Him again?

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        It's been about 2 weeks since Carter has entered the guild and he and I have been hanging out a lot. Well i guess that happens when you live in the same house. 
        "Hey Carter. Wanna head to the guild? Mom and dad already left!" I yell down the hall to him.
        "Ok yeah sure be out in a minute!" He yells back. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder when he walks in the room with his overalls and hat.
         "Ready?" I ask
         "Yeah." He says as he grabs his bag and we walk out. We lock the door behind us.
          "So, what should we do today?" He asks me.
           "Well, I'm pretty sure a new girl joined yesterday after we left." I say back.
           "Cool." He answers
           "Yeah I wanna meet her." I tell him. Then all of a sudden I feel this dark aura around us.
           "Do you feel that?" I ask and Carter nods. This wasn't good. It was just us. But we've trained together and we are strong.
          "Hello kitties." A creepy voice said and we both turn our heads to see who it was. It was a man with yellow hair and cat like ears.
          "Who are you?!" I yell.
          "Have your parents never told you stories of the war?" He said to us
          "War? What war?" I ask.
          "Aaahhh so they haven't. Well if I had succeeded in my mission and that blonde you call your guild mate hadn't stoped me you wouldn't be here right now." He says to me and my eyes widen. I know what he's talking about.
           "Moon what's he talking about?" Carter asked me.
           "I'll explain later. We can't do this on our own Carter. We're strong but not strong enough to take him down. We need help. You go get as many people as you can form the guild hall. I'll hold him off." I say to him.
          "I'm not leaving you!" He yells at me.
          "Awww how romantic!" Jackle says to us. I have heard stories of this war, and him. He's awful. I hate his guts.
           "Carter I said go!" I yell to him.
           "NO! I'm staying!" He yells. You know what fine. I have a better way of doing this. 
           "Carter what ever you do, don't touch him. I'm calling Wendy. Just give me some cover." I say and he nods.
Wendy! Wendy can you hear me? Moon? Is that you? What's wrong? I need dad! Well anybody you can get! Why?! What's happening?! It Jackle. What?! That little scum bag. He said he would never show his face again. I know, but right now is not the time to be thinking about the past. Right now Carter is trying to hold him off so I could get a hold of you. Please hurry. No! I have to go! Sorry! No! Moon! What's happening! Moon! MOON!

Wendy's POV
          "Natsu! Karma!" I yell and the jerk their heads around. Natsu shot right up.
         "What? Wendy what's wrong?" Karma asked.
         "It's moon and Carter." I start to say.
        "What? What's wrong? What happened to them?" Natsu was getting worried.
        "They're with Jackle " i say and that turned heads of many other guild mates.
        "Where?!" Natsu yelled.
        "I don't know. Moon screamed 'no' and then left. I have a feeling it had something to do with Carter." I say and all of team Natsu including me, Romeo, levy and Gejeel bolted for the doors.
Carters POV
         "Ugh." I groan as I get thrown to the ground.
         "No!" I could hear moon yell before every thing went black and I couldn't hear a thing.
Moons POV
        "No!" I yell as Carter gets thrown to the ground. I run over to him.
        "Carter! Get up!" I yell.
        "You monster! I hate you! First you destroy my guild, then you cause my guild to disband, then you try and convince Lucy that you killed every other member of fairy tail, you said you would never show your face again! And what did you do?! You showed your face! I absolutely hate your guts! And I'm not afraid to say that! I might seem alone right now, but just you wait. Your going down." I yell at him.
           "Are you afraid to fight me on your own all powerful salamander daughter?!" He yells at me.
          "I never said I was!" I yell with a growl in my voice and I get into position. I pull my feet in together and let my arms fall to my sides then bring them slowly up then I shot them out in front of me and step out at the same time. That move was supposed to cause a lot of damage but he barely had a scratch.
          "That all you got pip-squick?" He asks me and I just grit my teeth. I try the same move one more time. But still nothing. I was hoping two would cause a little more damage then just one, but no. I needed a minute. So I raise a shield around Carter and I. Then all of a sudden I hear someone outside. Maybe it was my family! I think to my self and move my arm in a way that allows me to see through the shield. But no, it was a girl in black pants, blue sleeveless shirt and blue sunglasses in her long blue hair. She was shooting ice out of her hands and on her left hand there was a blue fairy tail guild mark.
"W-who is that?" I turn around around to see Carter trying to sit up.
"Carter!" I yell and quickly get to the ground next to him.
"Are you ok?" I ask
"For now." He says to me.
"She must be the new girl because she's wearing the guild mark on her hand." I say to him
"Hey you two alright In there?!" She yells still fighting. Then all of a sudden Carter slowly closes his eyes again. I pull him into my arms then let down the shield.
"He's out cold." I say to her then we hear footsteps coming our way. I turn my head and see dad, mom, gray, Erza, Wendy, Lucy, levy, Gajeel, and Romeo.
"Moon!" Dad yelled.
"Dad! Carter has been knocked unconscious." I say to him.
"Wendy!" Dad yells
"On it!" She yells back
"Stay behind us kids!" Urza yells.
"No! I we wanna help!" The new girl yells.
"Alex! No!" Gray yells at her.
"Come on! You don't know my strengths!" She yells
"And you don't know him!" Gray yells back.
"Please!" She yells.
"No!" Dad yells this time. She crosses her arms then runs over to me.
"Are you ok?" She asked and I nod.
"So your new?" I asks and she nods too. Then all of a sudden dad comes sliding across the ground and land at my side.
"DAD!" I yell
"NATSU!" Mom and Wendy both yell. Then while mom had he back turned Jackle hits her and a huge explosion goes off.
"MOM!!" I yell again.
"Ugh, k-karma." Dad spit out. But she had gone unconscious.
"Nooo!" I yell and run up to her.
"Mom! Not you too!" I yell again.
"Is she ok?" Alex asks. I go to check her pulse....
"She's alive." I say in relief and Alex let out a sigh of relief.
"Here help me pull her over to Wendy." I say and she does. Then when I turn back I saw everyone els was on their knees. They weren't doing well. Jackle was barely scratched and the others were about to pass out.
"Alex I'll be back." I say and walk towards them.
"You....I hate you. You nearly killed my guild. Then Lucy and now my family." I say to him. I feel my eyes start to glow, and my fists clench.
"Just remember who's loosing right now. And they might not be dead, but you will be." He says but I ignore him.
"MOON!" I could hear Wendy yell. I ignore her. I slowly keep walking towards him.
"Your never going to hurt anyone ever again!" I yell and he just smirks.
"MIDNIGHT DRAGON ROAR!!!!" I yell and a blueish, purple light with stars here and there shoot out of my mouth. It heads strait for Jackle and then when it hits him he falls to the ground.
"Is he...?" Gray asks.
"He is..." Erza answers. My eyes stop glowing and I fall to my knees.
"She's a dragon slayer." Alex whispered. But I could hear it.
"Yeah I guess I am." I say.

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