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"Take rest,watch stuff and go around today Bella",Gram's was getting ready to leave for her college.

"Yeah,I will.But I want to come to college as soon as possible",I whined.

"Just another day,your schedule starts form tomorrow.You won't be getting any free time once your schedule starts.So enjoy today",she said kissing my cheek.

"Bye Gram's,take care",I said and she smiled.

"I promise,you won't be bored from tomorrow.Today...try to explore the place?"she asked and I nodded.

She smiled and got into her car,
"Bella",she called me and I looked at her.

"Not through the woods and..that lake.Deal?"she asked.

Damn me!

"Deal Gram's",I smiled.

She left our house and I was still sitting on the front porch,reading a book.All the time my eye's and concentration was going towards that woods behind our home.

I sighed and went to my room.I looked out through my window,it was already afternoon.There was a deadly silence all around.

I flinched suddenly when my phone pinged.


It was him,he messaged.

I immediately dialed him number,
"Hello...Liam...Liam you there?"I was excited as fuck.

"Bella..I'm so sorry baby",this was his first words.

"Liam..I'm..I'm sorry too,I..I'm missing you",I said.

"I'm..I'm in Lynwood",he said.

"You must be kidding me",I got onto my feet.

"I'm here Bella,waiting near a lake",he said.

"What?Lake?That lake?"I shouted.

"Yes baby,I don't know the exact location where you stay.And my car broke down",he said.

"Hold on..hold on...I'm coming",I said.

"Just give me..give me 10minutes,I'll be there",I said pacing around in happiness.

I don't even know how much time it'll take to reach that lake.

"I'll be waiting Bella",he said and hanged up.

I hurriedly discarded my boxers and dressed up in my denims and a sweatshirt.

I did my hair properly,leaving it in loose curls,making my bangs look more neat.I grabbed my small backpack and got down the stairs.

I locked my home and walked towards the back gate.I stopped in my tracks when I remembered what Gram's said.

I turned back and looked at our home.

It's OK,I'll be OK.Liam's gonna be there!

I gulped and walked into the dusky brown shaded woods.Nothing green,all the trees and leaves are shedded,looking absolutely dead.

I kept walking fastly and damn,these woods are so big.I'm tired.

Why can't I reach this lake so soon?

Nearly after thirty minutes I came to the end,my eye's going wide after looking at the beauty in front of me.

"Wow",I gasped looking at the lake.

The water glistening like a glass in this bright sunlight.

But,it is really looking dangerous.

Because the lake is beneath this woods,just like a cliff.

I looked around this lake in a 'awe'.This is such a beautiful place.

Pity on all those people who made this beautiful place a haunted horror story.

I heard a branch tweaking sound and turned back.

Maybe.....maybe those people are right?

But,it was him.Liam!

I smiled and left my bag on the ground and ran towards him.Taking him in a hug,
"I missed you Bella..I missed you",he said hugging me.

"You are such an idiot",I said and hugged him again.

He laughed and hugged me,
"I'm so sorry,I've realized what I missed",he said cupping my face.

I smiled and he pecked my lips,turning it into a kiss.

I kissed him,he made me stand against a tree and started kissing me more hungrily.

He started kissing my cheeks,moving towards my neck line.His hands moving inside my sweatshirt,
"Li..Liam..stop",I tried to stop him.

"It's OK baby..it's OK",he said and his hands were going further.

Damn,he is such a pervert!

"Liam..please..stop",I struggled coming out of his grip,when he tried to force me.

"Shut the fuck up Bella",he hissed and I was shocked.

"I've waited for this since so long,not anymore",he said and my eye's stinged.

"No..you pervert..get off me",I tried pushing him.

"Stay still...or else I'm gonna fuck the hell out of you",he said pushing me hard against the tree.

He pinned my hand's and started kissing my neck and I was helpless.He never loved me,he only loved my body.

"Liam..leave me..get off me",I shouted my guts out.

And there's no one in these woods to help me out.

"Liam..get off me",I shouted pushing him with full force.

He fell down and looked angry.I gulped and stepped back.

"You bitch..I'm gonna fuck the life out of you now",he said coming near me and I stepped back,tears rolling down my cheeks.

We both halted when we heard an unusual sound.I looked at my left and my face paled.

What is it?

Wolf?Fox...or a huge dog?

Words were stuck in my mouth after looking at it.All those animal attack stories were real.

And today I'm going to be one of them?

Liam's face was also paled after looking at it,
"Bella..Bella..come here,come this side",he said stepping back,looking at the huge wolf in front of us.

"Fuck you bastard",I hissed and stepped back.

It was ready for an attack!

We both stepped back and it growled looking at us.I took small steps and gulped looking at it's form.

It will shred me into pieces.

It howled and my insides churned with fear.It ran close to us and jumped suddenly,I closed my eye's and fell back on the ground.

I was waiting for the attack,but it was attacking Liam.Trying to shred him for real.

"No..no...Bella..help",he shouted.

I looked around for something,but there isn't anything to make it go away.It wasn't hurting me.

It was hurting the person who hurted me!

"Get off you...dog",Liam was scared to death,trying to get rid off it.

I picked up a stone and threw on the wolf.It stopped and looked at me,Liam got up and stepped back.

It's attention is on me now,it's going to kill me.

Now my back was facing the lake.Five more steps,and I'll fall off the cliff,into the lake.

I gulped and stepped back.It growled and howled at Liam.That looser ran away.

Sick bastard!

"Don't..don't come near me",I said taking another step backwards.

It gave a low growl and every second I was fearing of it.

"Stay back...stay back",I shouted stepping back.

It stepped forward with a low growl and that's it,I lost my step,
"Nooo....",I shouted.

I was in air,falling off the cliff into the lake.

I fell into the lake with full force and I was numb.I don't know what's happening inside.

I tried to hold my breath,I tried and tried.My eye's went wide and I lost my breath when I saw another man inside,along with me.

I could feel the water getting inside my system and I was loosing it,closing my eye's.The last thing I could remember was,that guy swimming towards me and helding my hand.

I felt a tap on my cheek and I opened my eye's.

I'm still alive?

"Huhh...",I gasped and sat up.

There he was,the guy who saved me.

He was staring at me,just as I'm staring at him.

This kept on going until three to four minute's,we both not blinking our eye's and constantly staring at each other.Like we finally found something.

But why am I feeling like this?

His eye's,they were beautiful.His features are a magnifico.

"Excuse me...you OK?"he asked and I blinked.

He was just in his shorts and his body.

Oh my God!

Those rippled muscles,his toned chest,those abs.

What is he?

I've never seen a guy like him.

"Can you breathe now?"he asked and I nodded.

"I...I..thanks...thanks",I said and got up.

"What are you doing here?"he asked.

His voice!

Ohmaa fuck..what's wrong with me?

Why am I feeling like this?

"I..I came to meet my boy...he is such a bastard",I said and he smirked.

Why am I getting so weak on my knees?

"This place is not safe as you saw,keep going",he smiled turning the other side.

He was breathing rapidly,trying to calm himself.

"Are you..are you OK?"I asked.

He turned towards me and I was again melting,
"I'm good",he said.

His voice was so raspy and masculine,making me go week in my knees.

"This way is not safe,take the road",he said and I blinked looking at him.

"Thanks...thank you for saving me.That was a close hit for me",I said and he smiled.

"It's OK,they are harmless",he said.

"What?"I said.

"I mean..it's not safe for you to be here,keep going",he said giving my bag to me.

He wore his tee and we both walked from behind the lake and got back to the road.We walked in silence,all the time he was trying to calm him breath's.

"Thank you once aga....",
"Go soon,go",he said and ran back to those woods immediately.

I felt something inside me,a feeling.

What it is?And who is he?


"It's like gravity,your whole center shifts.Suddenly it's not the earth holding you here.
You would do anything,be anything she needs.A friend,a protector,a mate,a partner.
And I finally felt that".

Her eye's were closed,moving her hands in the water and trying to hold her breath.

She straightly landed on my lap,and the wolfic sensation hit me hard.

I gave a low growl looking at her,I need to save her.I closed my eye's and transitioned back to my human form.

I rose up from the water with her in my arm's,she was unconscious.

That bastard Joe!

He scared her to this extent.

I wore my boxers and reached the shore,making her sleep on the ground.

She is the prettiest girl I've ever came across,my mate,my Luna!

Suddenly she started coughing and opened her eye's.She looked at me keenly.

I forgot the world around me,lost in those innocent eye's of her's.

She exists,for me!

My Luna!

And it happened,the connection has been sparked throughout my body after touching her.

It was just the two of us,staring right back into each other.

It's not safe for her over here,I made a small chat with her and gave a send off.

Not a proper send off,because I was not myself.Her scent was intoxicating to me.

Her scent was running through my veins,just like blood!

She left and I sat against a tree,panting,silently looking at the lake.

I finally found her today!

And I can't believe it,this mate connection,instant connection,a feeling...I felt it.

Joe and Ryan came back,sitting beside me,
"You felt anything?"Joe asked.

I gave him an angry look and landed a hard punch on his jaw,
"The fuck...Mahir",he groaned helding his jaw.

"You scared her today,she was about to die",I hissed pinning him to the ground,and Ryan started chuckling.

"Hey...Mahir,leave him.He is the one who helped you",Ryan said.

I closed my eye's and sighed,I left him and sat back,
"You bastard,I shouldn't have tell you about her.This is what you do to me?For helping you?"he shouted ticking his jaw.

I chuckled and looked at him,
"Sorry Joe..you know it was in the heat of the moment,it was just her for me in all directions",I said looking at the lake.

"We found her Mahir,we found our Luna today",Ryan said and I nodded.

"You felt it?"Joe asked.

"Yes,I did",I said and they both patted my shoulder's.

"Those eye's...her innocent eye's,I'm captured inside those brown orb's",I said.

"She is the one for you Mahir,she is the one",Ryan said.

"I can't believe it guy's",I said.

"But you have to,you did feel all the magic in your body right?"Joe smiled.

"Yes I did,not just because she is my mate...I felt something more for her.Her eye's,her voice,her scent.Her scent goddammit...it's intoxicating,I'm into her already.How is it even possible?"I chuckled.

"Have you ever heard of love at first sight?"Ryan asked and I looked at him.

"No,just in books,movies and shit",I said.

"Then congratulations,you are into that shit now",he said,both were laughing and I was still looking at that lake.


Love at first sight for me?

"Hey don't call it shit,it's love.Love at first sight",Joe said.

"Absolutely,love at first sight",Ryan laughed.

"I'm so excited to share this with Rose",Joe said and I looked at him.

"Joe...Ryan,can you sense another scent from me?"I asked.

"No..not at all",they both said.

"Wait",Joe said and I nodded.

"Exactly",I said.

"Her scent,she was in my arm's and she is a human.Human's scent would stick like a leech into our bodies.But no one is able to sense her scent from me,and this happened with Joe too",I said.

"Exactly,that's what I was trying to tell yesterday",Joe said.

"Rose said,something was shielding her Mahir",Ryan said.

I nodded,yes.It's true,her scent was within me now,but others are not able to sense it.

"I think she is a supernatural person like us?"Joe asked.

"No,there's no chance",I said.

"Let it be like this for now,we can find about it later through Rose.And right now,this is very safe for her",Ryan said.

"Yes Mahir,someone is protecting her scent and made our work easy.She won't be in a risk",Joe said.

"But however,the risk follows...her being a human",I said and we three were speechless.

Because,it happens very rarely.

A human mate for a werewolf,there must be some strong reason.

"She is a human and my mate...its very risky for her",I said.

"We are always there to protect her Mahir.But first,we need to find out about her,befriend her",Ryan said.

"She is Rebecca Hamilton's grand daughter",Joe said.

"What?"we both asked in a shock.

"Yes guy's.The other day,I met her in her garden,Mrs Hamilton's garden",he said.

"Mrs Hamilton recently lost her son right?"Ryan asked and Joe nodded.

"That means....",
"Yes,she lost her parents",I completed the sentence.

"Bella",Joe smiled.

"Huh?"I looked at him.

"Her name,Bella.Bella Hamilton",Joe smiled.

Bella,beautiful name..just like her!

"And now,it's time you should talk to her Mahir.Tell her about you both",Ryan said.

"Are you crazy?"I was shocked.

"Didn't you just see how scared she was?She is a human,she was scared for her life looking at Joe.You think she will listen to us?She is a normal human without any supernatural powers Ryan,she will be in danger",I said.

"Mahir is right Ryan.That's not the way we approach her.It's just him,only he can approach her",Joe said looking at me.

"Mahir...you want to meet and talk to her?I mean..get to know her and all?"Joe asked me.

My insides warmed up just thinking about that situation.

Hell yes,I want to!

"Yes...I want to know her as a person",I said.

"Then you know how to do it right?"Ryan said and I nodded.

"Fuck off you douche",Joe pushed Ryan back.

"Mahir listen to me,she is not any random girl to talk.You know what she means to you and our pack.And only you know how to understand her.That heart to heart connection is felt only with you.She is your's",Joe said.

I so want to talk to her,get to know her.

Sparks.That's the only feeling I could describe when she was in my arm's.

I want to see her again,I need to see her.

"And don't worry,she'll be coming to our college from tomorrow",Joe said.

"Really?"Ryan asked.

"Yes,true.We could become her friends and Mahir....",Joe said and a small smile crept on my lips.

"Dude,don't say me that you are blushing",Ryan smiled.

"Am I?No...I'm not",I smiled.

"This is how it works,thank God a ton for this",both Ryan and Joe were looking happy for me.

"OK..I'll leave now.I need to get home,mom will be waiting for me today",I said.

"You will tell them?"Ryan asked.

"Not yet,nope",I said.

We three dispersed from there and I was on my way to my parent's home.

I reached their home and got in,
"Hey mom",I hugged her.

"Hello sweety,you finally remember us?"she asked and I chuckled.

"No mom,nothing like that.Come on",I kissed her forehead and we sat in lobby.

"Where's dad?"I asked her.

"Hey went for a shower,must be coming.You tell me,how's everything going?"she asked and I really tried hard to hide my blush.

Because,all I could see was her.Bella!

Her brown orbs,her beautiful face,her...

"Are you...are you blushing?"mom asked and I freaked out.

"What?No..crap no,mom....",I sighed.

"No..why will I blush?No..I'm not",I said and saw dad coming back.

"Hey dad",I hugged him.

"Hello son",dad hugged me back.

"So..how's everything going?"he asked and they both looked at me.

Indirectly asking me about my mate.Because my 25th birthday is coming.

"Dad..I..I don't know,maybe we should wait more",I lied.

"Why is it happening like this with Mahir?He is going to be the next Alpha for the pack..and how unfair is this?"mom sighed.

"Mom relax,everything will happen if it is meant to happen.Am I right Mr.Casper Davisson?"I smiled.

"You are so right junior Davisson",dad smiled,making mom smile.

He very well understands the position I am in,he and mom never pressurise me regarding pack matters.They know that I'll get through it.And I love them so much for this.

I want to see you Bella!

Hey guys!

I'm thankful to everyone who is reading HIS LUNA,but I am clearly disappointed with the response.I can't say anything more than that😶😶.I decided a schedule for updates,I will be updating it on every Wednesday and Saturday.But if the response goes on like this,I'll stop doing that.I will give update just once a week.

And please,don't be a silent reader🙂

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