The test

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"Good job" Wendy looks down at me.
"What?" I look up and her. Then look over to Minerva and the two men. They were all smiling. But not in a creepy way.
"What's going on here?" I ask and take a step back from Wendy.
"You passed the first test." Wendy said.
"Test?" I ask confused.
"Yes. You successfully escaped when you couldn't use magic. Minerva wasn't going to hurt you. Neither was Sting or Rouge. There friends of fairy tail." She told me.
"Wait that was a test?" I ask again.
"Yes, it was part of Your training. Because we're not always going to be here. Your the next generation of fairy tail. And when something happens your gunna need to know how to deal with it. Magic or not." She explained to me. And I never really looked at it that way. I am the next generation of fairy tail.
        "But, wait. Oh my gosh. That was crazy. I actually thought I was being captured." I told them.
        "Well, that's good. Because it not always got going to be us. You never know who will want you. You've already experienced it for real." Wendy says to me.
         "She has?" The blonde haired man says. I think that one is sting.
         "She's only 10." The black haired man says. So this one must me Rouge.
         "Yes, it was my grandmother, long story." I say to them.
         "Ready to keep going?" Wendy asked and I shake my head. We were almost to the big tree in the middle of town so we headed there to keep going.
Time skip.
            It's been about two hours and I'm drenched in sweat. So Is Sting. He's been helping me. Wendy would tell us what to do then we would have to do it.  she wanted me to through a few punches and she wanted Sting to show me how to block them, with out magic. We started magic a little. I learned a few block moves and a few attacks.
          "I already feel stronger, and it's only day one of training." I said while throwing another attack at Sting.
          "Good, that's your magic energy building in your veins."  Minerva says. And I look over to her. Then all of a sudden I see a huge blast of light flying towards me. I trying to dodge it but I wasn't fast enough. I get thrown to the ground. It didn't hurt that much though.
       "Don't ever let your guard down during a fight." Sting said as he reached his hand out to help me up. I reached up to take his hand. Then instead of getting up, I flipped him over and he landed on his back. I quickly get up and get back into the fighting stance.
         "Nice one kid." Sting said slowing sitting up.
         "I think we are done for today. You did good Moon. Thank you for helping us out today guys." Wendy thanks Sting, Rouge and Minerva.
        "Yes, thank you for helping me train Sting." I thank him too.
        "No problem ladies. Good luck Moon. I hope that the next time I see you your even stronger." Sting said to me then he and the others walked off. It was just me and Wendy. Wendy gave me a water then we headed back to the guild to get a snack.
          When we entered the guild I walk strait to the bath room to change our of my sweaty cloths. I had a cute blue shirt and some jean shorts in my back pack that I put on. Then I walk out and find mom and dad at the bar.
         "Hey mom, hey dad." I say as I walk up to them.
         "Hey kiddo. How was your first day?" Dad asks me.
          "It was awesome!" I practically yell.
          "I'm glad you had fun." Mom said to me.
"Oh, and guess what?!" I say to them. I was gunna tell them about Minerva and what happened.
"What sweetie?" Mom asked. Dad was took another drink of his water.
"This lady named Minerva tried to kidnap me." I say and dad spit out his drink all over mom.
"Natsu!" Mom yelled.
"Dad! It was just part of training.
It was to teach me how to escape with out use of magic." I explain to him. At this point some others were staring at me because mom yelled at dad.
"Did you just spit on your wife? Such a flame brain." Uncle gray just called dad a flame brain. Dad got up and now he looks angry.
"What did you call me ice princess?!" Dad yelled. Dad and Uncle Gary started fighting. I've seen it happen before it's not new.
"Boys!" Mom and aunt Lucy yelled at the same time.
"Aren't you a little old for this?" Lucy pulled gray off of dad and mom pulled dad back to the bar.
"Hun. We talked about this. Your an adult. You have a child. And a wife. Please don't do fight with gray." Mom says to dad.
"Karma, it just a thing we have. It our way of bonding." Dad says to her. But mom just glares.
"Fine. I'll try." He said to her.

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