A perfect way to spend a bithday

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      It's been a while since the talk with mom and Dad. I cant help but wonder what lance is up to.
      "It's dark outside" Carter says. I turn around to see stars and the moon Through a small barred area in the wall. It was to small for us to fit through. Pearl maybe, but not us.
      "Yeah," I sigh. It was almost my birthday. And Christmas. And we are stuck in this rotten cell. I place my head on my knees. Then a tear slipped from my eye.
       "I can't believe this is happening. Especially now." I say.
       "Moon, do you think mom and Dad
Will find us?" Pearl asks.
       "I'm sure they will. They always do." I say. We then spent about 10 long minutes in silence.
Play song that's up top. And listen to it while reading.
       Carter starts to sing. I look up at him but he didn't make eye contact. Then when he says 'reach out you hand' he looks up at me reaches out his for me to take. I smile and so does he. I stand up and while he sings we dance slowly around the cell. Eventually Alex picked up Pearl and they started to sway from side to side. Carter and I spin around the dusty cell. While dancing it was like the bars fell away then the walls disappeared and we seemed to be in a huge grassy field. Our stress and fear had vanished. It was just the 4 of us. He had an amazing voice, it was hypnotizing. My leather jacket and leggings transformed into a beautiful wight gown that flowed in the wind. His jeans and t-shirt faded away and showed a black suit and tie. My hair flowed in the wind and our eyes never broke apart. The sun was going down and the stars arose. They covered the sky. They stayed there by the moons side. Just like my friends stay by my side. Through thick and thing they didn't leave, they didn't move and they stood tall and proud for everyone to see.we spun and spun never getting dizzy until the song ended and it all faded back to normal. The bars arose, the walls stood tall and proud. My gown disappeared and my leather jacket and leggings reappeared and so did carters jeans a jacket. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. We sat back down. His smile then faded away.
"That was a song my mother used to sing to me before bed every night." He paused.
"I came to know it very well. And when she passed I promised that I would share that song with my family just as she did to me. And since I don't have a blood family I shared it with my guild family." He says. His smile forms again.
"I'm glad you did. It means a lot." I say to him.
"Yeah, we wove you Carter" Pearl says. And she gets up from Alex's lap and hugs him.
"I love you too Pearl." Carter says while hugging her back. I smile and blush.
"I'm sorry you have I spend your birthday like this." Carter says to me.
"Why. This is all I could have ever asked for. My friends and sister right by my side." I say. Then I hear foot steps.
"Pearl come over to me" I say and she walks over a few feet to stand behind my legs.
"I'm back kiddies." Lance says when he came into view. I clenched my fists and speed my feet.
"I've come to retrieve Moon." Lance says.
"No, you won't take her away from me" Pearl says while showing about half of her face, while the rest stayed hidden behind my leg.
"Oh, why not? Do you want to go first?" He asks.
"No. She's not going anywhere." I say with a stern voice.
"Neither is Moon." Carter says to lance. But lance reached through the bars and grabbed carters neck. He was starting to choke him.
"What did you say to me boy?" Lance asks.
"I said...you're not taking Moon. Or Pearl" Carter spits out. Lance drops him and he holds his neck.
"Well I said....I've come for Moon." I grit my teeth.
"Well, I'm saying. That we've come for you." I hear Dad say.
"Daddy!" Pearl yells.
"Stop right there. I can blast them all at any minute. They don't need to be alive for me to harness their magic." Lance says. I get ready to form a shield incase that happens.
"If that were true you would have killed them long ago." Gray says.
"No, it just better when their alive because they have more magic. But I can do it either way." Lance says.
"Touch my kids I dare you" mom says with anger in her voice.
"Oh, it's a dare?" Lance says.
"I can't pass up on a dare. I'll make it even better. Ill touch them with my magic." Lance says. He waved his hands and a puff of purple clouds come out way.
"Now!" I yell. Then a shield of stars, ice, and earth form around us. We have been practicing on this trick for a while and we have finally mastered it. A/n if you forgot Carter is an Elemental mage. That's why there earth.
"No! Moon! Pearl!" Mom yells.
"Carter! Alex!" Juvia yells.
"I just had a little fun." Lance says with a creepy voice.
"How could you. I'm going to kill you" Dad says with a stern voice. We couldn't see what was happening, and I guess they couldn't see the shield yet.
"Ha, you think that hurt us?" Alex asks with sass.
"Alex." Gray whispered.
"You need to step up your game if your going to beat us." Carter says.
"Yeah, cause we've never been stronger then we are right now." I say with a smirk.
"Kids." Mom whispers.
       "Yeah! My sissy, her boyfriend, and best friend are going to kick your butt!" Pearl yells.
        "Is that so?" Lance says before waving his hand and we were longer in the cell. I look around to see that the others had taken our spot. Pearl was still with them though.
        "Wrong move." I say.
        "Midnight dragon...galaxy horn!" I yell and hit him with my head. Which didn't hurt at all.
        "Ice make! Geiser!" Alex yells and ice shot from the floor.
        "Elemental secret art! Sky! Earth! Fire! Water!" Carter yells and a mix off the four elements shot lance.
         "What is this magic? This isn't how I remember it." Lance says.
         "Oh yeah? Maybe this will make you remember!" I yell. We then used the same attack except Alex used spiral and it hit lance and he fell to his knees.
         "Very good very good. My turn" lance says.
         I get ready to block. Lance lunged towards us and pushed his arms forward. A purple lightning bolt came towards us. I pivoted my feet and moved my arms which made a star barrier in front of us.
         "Ice make! Birds!" Alex yelled and a flock of ice birds flew though the air. 
Time skip
        The fight wasn't going anywhere. We were all beaten badly. Even lance.
        "We've beaten you before. We will do it again." I say before I get hit by a blast of lances magic.
        "Really?" Lance asks.
        "Yeah." I say while I clench my fists and my eyes start to glow and my hair lists off my neck.
Natsu POV
       Scales of blue and purple form on moons face and fists. How is this happening. She's in dragon force.
       "Dragon slayer secret art! Stars of love!" Moon yells. Then a blue dragon showed up behind her. Is was beautiful.  
Then a blast of stars and small hearts shoot through the hall way. It avoided Alex and Carter. But it hit lance. She did it.
       "Not..again." Lance says before the room falls silent.

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