

Everyone has their own vulnerable period but that doesn't make you weaker but stronger.

I slowly asked him this question, afraid that it'll break him more," Why are you scared Sargam?"

His reply was instant," You left me once when I needed you the most. I'm ready to be with you. But what if you left me again? " I understood that this question came from our previous night.His questioning gaze lingered on me and I answered," For leaving you I had my reasons but I'm not planning to leave you again anytime soon. So are you ready to rekindle our lost friendship?" I desperately wanted his answer to be a yes and when he nodded, I was deeply overjoyed. At least, he was ready to give me a chance. That was all I needed. And I was ready to prove him that this chance was worth our friendship. Then we started discussing the clue and Sargam said at the end," It would be an old banyan tree nearby." We soon found it and were astounded to see our other teammates reaching there soon as well. Later, all of us found the other clues and were the winners of the treasure hunt. But I found Adam and Samantha's behaviour together unsettling later. Then we were supposed to go for sight seeing, trekking etc.

That's how our camp came to an end with smiles stretched on all our faces on the next day we were supposed to return. During the time of return, all of us were exhausted. I saw that the seat next to Sargam was still unoccupied and as soon as he saw me he gladly offered it to me. I happily took it as well and halfway through the journey I found Sargam's head lying on my shoulder. 

This camp was really for the better. That was the last thought I had before I found myself slipping into darkness as well.

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