chapter 42

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May Allah give sab'r to their families. Aameen.

A small eidi from me to you guys. ♥️💃

Do keep me in your prayers.

Stay safe.


It was already in the after when I woke up with a slight headache and fever.

I changed into a shalwar kameez, and offered Salah before dumping his shirt into the laundry basket into the far deep corner.

Making the bed, I left his room, and hopped downstairs in search of painkillers.

I entered the kitchen, to see no one, just Hira sitting on the dining table chopping vegetables.

I passed her a small smile, as I poured myself a glass of water, and gulping it down.

"You know where are painkillers kept?" I asked her searching the cupboards.

"Yeah on the top left corner, but why?"

I shook my head, as I found them.

"Just had a slight headache. Nothing much."

"Noor, you just woke up. Eat something before you take those."

Hira pointed at the pills in my hand.

I nodded. She was right, I can't take the pills empty stomach.

"I made some soup for Bari ammi, have that. It will help." She stood up, picking a bowl, and pouring the hot soup right from the pan on the stove, and placed it in front of me.

I sat at the opposite chair, as I held my head in my hands, the pain, the throbbing was increasing.

With a sigh, and lots of glares from Hira, who sat in front of me with a knife in her hands, daring me to deny eating her soup, I gulped the bitter liquid down my throat, along with the pills.

I glanced at the clock, and frowned.
I didn't see Azan till now.

"Hira? Azan kaha hai?"

(Where's Azan?)

"Huh? He was supposed to be here?"

I looked at her confused.

I nodded.

"Ha. Haya ne kaha tha they'll be here today. I thought they must have arrived."

(Yes. Haya told me.)

"I don't know, I just woke up an hour back."

"Where is everyone?"

"Haya is with Armeen in the garden. All the guys are in Arman bhai's study. And ammi and Bari ammi and dadi are taking a nap."

"Or Aamina kaha hai?"

(And Where is Aamina?)

"Namaz parh rahi hai."

(She's offering Salah)

I nodded, the pain subsiding a little, because of the pills.

I made my way to the garden, to see both Haya and Armeen sitting, smiling at something said by Haya.

I strode to where they were, and sat at the empty bench.

I still wanted to know if what Daniyal said was true or not last night. But I couldn't ask her in front of anyone.

I wonder if khala knows about it!?

"Noor. Tum kab uthi?" Haya asked softly.

(When did you wake up?)

"Thori der pehle." I shrugged.

(A while back)

"Haya when Azan and Khala will arrive? You said today in the afternoon." I asked confirming.

"Pata nahi yar. Ammi ka phone nahi lag raha. I'm worried now."

(I don't know. Shes not attending my calls)

I nodded blankly. Armeen gazing at me silently.

"I'll go see, agar wo Mera phone utha le."

(If she picks up my call)

"Noor? Tum theek ho?"

(Are you okay?)

Armeen asked, a frown etched on her forehead.

Haya then scrutinized me with her gaze.

"Huh. Ha I am okay. Just slight headache."

Haya stood up, coming over to me, she placed her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"Noor, you've fever. Ja ke rest Karo." She spoke sternly.

(Go have some rest)

I gave her a shut up look. For God's sake I just woke up.

I stood up, and made my way inside.

Reaching his room, I saw my phone, on my site table. I strolled over, and grabbed it.

I hurriedly called Khala, but found her phone switched off.

Now I was getting worried as hell.

I didn't know what to do. I roamed around the room, trying to call her again and again, but her phone was still not reachable.

I groaned and tossed the phone on the bed. I would have to ask someone from the boys. They probably will find out where he is.

I went downstairs, and was about to turn around into another hallway, when I saw the guard, holding a box entering into the Haveli.

I frowned, and made my way to him

"Noor bibi. Ye apke liye Aya hai." He passed me the box wrapped up into a blood red wrapping sheet.

(It came for you)

I frowningly took the box from him and nodded at him

"Kisne bheja?"

(Who sent it?)

"Don't know Noor Bibi, one man came, asking us to personally deliver it to you."

I again nodded, as I scrutinized the box in my hand, it was not heavy.

He turned around, and left.

I came to the console table near the stairs, and placed the box there.

There was no one insight, and my curiousness was at it's peek, who would send me a parcel? A big broad box in the middle of the day.

Putting my useless thoughts aside, I opened the box carefully.

Upon opening the box, and hunching over it, I unsealed the lid, only to come face to face with my worst nightmare.

I shrieked in panic, and fear, I threw the box aside, as I screamed hysterically.


I was burning in rage. That fucker thought he can outdo me.

Huh! His big fucking mistake

He thought he can threaten me. The nerve of him.

I had had enough of his and his brother's crap. I needed to finish them as soon as possible, they were getting unbearable to me.

First his brother had the audacity to show up at our functions, then ask my damn wife to marry him, call her whenever he wants. And the worst day of my life, when he showed up at her University, and I took all my anger and jealousy out on her, the day I forced myself upon her.
How can I forget that horrible night, that still gives me nightmares.

These fuckers needs to know who they are messing up with.

I called Daniyal, who was at the depositary.

"Daniyal, pack that fucker's eye and fingers and send it to his dear brother. Give him a final warning to back off and send Azan safe and sound home and they'll be done. And if they decide to still play with us, I'll personally hunt them down and kill them with my bare hands."

"Azan is with them?" Daniyal asked shocked.

"Yes, find out how. And see where is Haya's mother and sister."

"On it." The anger in his voice didn't get unnoticed by me

"Do it as soon as possible and reach Haveli. Ask everyone to get here in an hour.".

I slammed my phone on the wall with full force.

I was shaking, shaking in fury.

I gulped down the glass of water, and lightened up the cigarette, this was the only thing keeping me sane, or else I would've gone crazy by now.

I was tracking his phone, but guess what, that fucker was somewhat smart. Fucking hell.

It was already driving me crazy, and one more bullshit from them, I'll burn them alive.

An hour later, All of them were here, Daniyal was looking tensed and somewhat in full rage.

Khala and Fariya were already tracked down, and were found near a river on the outskirts of town.

They were both fine, but were drugged because of which they needed immediate aid.

Now they were in Daniyal's house, under effects of medicine, which probably will take them a while to wake up.

Haris had a clenched jaw, and red eyes, guess I was not the only one sleep deprived.

Ammar was all red, with how much he was controlling himself to not to find that bastard and kill him

We were all planning to raid his places here in this town, he must be here, as I already checked the lists of people who travelled in these two months.

And they can't ship Azan or anyone, without me knowing, he was hiding right in my territory.

"He can't be in his own house or his property, and yet he is still here in our region." Ammar spoke with venom.

"I am already aware, where he is."
I gave them wicked smile

Ammar relaxed a bit, Haris sighed, as he also sat back in his seat.
Daniyal grinned evilly, already planning their torture.

"Fuzail's secretary, who took care of his all shady business, was killed by me months back with Fuzail himself."

I stood up from my chair, and stood in front of the wall glass, overlooking my vast land. The sun was all up in the sky, and I even saw Haya and Armeen sitting on the benches in the garden.

"If he's dead, so what's in your mind?"
Haris asked confused.

I snapped out of my reverie, as I faced them all again.

"Last month there was property bought under his name, even though he was dead. I didn't understand, and now when I see it, it was that bastard who bought it."

"It's near to the boundaries, old warehouse, was used to stock exports, on the highway."

"How do you know?"

I smirked.

"I traced his phone, from which he texted Noor. I didn't find anything, but then I remembered I had placed a tracker in Azan's watch which he is always wearing, and I found him."

I shrugged, as I grinned devilishly, swirling around in my chair.

"What are we waiting for then?"

I smiled at Ammar who asked.

"Giving him time to choose over my warning. Either he will do something brutal or back off."

"Call all our men, get them ready, we've just an hour left, before I have him under me." I smirked.

Daniyal and Ammar were on the call, while Haris piled up all the weapons he brought with him in study.

We heard a loud shriek, coming from downstairs, which made me to stand up as I fished out my revolver from my drawer, and hurried downstairs.

I ran down, only to have my stomach churn in shock and disbelief.

There stood Noor, screaming hysterically, clutching over something.

I grabbed her by her arms, as I made her face me, she was crying, crying like a baby.

I took a hold of her face, and made her look me in the eyes.

"What Happened Noor?"

She just hiccupped. She couldn't even form a word, as she clutched the cloth in her one hand, and leaned in on me fisting my shirt with her other hand.

I took the cloth from her, and steadied her with my hand on her waist.

I inspected the cloth, and realization dawned upon me, making me clenched my jaw, it was a shirt covered in blood, it was Azaan's shirt, it was his blood.

I tossed the shirt to Daniyal, and gestured him to take it for inspection. While, I tucked my gun away and scooped up Noor in my arms.

Haya, Armeen Hira and Aamina were all crying, while Haris with rage in his eyes got back to work.

Ammar took the girls to the living room.

Ammi and dadi were still standing there, helplessness clear on their faces. Panic rose through them as they realized the fragility of the situation

I took her to our room, and placed her on the bed, she was still hiccupping, her hold on my shirt still strong.

I made her drink the water, as I wiped the tears away.

Fuck she was burning in high fever.

"Please, Arman please, bring him back."

She choked out, still leaning on me, her head on my shoulder.

I stroked her hair, as she cried in my arms.

I was still in shock.

I swear if they even touch a hair on his head, I'll fucking rip them apart.

"Please Arman I beg you." She was not in her senses, I could see that.

"Please save him. I will die without him."

She hugged me tightly, as she wept on my shoulder.

I consoled her, as I patted her back.

She just hiccupped, as her breathing became shallow.

Daniyal with panic all over his face, barged inside, and nodded anxiously.

That fucker will wish he was never born, I'll make sure of it.

He will fucking curse the day he was born.

I looked down at Noor to see her all fainted on me.

I placed her back carefully on the bed, and covered her with the duvet.

She still had tears in her eyes, and the pained look on her face was making my heart to bleed.

She was still mumbling the same thing. It truly broke my heart, to see her like this.

I strode downstairs and into the living room where everyone was sitting anxiously.

"She is not stable right now. Hira call the doctor. Pray nothing happened with Azan."

With that said, I left and strode over to my study room.

I sat on my chair behind the desk, as I looked over at all three of them.

"Is everything ready?"

Daniyal nodded.

"Just wait for a couple of hours, we will strike in the night, this way, there will be less chances of anyone from the town going down on the highway.
I don't want any innocent person to get killed."

They all nodded.

I told them my plan, and mapped out all the places from where we will take them down.


I was at the backyard, with all the men scattered around. Preparing for the fight.

The jeeps were all here and getting loaded, the weapons were all handed over, Ammar was at the back, giving instructions, Daniyal and Haris were standing over with the heads of the groups assigned different tasks.

I was reloading my revolver, and when I looked up, I saw Noor standing right in front of me.

I straightened up, as I frowned.

What is she doing here?

I scrutinized her small self, cladded in only a shalwar kameez and matching dupatta.

The cold ruthless weather, was not affecting her one bit.

Was she out of her dang mind?!

Who comes out in this chilly weather only in thin clothes, far for keeping oneself warm.

I clenched my teeth, as I took off my leather jacket, and placed it on her shoulders. The jacket completely engulfing her small form into it.

I pulled her to me, as I looked her in the eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot red, as if she cried for hours straight.

I didn't let the pain show on my face, as I looked at her with worry.

"You shouldn't be-."

"Mai ap ke sath jaungi."

(I will go with you)

I looked at her slightly astonished, as I raised my eyebrows in shock.

I shook my head, but guess she was not having it.

"I will come with you. And that's final." She yelled, making all my men around to look at her.

I glared at them, as I took a hold of her arm and started to drag her inside.

"Leave me. I will go with you to bring Azan back." She screamed and scratched my hand which was holding her and tried to stop me, as she dug her feet in the ground.

"Leave me! I will go with you."
I looked back at her with rage, she was making it difficult for me.

"Noor. You are weak, you need rest!"

I turned around to drag her back to Haveli and into our room, to make her sleep, but I guess she had other plans.

She placed her soft hand on my arm, as she looked me in the eyes. Her nose all red, as tears fell down like waterfall.

"Arman please. I-I will not ask you anything, but please, Ta-take me with you."

I tried to protest, but she immediately bent down on her knees in front of me, as she joint her hands in pleading.

I stood paralyzed, as I gaped down at her.

"Noor kiya kerrahi ho ye." I bent down, and tried to make her stand back, but she quickly, started shaking her head.

(What are you doing?)

"Arman. Khuda ka wasta. Please take me with you. Please."

(For God's sake)

I knew she was not in her senses, she looked as if in some kind of reverie.

She will probably forget what she is doing right now till the next time she is completely awake.

She wouldn't even touch me, as if my mere touch burnt her.

She kept wailing, as she placed her hand on my face, making me face her directly.

"Arman I will d-die."

This made me so mad! Hell I will do anything, but I just don't want to hear her say this again one more time.

I, without thinking, placed my lips on her trembling ones, harshly. Holy fuck! It looked as if I itself tasted heaven, as if I was a man, a thirsty man, that just found a slight drop of water, and just wanted to held onto it, until it can burn down the fire inside of me.

She didn't pull back, nor she went along, she just stood still, while I savored up her lips, and bit down on her lower lip to get entrance.

I shoved my tongue down her throat, as she placed her hand on my chest, while I steadied her in my arms.

She pulled off breathless, while I stood there kissing down her jaw and neck without a care in the world.

This was my fucking home, in her arms.

A cold shiver ran down her spine, as she visibly shivered in my arms. The cold breeze, clashing across her soft skin, making her pale skin to glow a little more.

I was deeply looking in her eyes, roaming my eyes around her face, locating for any discomfort, but none.

Just pain all across her face, as she held on to me for her dear life, if I let go, she'll surely collapse. She had pain, pain of the thought of her only brother dying.

Someone's clearing of throat made me to look up to Daniyal's hardened features.

"Get going Arman. It's time."

With that said he, turned around and left, I glanced down at Noor, who looked up doubtly at me.

"I am coming with you and that is final." She said with finality, before turning around going on the way from where Daniyal left.

I followed her there, and saw her going towards my Jeep.

All the men stopped doing what they were doing, and looked at her in disbelief.

Well, no one before went on a fight with their wife after all.

They looked away as soon as I pinned them down with my hard glare.

Daniyal looked a lot taken aback, and tried to say something, but I nodded at him, gesturing him to stop, and that I will explain him later.

Noor quietly sat down on the passenger seat as I took the wheel.

I looked beside me at her, to see her all trembling, and wriggling with her fingers.

I placed my hand on her shivering ones, as I looked at her right in the eyes.

"I will protect you with my life, Noor. We will bring Azan back all safe. Trust me Jaan."

That was the only assurance she needed before she sat back in her seat and looked out the window.

It was going to be a long night back home.




Hit the star button, and bring me joy today ✨
My eidi guys?! 😧😁😅

Allah Hafiz ♥️

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