New member

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A few weeks have gone by and I've been training with Wendy every day. I'm so much stronger than I was when I first started. I've also been studying with levy who showed me some moves. Sting and rouge have come back a couple of times and once they even brought Frosch and lector.
"Hey moon." I Heard Wendy say as she walks up to me In the guild.
"Hey Wendy. What's up?" I ask looking up to her.
"I want you to meet someone. His name is Carter." She says that then a boy shows up from behind her legs.
"H-hi" he shyly says.
"Hi it's nice to meet you Carter, I'm Moon." I introduce my self. He shows a small smile and I slightly blush. I'm not gunna lie, we was kind of cute.
       "So, your a new fairy tail member?" I ask him.
       "Uh...y-yeah." He was still pretty shy. It's probably because he's new. He'll get used to it around here.
        "Well, welcome to the family." I say and he smiled again.
       "Well Im going on a job with Romeo, levy, and Gajeel. You two hang out, maybe moon can show you around." She smiled then walked off. I wave to Wendy then Turn to Carter.
      "Did you get your guild mark yet?" I ask and he shakes his head no.
      "Well lets go get that done." I say and show him over to Mira.
      "Hey Mira, this is Carter. He's new." I say and she New what to do from there. She turns around to get the stamp.
       "What color Carter?" Mira asks him.
      "Reddish-orange please" he said. And Mira had just the color.

Sorry it's so small idk what happened.

         "Thank you Mira" Carter says after she finishes.
Time skip
I just finished showing Carter around the guild hall and I found out that he is an elemental Mage, he can controls the 4 main elements but he's stronger in fire. Carter an I are also the same age. Except where my birthday is December 25 his is December 30. We were only 5 days apart.
"Thanks for showing me around the guid Moon." Carter thanks me.
"Any time Carter. Oh, do you have any where to stay?" I ask him. He stops and thinks then turns back to me.
"No, I don't" he answers.
"Well we have an empty room in my house, if you want you can stay there. I'd have to ask my parents first though." I say to him.
"Really? Thanks." He thanks me again.
"Like I said earlier, anytime." I say to him then we walk off again. We were headed over to the table that mom, dad Erza and gray were sitting at.
"Hey guys." I say as I walk up.
"Hey moon. What's up?" Uncle gray asks.
"Well I don't know if you've meet him yet but we have a new member, his name is Carter." I introduce him to my family. Carter just waves.
"Carter this is Erza, Gray, karma, and Natsu. Natsu and Karma are my parents." I say pointing to them as I go and they all wave.
          "Hey mom, dad I was wondering since Carter doesn't have any where to stay could he stay in our extra room?" I ask them with my puppy dog face because I wasn't sure what he would say.
           "I don-" dad started.
           "Sure." Mom cut him off with a smile. Dad gave mom an unsettling look at mom look back at him. It's like they where communicating with their eyes.
           "You can stay with us Carter, it will be nice to have that room be put into use." Mom says as the winner. Dad lost this one.
"Do you have anything other than what you are wearing?" I ask.
"Uh, yes. Not much, only one other outfit and some things from home." He answered.
"Well I can help with that, why don't you and I do some shopping." Dad says as he got up.
"Really?" Carter sounded surprised.
"Yeah, the rooms juts empty you and it need some things." Dad says and he walks over and then they walk out together. I think dad will change his mind about Carter if he hasn't already. I decide to take dads spot and just chat with mom and Uncle gray and auntie Erza.(a/n hey guys. So you might be wondering g who is paired with who because Moon calls a lot of people auntie and Uncle. I want to fill you in real quick. Auntie Lucy I'd just a close friend of Natsu and karma she is not dating anyone. Gary and Juvia are dating, Erza and Jellal are dating and Wendy and Romeo are dating and then levy and Gajeel are dating. Sorry about that back to the story)

Time skip
           So it's been a little bit since dad and Carter got home, they got him some new cloths and they also got his room set up.
"Hey." I say and I walk to his door way that was open.
"Hey." He said and he put the picture frame he was holding down oh his night stand.
"Who are they?" I ask as I walk in and look at the picture.
"My parents." He said to me quietly.
"May I ask why they aren't here with you in fairy tail?" I ask and he look back at the photo.
"They-they died, we where in a car crash a few years ago and they didn't make it. I've been searching for a guild to join ever since. No one would let Me join at my age. Then I found fairy tail. And now here I am." He said to me.
"Oh, I'm sorry for asking. But I'm glad you made your way here." I say and lean in and give him a hug. I think we are gunna be good friends.

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