Level 12

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" What are we, Arjun?" Yaazhini broke the silence.

Arjun stared at her.

" Friends?" She asked and waited for his answer. 

He remained quiet for a long time, and then he spoke.

" I don't know Yaazhini! I know you are more than a friend, I've had friends but never been close to anybody like I was with you. I have never talked so much to a person, and I've never cried to a person after my dad but here you are, you've seen all my vulnerabilities.

 Even with Jeevan, I've been myself but I never spoke anything about my past. Why I don't know why but I love speaking with you, the first time I saw you I felt like you were my friend. But on the Diwali evening, I didn't feel the same, I just wanted to hug you and do nothing. 

I know you will not believe me, but I swear I never wanted to disrespect you or not recognize you as a friend. But at that time I didn't know what to do!" He said with an unrecognizable emotion.

" But you said you don't know me!" Yaazhini complained. 

" I know, I did! And I regret it! I was a fool to say that, it was the first that someone had come and said that they were my friend and I didn't know how to react, whatever it was I shouldn't have let her disrespect you. I am sorry! This will not repeat, I promise!"  He said very emotionally.

She hugged him once again. 

" Even I am sorry, Arjun. Even after knowing you, I shouldn't have pushed you too much that day..."  She too apologized. 

" No, you don't have to because it is a basic thing any friend would expect. Now, I regret treating Jeevan in such a way, he understood even when I didn't say anything. And I am very grateful for him if not for him a precious person like you wouldn't be in my life!"   He said lovingly looking at her. 

" That's too much, you don't even know me properly..." She rolled her eyes even though she felt warm with his words. 

" Nah! I am not exaggerating. I know this happened in a short period but, I have never felt like this with anyone. It's just you and I am ready to go anywhere wherever this takes me..." He said pointing between them. 

" Even I am! Let's give us a fair chance, we know less about each other only with this chatting but it takes too much to build anything so let it take us in a flow..." She said with a nod. 

" Oh, shit! In all this, I forgot to inform Jeevan. He will kill me..."  She mumbled and searched for her phone and realised Alan was also there.
Her phone was with him.

"Who is that?" Arjun frowned.

" That's my best friend!" She smiled and walked towards him.

She sat near the sleeping Alan, he looked so tired even though he was sleeping.

"Alan... Teddy..." She called softly as she combed his hair.

He hummed in his sleep snuggling into her hands.

"Wake up Alan, or you'll be late for your duty," She said trying to wake him up.

It took minutes for him to wake up.

" Good morning..." He said groggily.

"Good morning, it's 8 now, so get ready." She said.

" Aren't you coming?" He asked.

" I am! Go get ready and bring my clothes here. Jeevan's week off is today so bring him here. We'll leave for uni from here. Be quick okay? It's already late..." She said he was still sleepy so he hummed and left from there after washing his face.

She once again sat near Arjun who stared at her.

"What?!" She asked laughing at him.

" I am jealous of him! You were talking with him so softly, your eyes had warmth when you spoke with him" he complained.

" Why are you jealous? Do I act coldly with you or what?" she narrowed her eyes.

" Nope, but still..."

" He is the first person in life, we are like siblings. So don't worry, but you should understand he comes first and should never ask him or you! Because you both have your own places and it's irreplaceable.

He was so tired yesterday yet he stayed with us or me you can say..." she said in a definitive tone.

" Doesn't he like me? Bec he didn't even turn his head towards me..." he said pouting after her words he understood how important Alan was to her and wanted to be in his good books.

" You could say that! Which best friend will smile at you if you hurt his friend and with your reputation he warned me to stay away even before we met!" She laughed at him.

" Do I have a bad reputation?" He asked still with a point.

" To be honest, I don't know. But he says you have so yeah..." She shrugged.

" I don't know..." He said sadly.

" That's fine Arjun. Every human cannot be a saint, but when you know you are hurting others you should be accountable for whatever you have done and try to be better..." She said with a smile patting his hand.

" Thank you... I don't know Yaazhi, I am stuck up somewhere. Sometimes I feel I am wrong but it scares me to speak it out. I am afraid I will lose everything if I don't... I... I..." he stammered vulnerably.

" That's fine Arjun! You are doing good, okay? We will face your fears bravely, okay?" She said as she hugged him.

" Thank you!" He said with a small smile.

" You should rest now..." She said making him lie down.

" But you'll go when I wake up..." He complained.

" We'll see in the evening..."

" I will be awake until you go..." He said not leaving her hand.

Just then somebody knocked on there, it was their breakfast.

" Good morning mam. Dr Davies asked me to buy you breakfast." She said with a smile.

" Good morning, Mary. I am so sorry for troubling you in the morning." Yaazhini apologized, as it was not her work to do.

" That's fine mam. Just cook me your famous biryani..." Mary winked at her.

" How did it become popular?" Yaazhini laughed.

" Well, sometimes we steal Sir's lunch!" She laughed.

" Sure, I will ask Alan to invite you guys next week. I will cook more than briyani" Yaazhini said while Mary bid her bye.

"You cook?" Arjun asked with a twinkle.

" I do!" She smiled.

" Who is Dr Davies?" He asked.

" Oh, the one who was here. My best friend Dr Alan Davies, he is an oncologist!" She said as she unwrapped the foil.
Soon, after breakfast, Alan and Yaazhini left for their work.


Boring chap I know but much needed.
I will try to update another chap today.



Thank you if you have selected. 

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