chapter 3 : elle est jalouse

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She hugged adrien tight, then loudly said "adrihoney, how are you, you have grown tall and handsome, i miss you, but now here i am , i will be living with you", she sounded like adrien's mother than his sister, coral quickly gave a welcome gabriel agreste , shook hands and moved with gabriel in a passage ,
"Really considerate of you, coral, to come and give company to adrien",

"Its my pleasure, uncle, anyways i do like adrien's company", she said with a smile, adrien tried to follow them , they all were assisted in corals room, which was just beside adrien's, they kept her luggage, then gabriel instructed coral,
"You have been admissioned in dupont high school, you will be going and coming with adrien from tomorrow, now make yourself at home and get fresh ".
"Sure, i will".

Coral then moved with adrien to their rooms, adrien couldn't hold the excitement, he quickly asked her, "hey , coral , whoa , its like so sudden , how did you leave your life from new york to come here live with me? And why did father ask you to- i mean its cool you are here, but so sudden!?"
"Hmmm....i understand , he told me two weeks before, he had been noticing that you were alone and sad for a while, so he asked me to come, anyways i was living the same sad life as you, now we both have company",she winked , adrien smiled ,
"Wow, i cant wait to show you my school and my friends, they will be so fascinated!"
"Yeah , i cant wait to make new friends!"
"Sure, my friends are really good!"
"We'll see, we'll see", coral replied, then she took a orangish -rose coloured gloss and applied on her lips, smacking them ,a model she was!
(Gabriel and nathalie)

"I am one day closer to my plan nathalie, now adrien is out of our trouble, so he wont be sneaking on us !" Gabriel said in a mysterious tone.

"You were right sir, inviting coral was a great idea, now you dont have to focus and waste time on adrien and work on our plan "

"Yes , everyday i am a day closer to getting ladybug and chat noirs miraculous , now that we have got the guardian's we can as well increase our power, and now that your miraculous is fixed, we can now work on our plan"

"But sir , what if she finds out about you?"

"She will never, she is too naive, just like adrien , now these kids we be out of my sight, no one can stop me from my plan", he said and gave a cunning smirk.
(Alya and marinette)
"So you are telling me you are going out with luka tomorrow?", alya blurted, she had come to marinette's house, because marinette was panicking about going out and she advice,
"No- i mean yes , a -uhm he called me, and asked me if i could go out with him",marinette replied.

"Whoa, girl is going on a date, come on we need to get you ready , now !" Alya become excited, an expression of confusion landed on marinette's face , she immediately corrected, "its not a date, he asked me to make designer jackets for his next concert, so i will be going out with him to pick the fabrics",
"Oh come on , you know he likes you, maybe thats just an excuse, and he really wants to know you, it can be a date", alya replied.

"Hmm....maybe , its not just picking clothes,i dont know, he is sweet , nice , pure, maybe he's just not--"

"Adrien, right?", "marinette, if you dont like luka then tell him, dont make him endure and wait, and just leave him in a cliffhanger, you know the pain of just waiting , get your facts straight, dont be confused, if you like adrien, then work hard and tell him, how long are you going to suffer , please dont leave the poor luka like that".

"You are right alya, maybe i will try to hang out with luka more, and try to know him, i want to fall for him , and i want to forget adrien, as if he really cares for me ".

"See gurl, i dont know buy get your facts straight, you still like him, dont you?"

"GAH,adrien is smart, sweet , cute , funny, nice, handsome, and a lot ", "and i am super clumsy , what if i just slip and fall on him and ruin his perfect model face and then his dad will sue me , and i wont be able to have a hamster with him", ahhaaahahaaaa alyaaaa!"

Alya laughed at marinette's silliness, sure girl , but did you answer luka? marinette had not answered him, alya quickly took marinette's phone and texted luka "yes , cant wait!"And gave an winking emoji, marinette died of shame .

(Next day)
"Hey, coral we are getting late!" Adrien reminded his sister, who was taking forever to get ready for the first day, she was excited to make her first impression, she checked everything was alright, then quickly ran down the stairs to meet adrien, who was standing for 15 mins,seeing her adrien's eyes widened, he cant believe this girl was wearing such fashionable clothes for school, "what are you going for a fashion show or something?!" , coral gave a wide smirk teasing his brother and sat in the car.
When they arrived at the school , he quickly got out first , and then went to coral's side to open the car door, such a gentleman he was !, coral stepped out of the car majestically, like a princess, everyone who saw her , knew her , she was the face of magazine of new york times, a famous model as well, all the students quickly ran towards her and adrien , she was shocked of that much attention , but she managed giving few autographs, quickly a lot amount of crowd gathered around them, marinette and alya , and all other classmates were chatting in the lobby, down there , their attention was quickly turned to a sharp shout,
"CORALKINSSS", it was chloe, she quickly ran and went to coral , and shooed the crowd, adrien was annoyed with her, he grabbed coral's hand tightly , but chloe snatched corals attention and quickly took her other hand ,
"Uhm, hii , chloe , how are you", coral knew chloe, as she was adrien's childhood friend, she was chloe's friend too.

"Oh coral, i am totally fine, just with a bunch of losers here, but dont worry , i am here now, we will rock together", coral gave a confusing smile.
Marinette still could see what happened, so marinette and alya both went downstairs where chloe was there, she was with a thin figure, who wore highly fashionable clothes, marinette was sure that she was one of chloe bratty friends, she saw adrien following them , alya quickly recognised the figure, "whoa, is that coral -the one and only ?!!!" , she quickly ran took her phone out and ran towards coral , marinette was rather angry for the fact that her friend ran away , she stood there observing all of them , and then went to the classroom , sitting on ber seat alone, "must be one of those attitude, rich and famous girls , like chloe , huh , anyways she is friends with chloe"saying that she slammed her bag on the table, and sat on her bench, no one was in her class, they were all outside, tikki quickly saw marinette's face and replied,

"Why so much hatred on someone, you dont even know?"

"Didnt you see tikki, alya went to her leaving me , she must be one of rich and lying people like lila, and not to mention tikki , she is one of chloe's friends!"

"Come on marinette, maybe she is not like chloe , even adrien was her friend , but he turned out really nice".

"Adrien is different , she looks bratty and he is simple".
Saying that the students started entering the class as the bell rang, tikki quickly hid in marinette's bag, then she saw adrien enter with that girl , he was holding hands with her, marinette's eyes burned with jealousy, she quickly thought that she must be one of those adrien model friends, but what was she doing with him, chloe quickly grabbed corals hand to tell her to quickly sit with her and sabrina to get an another place, but adrien grabbed her other hand to make her sit with him, coral was confused with their behaviour , she stood straight until the teacher arrived, the principal and miss.bustier came together, and introduced coral to the class, she was a exchange student coming in midterms, miss.bustier knew coral didnt have place, then nino quickly stood up and told miss that he will be sitting with alya and marinette, and coral can sit with adrien , since she is new and only knows adrien, the teacher smiled and motioned a yes, chloe quickly gave a sour look. Marinette on the other hand was filled with anger and jealousy, she had to be angry for what ? Anyways she was forgettng adrien and going out with luka today........
I dont know about this chapter now, will marinette and coral be friends , what happened to chloe and adrien ? What do you think must have happened, or according to gabriel and nathalie, coral was sent for a reason , hmm,....maybe she is working with gabriel or she is clueless....? What are your answers....
Preview of next chapter: marinette is extremely angry with coral for stealing her friends, but someone is burned with anger more than her? Also we will see coral and chloe's friendship , ladybug and chat noir with some action and most important- a lukanette date ? Stay tuned to find out .....because the soup is getting thick.....

Adiós and thankyou guys for reading this trashy fanfic 😘, i love you guys and see you later
And i will draw and post the picture of coral soon

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