chapter 41

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"Baba was attacked. He is in the hospital."

Noor stood aghast. As Haya placed a hand on her face.

Ammar was ready to strode out, but as if remembered something, halted in his steps.

"I can't leave you both here. Get in the car, I'm taking you both to Haveli."

They both knew, not to defy him, so silently nodded and picked their phones, and strode out after him.

The whole ride, was filled with silence, as all three of them prayed for his wellbeing.

As soon as they reached Haveli, they both ran inside as Ammar rushed back to the hospital where his father was taken.


Noor, entered inside, where it was all eerie quite. She made her way to the main, and saw every lady sitting either reciting or praying.

Bari ammi was sitting on one of the sofa, silently weeping. Noor rushed to her, embracing her.

She was strong, she knew, it was as if, they had to be prepared for it. She consoled her, as she wept on Noor's shoulder.

She glanced around the room, dadi was sitting on her takht, praying. Armeen and Hira were sitting and reciting, as tayi ammi and Haya talked.

I came out of Bari ammi's room, after giving her medicine, and sitting there till she fell asleep.

I quietly closed the door behind me, and made my way out when I saw Haya coming towards me.

"Noor? Have you seen Aamina?" She had a slight frown on her forehead.

"Nahi. I didn't see her till now, why?"


"Noor, Aamina's father, Akram chacha was shot, and he is also in hospital. He was the one with baray Abu."

My eyes widened, as I placed a hand on the wall for support.

"Noor tum theek ho?"

(Are you okay?)

I just nodded unable to say anything.

"Haya call khala ask her if she's fine, I'll go search for Aamina."

Haya nodded and went back, as I made my way to the quarters at the back.

I knew, she must be there, she had to be there, I didn't see her in the kitchen earlier, so it was clear, she was in her room, at the back.

I reached her room, and saw the door, slightly open. I peeked inside, and saw her on her bed on her stomach, she was crying!

I immediately strode inside, as I called out her name.

"Aamina?" She stiffened, and straightened up.

"Aamina, why are you crying? Everything will be fine, just pray Meri Jan."

I patted her back, and wrapped my arms around her, as she cried on my shoulder.

"Aamina, Dua Karo, yu rone se kuch nahi hoga."

(Pray, nothing will happen if you will cry)

She sniffled, and wiped her tears away. Her face was red, as her lower lips wobbled.

She had no one except for her father, I could feel her pain. I knew that feeling so well.

I placed a stray lock of her hair, behind her ear, as I gave her a small smile.

"Tumne khana khaya?" I asked her with narrow eyes.

She didn't meet my eyes, as she cleared her throat.

Before she could say anything, there was a knock on her door, we both looked up, to find Haris standing there with a poker face.

Aamina, settled her duppatta properly, while I nodded to let him enter.

"Kesi ho Noor?" He glanced around the room, as his eyes settled on a photo frame of Aamina with her parents.

(How are you?)

I just nodded, as I wiped a stray tear that leaked my eye.

"Theek. Kheriyat? How is baray abbu and chacha."

(Fine. All good?)

Aamina took in a shaky breath beside me as she looked up at Haris anticipating his reply.

"Aamina go change we are leaving for the hospital."

She was left immobile, as her gaze didn't waver from Haris who gazed right at her.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, as I patted her back, making her look at me, as she nodded.

I stood up, as we both made our way out, and closed the door behind.

Haris placed his hands in his  pant pockets, as we waited outside for her to change.

"How's he Haris Bhai?" I knew it was something serious, he looked a lot distant, and disturbed.

"He is not good Noor, he is in a critical condition. The doctors are still not telling us anything regarding his health, all we can do is pray right now"

I nodded as I looked down, I didn't feel right. It didn't feel right. Anything didn't feel right.

"How is baray abbu?"

"He is better, he was shot in his leg and arm, chacha was the one with more damage."

After a while, Aamina returned wrapped in a black chaddar, covering her head, as she made her way to us.

Haris nodded at me, as he gestured her to move ahead.

I gazed at their retreating backs, till they disappeared around the corner.

I trembled as the wind breezed past me, the winters were nearing.

I made my way inside the house, and into the kitchen. I had to prepare dinner as well.

With the help of Haya and Hira, I cooked the food, and made everyone eat it.

The men too returned before dinner,
Taya abbu was slightly shaken, Ammar had a neutral face, and Daniyal look a lot tense.

I didn't see Arman, nor Haris, they didn't return along with Aamina.


I was sitting in the lounge, along with Haya and Armeen.

"Haya? Khala se baat Hui?" I asked.

(Did you talk to khala?)

"Nahi. Though she left a message, they were boarding the plane, they'll be here tomorrow in the afternoon."


I nodded.

After a while, Haya slept, with her back to the sofa. She looked tired so I didn't wake her up.

I was sitting on her opposite sofa, thinking about Azan, and praying for their safety.

Armeen made her way to me, as she placed her head on my lap, and I unconsciously, started roaming my fingers in her soft Hair.

"I am scared Noor." She spoke silently.

"Don't be scared Armeen. Be strong. Wo theek hojayenge. If Allah wills, he will be home soon."

(He will be fine)

She slightly nodded.

I looked down, after a few minutes, to see her sleeping.

I moved away, and placed a cushion on my place under her head. She was fast asleep. I dimmed the lights, as I made my way to check up on Bari ammi and dadi.

They both were also sleeping. Bari ammi under the effect of sleeping pills.

I came back to the living room, and sat down on the lone couch. As I started reading the book, that was lying around.

I was indulged in the story that heavy footsteps of someone coming down had me shrieking.

I looked up to see Daniyal going out, but he halted in his steps, as his eyes fell on Haya, then on me who was gawking at him from the far corner.

He came inside, as he gave me a charming smile.

I didn't understand what he was doing until he stopped by Haya, and settled her duppatta which was half covering her legs and half lying on the carpeted floor on her body.

I narrowed my eyes at his action, as he hunched over her, and gave her slight peck on her forehead.

My eyes widened, but I had no idea what to say. I didn't want to wake any of them.

So I whisper yelled.

"Get away from her."

He gave me a shrug, and made his way out.

I couldn't help but turn red in anger, as I followed him out.

"Ap! Ap ki himmat kese Hui usko hath lagane ki!" I shouted loud enough for him to know that I was a lot serious.

(You! How dare you touch her)

He stopped by the foyer, and turned around, leisurely pinning me down with his sharp gaze.

"Noor. I won't mind doing it again. So why not keep quiet?"

I gave him an acidic look, as I clenched my fists.

"Are you out of your mind? You are no one to her. You got that! No one!"

Daniyal took a deep breath in. He had had enough. He didn't want to deal with Noor, given her possessive nature over Haya.

"Bhabhi it's late. You should go sleep."

He tossed the topic lazily, as he turned around to go sit in his car.

"Don't you dare call me bhabhi. And stay away from Haya. I am warning you!"

He stiffly turned around again, as his eyes blank, but his clenched jaw, said it all

"Bhabhi, ap mujhe apni bivi se kiu dur rehne ko keh rahi hai?"

(Why are you telling me to stay away from my own wife?)

"Mai- Kiya?" I looked up at him in dread as his words finally sank in.

(I- what?)

I shook my head vigorously. This just did not happen!

"Don't lie to me. She will never marry you."

Till now I had tears in my eyes,
Was this her suffering all along?

Daniyal sighed, as he folded his arms on his chest.

"Bhabhi, jab Haya uthe, ap usse pooch lijiye ga."

(When she wakes up, you ask her yourself.)

"You threatened her! Right? Haina? I knew it." I pointed an accusing finger up at him

He chuckled, shaking his head. He was finding it amusing. He was just the same as him. They found happiness in other's sufferings.

"Kab? Huh? When did you do that? I am fed up. How dare you to threaten her. Now I see why she is hesitant and dull all the time."


"Noor, this is not like what you think. You are tired right now, I suggest you go to sleep."

He politely pointed out.

I shook my head.

"Apne socha bhi kese? Ap ke dil mai zara si bhi insaniyat hai? Apko ehsas hai wo kis cheez se guzarti hai Roz?"

(How you even thought about it? Don't you have a little humanity left in your heart? Do you even know what she goes through every day?)

He, the whole time looked down.

"Noor, I promise, I won't hurt her. I like her, and I did what I thought was the best."

I scoffed.

"You are an inconsiderate prick, that just wants to destroy life's for your amusement."

"Hurt her, and trust me, you'll face my wrath." I couldn't do anything but to accept this, and here I was, doing what everyone does, threatening him.

He nodded, taking a deep sigh in relief.

"Go to sleep. It's very late now. Allah Hafiz"

With that said, he made his way into the car, and drove off.

I exhaled a deep breath, my mind was all blank. I still couldn't digest the fact that Haya was now married, and not just married to anyone, but to my tormenter's best friend.

I wrapped my hands around myself, as I gazed up on to the dark, silent sky of winter, sending a silent prayer all the way up before the sky.

I was about to go inside, but saw Haris's car coming inside.

I stood there, as I saw him, parking, then getting out, and opening the passenger seat.

After a minute, he turned around with a sleeping Aamina in his arms.

He halted seeing me, but then, nodded, and made his way inside.

"Noor, come with me."

I nodded and followed him inside.

"What happened Bhai?"

" I'll tell you. Just let me put her into bed."

He was about to go out to the quarters when I stopped him.

"Bhai, ap Aamina ko Azan ke kamre mai letade. She'll be alone in her room otherwise."

(Place her into Azaan's room.)

He nodded. And turned to the corner.

We entered inside, as he placed her on the bed, I removed her duppatta and covered her with the blanket.

She was burning in fever.

"What happened? Will you tell me now?" I turned to him.

"She couldn't take in the sight of chacha and fainted, doctors had to inject a drip. She hadn't eaten anything since morning, so she was weak, now burning in fever."

I nodded. As I glanced at her soft features. Haris had a look of tense all over his hard features.

"She will be fine in a couple of days, if she eats her medicines properly."

I nodded.

"How are they?"

He sighed, as he sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Chacha's health is not good. He was shot in his abdomen, he is having problem in breathing. He is in ICU right now, doctors aren't saying much about him"

"And baray Abu is recovering. He is shifted in to another private room now."

I couldn't help but nod.

"How's everyone here?"

"Theek Hain. Every one is sleeping right now."


He looked a lot tired.

"Want to me to make you coffee?"

He looked up at me thankful and nodded.

"Ha please. I'll be in my room."


I nodded and strode out of the room leaving them behind.

All the while making coffee, I recalled what Daniyal told me. It was a lot to digest. And I was somehow still not sure, if it was true or not.

I wondered, if Arman knew about this all.


I came in our room, all exhausted, the room was still the same. Nothing was out of place.

I had no option but to sleep over here.
I didn't want to disturb Aamina's sleep, as she still needed it.

I knew he won't be coming back, so it was all fine with me.

I took a quick shower, wore a robe and came out into the closet to find something comfortable to wear.

I found one of my pajamas, but no shirt, so I ended up wearing one of his.

He won't mind, oh well, he'll only mind when he will find out I was wearing it. So I'll of course change it first thing in the morning.

With that thought in mind, I made my way to bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.


It was before fajr, that I came home, to change, as I had blood all over my shirt.

Ammar after taking a nap, was now at the hospital. I felt exhausted.

I had had enough of the bullshit to cope up with today. Fuzail's brother was still on a run, he was the one who planned an attack, I was still not getting into the depths of it. 

I took out all my anger on his another brother, who we caught on the night of the function.

Now he was just a dead man breathing, with one eye to look from and no fingers to feel, I was a little satisfied with my craft work.

Daniyal was looking into that matter, he was doing his best to find that bastard, he knew if I would be the one finding him, I'll destroy each and everything, only because she was not here, and I was going crazy without her.

Akram chacha had left chances to survive, and I respected him very much, he was not scared of taking a bullet. The respect I had for him grew.
I saw Aamina with Haris, in the hospital, and did somewhat consoled that scared innocent soul. She was just like a little sister to me, and I knew she feared losing her father, her only family.

I could hear the faint call of Prayer, as I puffed out the last smoke of my cigarette, before throwing it down, and crushing it with my shoe.

I entered inside the dead Haveli, that missed it's charm, the air was stilled and the dim light from the living room lightened up the whole staircase.

I saw Armeen and Haya laid out on the couch, freezing in cold.

I shook my head, and turned on the heater, and turned off the lights, it was soon going to be Dawn.

I wondered where Noor was. I didn't dare to step in her room, I knew for sure I won't be able to control myself.

Passing her closed door, I opened the door to my room on the far corner of the hallway.

Entering inside, I found a body, laying down on the bed, and when my eyes landed on the face covered with loose strands, I couldn't help but adore that sight.

How much I yearned in this whole month to witness this, this sight.
This very sight was my undoing.

She was my undoing.

I strolled inside the room, closing the door softly behind me. I rounded around the bed to her side. And sat at the edge, beside her hand. Shower and clothes long forgotten.

I stared up at her face. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful sleeping, with out a care in the world.

It brought me peace, knowing she was fine and doing better without me.
I loved her. I loved this soul with all my might.

Love, love came to me like a ray of hope in my miserable dark world, but slowly, it took away all my happiness.

Oh how much I despise myself for what I did to her all these years.

Every day, every Fucking day, I missed her, I missed her to an extent that I couldn't explain in words.

In such world of negativity, in my world of negativity, I never thought I would be given her. And now when I realized how deeply in love I was, it was a little too late. I broke her. I fucking broke her.

I wish I could go back in time and fix everything I did wrong. But I can just wish, a bitter reality it was.

I placed my hand in her soft glorious hair, and caressed them slightly.

I noticed, she was wearing my shirt. Oh God! She was such a tease.

Oh how much I wished she willingly wore it in front of me. That would be a sight to behold.

Putting my wild thoughts aside, I looked down at her hand, resting on her side, the sight that amazed me was, she was still wearing her ring.
The ring I gifted her, or more like forced her to wear, it was still wrapped around her dainty ring finger.

A faint smile plastered on my face, as I held her hand softly, and kissed it's knuckles, right above the ring.

I didn't want to get away from here, I wanted to cherish this moment forever, but I knew it was not possible, so with a dejected sigh, I got up and made my way to the closet.

I took a warm relaxing shower, and then changed into something comfortable afterwards. I had to go back to the hospital, and then from there to my depository.

I came back inside the room, to find her still sleeping on her side.

I was about to go out, when on cue, my phone pinged, Indicating a message, as her phone too buzzed from the nightstand.

I deeply frowned, as I opened my phone as a text popped up on my bright screen.

"It's a shame you couldn't protect your only brother, soon to be Ms Noor Haider Malik."

My blood boiled in fury, as I read the text again and again. And scrutinized the picture attached to it.

It was not Photoshopped. I could easily detect the picture, if it was photoshopped or not.

Azan was tied down to one chair, there was nothing in the background, from which I could find anything.

I clenched my jaw hard. This was not supposed to happen.

Fucking hell.

I strode to her side of the bed, and switched on her phone, I saw the same message with the same picture, before deleting it for good.

I was already seeing red, and I didn't want to upset Noor much so I had to do what I did.

The thing is, I had a software installed in her phone, by which I could easily receive her texts and text back, along with calls.

It was for her own safety, and I would go to any lengths to protect her.

If I have to move hell to find that bastard, I'll happily do so.

Noor was the world to me, and Azan meant the world to her, he was her everything. So it meant I had to save him and bring him back to her safe and sound.

I will do everything in my power to bring him back, he was my cousin, a brother to me, he was just like my child to me, he held the same place as Haris, in my heart.

I can kill for them and I can give my life for them.

Now I understand, it was all a trap, a fucking scheme.

Those bastards will not live anymore, they fucking have a death wish, messing with me and my family.

I settled the duvet on her properly, leaned down and kissed her forehead slightly, before straightening up, and moving out, already planning my strike.



So were you guys expecting the news of Haya and Daniyal's nikah?

And what do you guys think about Aamina and Haris, I love that couple. *Cute*

Arman is in action guys.

*Poor Azan* i honestly feel bad for him!

We're you expecting this turn??

I'd love to read and reply to all your comments.


Allah Hafiz ♥️

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