Level 11

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" Yaazhini..." Someone called her.

Yaazhini froze in her place while Alan scowled standing behind her. 

" Yaazhi, yesterday..." 

" Oh, you are here to give my daily dose of insults? Where are your devotees, didn't they follow you?"  She asked smiling. 

Arjun was taken aback he never would have guessed Yaazhini would talk like this. The only person who was enjoying all this was Alan.

 He was about to say something but Yaazhini interrupted him, 

" Oh, yeah they must be..." This time Alan interrupted her speech. 

" As much as I am enjoying whatever is going on here but remember we were running late?" He asked with an extra smiley face. 

" Oh, shit!" Yaazhini exclaimed looking at her watch.

" Come on, let's leave..." Alan dragged her getting hold of her wrist. 

" Yaazhini..." Arjun yelled, Yaazhini turned and looked into his eyes still being dragged by Alan. 

Soon she disappeared from his sight. 

The day was hectic for them, they didn't speak a word about Arjun. 

" I have to visit my grandma before going to Germany, will you accompany me?" Alan asked as they walked towards their favourite burger spot. 

" When are you planning to visit her?"

"Maybe a week before the date?" He was unsure. 

" There's still a month to go. I want to go there but I really don't know If I will be able to come..." She said while understanding what she was talking about. Just some lab work. 

" Oh, poor guy! Why is he sitting like this?" Two passersby talked about some guy. 

Yaazhini and Alan wondered what they were talking about. 

Alan turned around and frowned seeing what they were speaking about. 

It was Arjun he was shivering there. 

" Hey, isn't that Arjun?" He asked her still in shock, Yaazhini turned only to get shocked. 

She rushed towards him. 

" Arjun? Arjun?" She tapped his cheeks but there was no response. He was shivering his lips were chapped and were quivering he stared at nowhere. 

Without hesitation, Alan knelt down beside Arjun, his instincts as a doctor kicking in, swiftly assessing his vital signs. Arjun remained unresponsive, staring blankly ahead, his body shivering involuntarily. His complexion was pale, and signs of fatigue were apparent with dark circles under his eyes.

"Arjun? Arjun?" Alan called out softly, trying to elicit a response. But there was no reaction. Arjun seemed lost in a distant world.

Turning to Yaazhini and the others, Alan spoke with a sense of urgency, "He's not responsive. We need to act quickly. I'll call for an ambulance."

Alan dialled the emergency services while checking Arjun's pulse and ensuring his airway was clear. His professional demeanour remained composed despite the concern etched on his face.

"Is he having seizures?" Yaazhini asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"It's hard to say for sure right now," Alan replied, trying to provide reassurance. "But we need to get him to the hospital immediately for a proper evaluation. It might not be a typical seizure."

As they waited for the ambulance, Alan continued to monitor Arjun's condition, keeping him in a safe position and trying to keep him calm. The minutes felt like an eternity as they anxiously awaited medical assistance.

Once the ambulance arrived, the paramedics quickly took over, transferring Arjun onto a stretcher and initiating further assessments. Alan briefed the paramedics about Arjun's symptoms and vital signs, ensuring a smooth transition of care. They reached the hospital soon as they were just near the university. 

At the hospital, Alan stayed close, providing medical context and details to the attending physician, allowing them to swiftly start evaluations and tests. 

Throughout the time, Yaazhini had tears flowing from her eyes. 

" Don't worry, he'll be alright!" Alan hugged and comforted her. 

" I am scared Alan! What happened to him?" 

" Let's wait for the doctor to finish his treatment, hmm?" He said, though he had guessed what it could but he was not sure. 

After a long wait which felt like an eternity, the doctor came out, 

" Doctor, what happened to him?" Yaazhini rushed towards the doctor. 

" You are?" 

" His girlfriend" Alan rushed before Yaazhini could speak. Because if it was what he guessed the doctor wouldn't report it considering privacy and would ask for his family members. 

"Seems like a seizure, but the EEG shows no abnormal brain activity. This might be psychogenic, related to stress or trauma. Did he encounter any stressful things recently? It seems like he had no sleep considering his eyebags and no food as his sugar levels have gone lower. " The doctor asked. 

" He faced some small issues " Yaazhini said not sure if he was stressed. 

" Had any PTSD or any past?" 

" Yeah... He faced some struggles.." She mumbled. 

" Something could have triggered him, is this the first time?" He asked. 

" I am not sure doctor, but the things did have an effect on him to date!" She said. 

" Nothing to worry, he is safe but I would suggest you talk about this and provide him with a good environment. I would suggest you take him to therapy." The doctor said as the nurse rushed to him with the case sheet. 

" Though nothing serious, we will keep him under observation for 24 hours. You can see him in a few minutes after shifting him to the normal ward." The doctor said left from there while Alan went to pay the bills. 

Yaazhini sat down on the nearest chair clutching her. Alan returned with a coffee. 

" Here, have this. I know you won't eat, have this at least!" He held the coffee in front of her. 

" Thank you!" She whispered and sipped the coffee. 

" Was it because of me?" Yaazhini was asked out of nowhere. 

" Before you start blaming yourself, it was not your fault. Your thing could have triggered him, but you didn't know this was going to end up like this and moreover, you were just defending yourself!" Alan said trying to convince her. 

" But I knew about his past, I know he was like this. Yet I tried to be..." She cried as she regretted maybe she shouldn't have tried to force him out of his comfort zone? Maybe she should have taken things slow? 

" See Yalini, stop worrying about what's been done. You are not wrong and even if you are, now you should focus on how to make things better for him rather than crying over the past!" He convinced her and at the same, the nurse informed them that Arjun was shifted to the room. 

Yaazhini rushed towards the room, as she looked at his face her hands trembled.

" I am sorry, Junnu!" She said as she combed his hair with her fingers and kissed his forehead. 

Alan knew things were out of his hands, though he never liked Arjun but now he had developed a soft corner after hearing his story and after seeing what happened today, now he knew it was irreversible Yaazhini had already fallen for him. Now as a friend, he knew he had to support her decisions and be with her when she needs him. 

Yaazhini sat beside Arjun not leaving his hand. 

" Alan, you should leave now. You look tired!" Yaazhini asked Alan to go and have some rest.

" I am not going anywhere if you are concerned about me being tired. Don't worry I will sleep there, if anything just wake me up." He said pointing to another bed which was there for the attenders. 

" But..." 

" No buts! That's final, I don't want to leave you alone today. And I know you are not going to move from that place until he wakes up. So, that's final!" He ended on a serious note not leaving any room for argument. 

Soon both of them slipped into slumber as they were tired. 

Yaazhini was the first to wake up in the morning around 7. She just sat there staring at the window, wondering what she should do next. 

She was clueless! 

" Yaazhi..." She heard Arjun's faint voice. 

She gasped and tears started flowing as he looked at her with pain. 

" Arjun!" She hugged him as he was still lying down. 

" You scared me..." She cried burying her face in his neck. 

" I am sorry!" He said as he tried to wake up without breaking the hug. Yaazhini helped him sit. 

" I don't remember anything, after meeting you I walked... And then... I don't remember..." He mumbled confused about what was happening. 

" Have you ever had seizures?" Yaazhini inquired wiping her tears. 

" Huh?" He was confused as well as taken aback. 

" Have you, Arjun?" She asked. 

He remained quiet as he once again hugged her waist, though it felt weird to Yaazhini, she didn't say anything. 

" Arjun, please. I wouldn't judge you, you know right?" He nodded still hugging. 

" The last time was when Dad decided to take me back to the hostel but I had seizures after that only I confessed everything to Dad. That was the only time!" He said.

" And now it is second!" She mumbled thinking did she have this much effect on him? 

There was a long silence, both of them in their own worlds. 

" What are we, Arjun?" Yaazhini broke the silence. 

Arjun stared at her.

" Friends?" She asked and waited for his answer. 


So what do you think? Did Yaazhini make any mistake?

Or was it totally Arjun's mistake? 

That's all for today. Hope you are surprised with this update. 

If you are happy then drop a comment or vote 

And please do share the story with ypur friends and fellow readers if you are liking the story

Thank you for reading untill this

Byeeee Until ( I don't know when) 

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