chapter 2 : coral

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Adrien woke as usual for his school , plagg was beside him eating a slice of camembert , his favorite cheese. Adrien was extremely tired to go to school, because of all what happened yesterday , most of he didnt even wanted to see chloe's face , chloe was his childhood friend , but she became bratty , and yesterday she crossed the limits, she caused a lot of trouble for her miraculous , he wondered why didnt ladybug give chloe her miraculous though , extremely tired adrien took a quick shower and went downstairs for breakfast as nathalie instructed.

"Isn't father coming today , nathalie?" Adrien asked , his father promised to have breakfast with him today.

"He is certainly busy with something" nathalie replied.

"Why? Why cant he have a single breakfast with me for once ! Why doesnt he have time for me ".

"Well, i am afraid that he will not be coming back , and you have to eat alone ...."

"If he doesn't have time for a single breakfast , then i might as well not eat it myself....." , adrien angrily stood up from the table and started taking heavy steps to go upstairs to his room.

"WAIT ! adrien , please finish your breakfast , its necessary ".

"Whats the point of it , if the person i want to eat with is not there ".

Adrien quickly ran to room , and sat on his bed , he could cry , this happened everyday , its not new , he was used to it , all he had to do was accept it. Plagg felt bad , he immediately took a camembert piece from his precious camembert locker and gave to adrien ,
"Here kid , eat something , you might starve".
Adrien quickly smiled and took a piece of filthy camembert , " hey, its one of my prized possessions , i dont give to anyone ! , you are exception , because you are hungry and sad, understood ! , dont take it as granted", plagg continued
"HAA HAA , like i actually wanted this stinky cheese , but you are giving it ..."

"Anyways , you should have eaten the breakfast , why leave the poor food if your father is not coming !"

" you dont understand plagg, its not about food, he never comes to eat to with me , i understand he is busy whole day, but cant he have time for breakfast for his son".

"If only mom were there......" , he sighed with almost tears in his eyes, adrien had no love , his father was always busy, his only love ladybug rejected him, and the only people that were with him were his friends, he didnt want to lose them .

Adrien stood up, and started to pack his bag , then he was ready to go to his school , he came down the stairs , nathalie was waiting for him, adrien was not in a mood to talk with her right now , he simply ignored her , nathalie suddenly stood in front of him.

"Adrien , see your father is doing this for your own good ".
Adrien did not reply , he peeked in his fathers room where his father mostly used to be , and he saw he was talking to someone on his phone , he seemed to conversation with someone related; as he was smiling. Adrien then quickly sat in his car , gorilla,his bodyguard and driver took him to the school , while sitting in his car , adrien felt a growl in his stomach , he was hungry , he had skipped a important meal of a day, he stepped out of car, and entered the school , at least he would pay attention in class.

"Marinette wake up , its almost time for the school!!"tikki shouted.

Marinette opened her eyes, took a big yawn and saw the alarm clock - 8 :15
15 mins until school starts, "ahhhhhhhhhhhh...........tikki , i am late!, she quickly took her bag , changed her clothes , tied her hair , these activities took total five minutes , she had no time to waste , her mom downstairs was ready with her breakfast , fresh crossaints , macaroons and cookies . Her mouth watered at the sight of delicious food , but she was late ,
"Mom , i am extremely late , can you pack the breakfast , so i will eat it in school break"

"Marinette, you need to take care of your schedule , how long are you going to excuses, wake up early ", sabine replied to marinette , while packing her breakfast, marinette kissed her mom and dad goodbye and barged out of her house , and ran to the next street where her school was...she entered the school , opened her classroom door , she was exactly on time , miss .bustier knew marinette would come late , as usual, before marinette could make any lame excuse , miss. Bustier motioned her to enter , alya was not surprised seeing her best friend come late, she shifted her bag to make way for marinette , marinette's eyes were fixed on adrien , he was all sad , his mood was down , he looked like he had not eaten anything , she whispered to nino , "psst, nino , what happened to adrien ?", "dude is bumped up, his father was not with him, he didnt even eat today's breakfast", hearing this only made marinette sad , all she could do was sacrifice her breakfast for him, class was over, there was a mini break where students could go to bathroom , or library , there were 10 mins before a new period to start, marinette quickly pulled out her fresh breakfast and gestured adrien , adrien turned his head around to see , marinette gave a box to him saying , "my dad gave extra croissants and treats for the whole class , since i heard you have not eaten today's meal , can take mine , saying that she made a cute face , adrien smiled, all he could was accept that , anyways dupain cheng's croissants were his favorite , after a few minutes he finished the whole box , all marinette could do was see him eat , he felt a bit embarassed , but he was so hungry ,

"Thankyou , marinette! You always help me, i dont know how can i repay your kindness".

"No, its fotally tine-a i mean totally fine , after all we are best friends".

"Yes we are "
Adrien smiled , new lecture was going to start, he felt energized , but marinette on the other hand was hungry , but she beared the pain to see him happy , alya knew it all, all she could do was watch these dorks....

Yeah just best friends , that was all marinette could think.

When the school was over , adrien sat in his car without being late , he bid goodbye to his friends and reached his home , as he entered his father was standing at the doorway , waiting for adrien to come, when adrien came , his father grinned , adrien was shocked seeing his father welcoming him, it was not like it happened everyday , his father the spoke to him,

"Adrien you are always alone , because of my busy schedule , i am not able to give you time, i understand that you need a friend".

" what do you mean , father?"

"It means that , you will no longer be alone , your cousin will be here to stay with you, i have made all the arrangments , morning i was busy arranging that for you !" , "now you will have a company and friend with you".

Adrien faced immediate dropped, he thought felix was coming to stay with him, felix was already a big trouble , nothing more bad could happen , live with him? How can he be chat noir , what if felix catches him , what if his superhero identity is at crisis ? Anyways felix was a big troublemaker !

Adrien stuttered,"A c -cousin....?"

"Yes, coral is coming to stay with you , she will stay in the room beside you, i have made all the arrangements about her living here and i have talked to your principle, she will be transferred to your class".

Coral. His face lit when he heard it was coral, coral was adrien's cousin from his fathers side , she was the daughter of gabriel agreste's brother lucas agreste, she was adrien's best friend when they were younger, he often talked to coral on cell , but it was a long time since they met , they had last seen each other when they were kids , he wondered what she looked like now, though he had seen her in photos .....but still he was curious , she was one of the best person in adrien's life .

"Dont worry , adrien , coral will take care of you , she will be coming with you on your photoshoots and fencing classes as well ".

"When is she coming?"

"She must be coming at any minute now" , nathalie confirmed, she called and talked the person on the phone, stating she was on the way. Adrien could not wait to see coral , life would now be less boring , though only thing which was to worry about was being chat noir , coral lived in new york , it was definite she didnt knew any of this and he would not be able to tell her as well, anyways that was another story.....

After few minutes a black car stood in front of his mansion , adrien, nathalie and his father were waiting for her to arrive, a tall , lean , perfect model figure stepped out of the car, she had same green eyes as adrien's , her hair were dirty blonde with golden locks , just as same colours as Adrien's , the rear strands matched gabriel platinum grey blonde, her face matched adrien's they looked like they brother and sister, she had a light makeup with smokey eye, and a coral pink lipgloss, she wore coral stone earrings,and she wore a designer black full sleeved turtleneck , tucked in a a skirt which went to her knees, her skirt had white and black striped pattern and there was a sheer mesh cloth on top of that, her hairstyle was different only a front lock was braided other was left open , she wore a black see-through stockings and black glitter boots , she had a bracelet with attached ring on her hand ,and she carried a silver chain purse, her persona seemed to be witty and cheerful.....

As soon as she saw adrien she ran towards him and hugged him tight , adrien was so happy , he had finally seen her sister after a long time....
So how will her sister act towards him- nice or something else? Well did you like a small act of sacrifice marinette made, it was cute, also i will draw a picture of coral and post it in the next chapter....
Preview of the next chp: coral arrives to adriens school for the first time , will she fit with his friends or something else happens? Also what will be marinette's and chloe's reaction seeing coral ? Stay tuned to find out!

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