The new team

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        Only a few minutes have gone by since I realized I was a dragon slayer.
        "Moon. You saved our lives" Urza says as she walks up me. She places one hand on my shoulder. I was still on my knees.
        "I did what had to be done. Like I said, he won't ever hurt anyone ever again. Especially not my family." I say and stand up. Then I walk over to mom and Dad. I reach down and hug them Both. As soon as I do mom wakes up. They both sit up and hug back.
        "I love you guys." I say to them.
        "We love you too Moon." They say back then everyone joins in. Except Alex. But Dad motions for her to join and she does. We all had a huge group hug.
Time skip
       "How's Carter doing?" I ask Wendy as I walk into the infirmary.
       "Alive." She says back and I look down at him. He was laying in one of the beds. I stood next to him thinking. If only he left, or if I hadn't told him to give me cover. I should have made him leave. I wouldn't care as much if I got hurt. But if he never wakes up, I don't know what I'm gunna do. I mean I'm pretty sure my parents think I like him like a brother but idk. It might be more. I know, I'm only ten. But ten year olds can have a crush. Now that this has happened I see it more. I didn't knew for sure before. But after what Jackle did it him I know. I like him more than just a brother. I snap out of my trance.
"Will he ever wake up?" I ask Wendy.
"Honestly? I'm not positive he will or not. He's in the edge. like a balance he falls one way he's won't wake up, but if he falls the other way he will. It just all depends. I'm so sorry moon." She says to me.
"No, I did this. I shouldn't have left him. We could have worked together. As a team." I say to her still not looking at her. Just staring at the eye lid  covering his beautiful brown eyes.
"It's not your fault. If he had left, this would be you. He chose to stay to help and protect you. If I'm correct he likes you." She says to me and my eyes shoot towards her.
"Really?" I ask and I could feel my cheeks turn a slight pink.
"Huh? And you like him too." Wendy got a little excited. I just blush even more but turn back to the cold, Pale, body lying in the bed covered in white sheets.
"I'm gunna go check on....uhh....your mom and dad. Byeeee" Wendy was obviously leaving so I could be alone with him. I pull up a chair and sit there next to the bed.
"Carter, why. Why didn't you listen to me. I told you to go. You could have left and you wouldn't be like this." I say and lay my head on the bed and start to cry.
"B-but...if I l-left you would be in this state. I stayed for a reason." I heard a fragile voice say.
"Carter!" I yell and reach over and hug him. He hugs back with one arm leaning on the other so he could sit up.
"I heard what you and Wendy said." He says and I blush again.
"She was right about me. Was she right about you?" He asks and I blush even more and nod slightly. Then he smiles and hugs me again.
"I'm glad I stayed." He says to me. I let go and stand up.
"Hold on. I'll be right back." I say then run out of the room. I immediately start to look for the new girl Alex. I when I find her I pull her aside so I can talk to her.
"Hey I have an idea." I say to her and she looks at me weird. I just smile then pull her by the arm in to the infirmary.
"He's awake?!" Alex was surprised.
"Yeah and I want to talk to both of you." I pause and they look at me. "What if we start our own team?" I say and they both look at each other than back at me.
"Soo? What do you think?" I ask and they both nod.
"I like it." Alex states
"Yeah I'm in." Carter says.
"Great we'll meet at my house later to talk more.
"Ok, wait...I don't m now where you live." Alex tells me.
"Well when you see us leave just catch up to us and we can all get there at the same time." I say and she nods.
Time skip to moons house
        "So what should our team name be?" Carter asks.
       "What about...." Alex starts.
       "Sapphire Phoenix!" I say loudly.
       "Ooooo I like that." Alex agrees.
       "Yeah, me too." Carter agrees also.
      "So that's the name. What els do we need to do or know?" Alex asks.
       "Ummm...I think that's all for now. Why don't we just hang out for now." I suggest and we do. We get to know Alex and she gets to know us.
       After Alex left, I think she's staying with gray cause they both have ice magic . And from what she said she has always wanted an older brother. I hope that will work. But anyway Carter and I told mom and Dad about our team over dinner. When every one headed to bed I stayed up in my room working on something. It was going to be a surprise for Carter and Alex tomorrow. I can't wait to show them what I made. After I finished I fell asleep reading my favorite book, the missing key. It's about a girl who lost her family when she was little. She, her brother and sister where the only survivors. They went on missions together. Then one day, she found this little box that had a note in it. It read,
Dear violet,
If you are reading this then, well. Your father and I are no longer with you. We want to tell you of a magical key that was lost many years ago when I was your age. I was only about 14, 15 when I had a vision, it was of a beautiful gold key. And the word courage was carved into it. I had always hoped to find this key. I spent many years researching, and looking for the lost key in my vision. But then that all came to a stop when your brother was born. I had always thought to continue my mission with you and your sister. But that never happened. I hope you can find the long lost key. And fulfill my quest.
Best of luck
Your Mother
I was about half way through the book when I started to fall asleep.
~yawn~ I slowly open my eyes to the morning sun and a book still on my stomach from the night before. I sit up and mark my page that I left off on. I left my room and walked to the kitchen to find my favorite meal. A friends egg sandwich with bacon and some chocolate milk.
"Yummy." I say and sling into my chair.
"Good morning." Mom says still with her back to us and dad wasn't in the room yet.
"Good morning ladies." Carter says and walks up behind me and gives me a small hug and my eyes widened a little. I was just glad mom wasn't watching. I look over at him and he just smiles.
"Smells good Mrs. Dragneel." Carter says.
"Oh Carter. I think sense your living in my house with my daughter you can call mar Karma. And you can call my husband Natsu." He says as she places our plates in front of us. And Carter just smiles.
"Hurry up and finish that quick Carter I have a surprise for you and Alex once we get to the guild" I say and he seemed confused but he did what he was told. He finished quickly and so did I. I ran to my room and put the surprises in my bad then me left.
When we got to Gn the guild hall we both ran around i till we found Alex. I take her my the wrist and pull her out side.
"I have something for both of you." I say as I pull out three leather jackets
from my backpack.

Moons ^

Alex's ^ ignore the girl in the photo


And this was printed onto the back of all of them.

"Wow! They even have a Phoenix on the back!" Alex got all excited. We all put ours on and we both just stare at Carter. He was in his overalls and the a brown leather jacket.
"You need a new outfit with that." Alex and I both say.
Time skip
We just got back home from shopping with Alex for the day. We found a good outfit for Carter that looks good with the jacket and he likes too.
"Hey thanks for taking me shopping today." Carters says to me as he passes my room while I was reading again.
"Any time" I say with a smile. The he leaves the door way and I return to the magical world of the missing key.

This is the out fit carter has on now

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