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"Bella..you OK?"Gram's asked me when I sneezed again.

I can't tell her about that lake incident,never.

"Yeah..Gram's actually I'm not used to this cold weather..so..just...",I said sniffing.

"Put on some warm clothes Bella,the winter winds have started today.The weather's got chilly",Gram's said and I looked out of the window.

I could se wind whooshing all around,making the leafs fly in all directions.

"Yeah..it's so cold today,and it's my first day in college",I said rubbing my palms.

"Don't worry,you will do well.You will get used to it",she smiled pouring some caffeine for me.

I smiled and had my breakfast along with her.I was getting ready for college,as it was so chill outside,I decided to put up warm clothes as Gram's insisted.

I wore my high waist denims,and wore a wollen cardigan over my top.I halted when I saw a mark on my wrist.

My mind and heart went back to yesterday's incident.

That guy!

I slowly caressed that mark and covered it with my cardigan,smiling to myself.

I did pulled on a daring stunt yesterday,and met with a guy who is making me smile like this.

Who is he?

"Bella..you ready?"I heard Gram's.

"Yes Gram's,coming",I said and looked at myself in the mirror again.

Satisfied with my look,I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

"Let's go?"Gram's asked.

"Yes Gram's..let's get going",I said excitedly.

We were on the way to college,looking at the beautiful city all around.This city's beauty comes out in winter.

I'm just waiting for the snowfall to start!

"Bella,we reached",Gram's said and I looked outside.

I took a long breath and stepped out,
'Lynwood High College'.

I could see students chilling around with their friends,laughing together,some students kissing,making fun of others...it's a hell of a ride.

"Gram's..I..I'm..I don't want to...",I was hyperventilating.

"Bella,its OK..calm down.Everything will be fine.Come on,let's complete your casualties and get you to your class?"Gram's said and I nodded helding the straps of my backpack tightly.

Gram's locked her car and started walking towards the college,I was following her.Everyone were wishing her on the way and looked at me weirdly.

We entered the campus and now my heart beats were getting rapid.I stopped when someone hit me with a paper ball.

I looked behind me and saw people laughing.

Damn them!

I shrugged it off and followed Gram's.I completed the casualties and was ready for my first class.

"OK Bella,all the very best for your first day..and yes,make some friends",she smiled.

"Yeah thank you",I smiled and hugged her.

"I'll see you at evening,take care",she said and I nodded.

She handed me my schedule and left for her class.I was looking around,many new people wandering around the corridors,and laughing at me.

"Hey transfer",I heard a batch of boys.

"Wohhoo..looks like a nerd already",I heard another group of girls.

I shrugged them all and was searching for my class.I stopped again when I was hit with another paper ball.

I looked at that girl and she showed me her tallest finger.

Oh,barbie of the college!

I rolled my eye's and walked towards my class.I gulped and entered my class,and met with another bunch of people,who were looking at me like I'm an alien who invaded their habitat.

"Uh..um..hello",I said and they all were in their own works.

I sighed and took my seat,I flinched when a slam was thrown on my desk,
"Holy...what the...",I got up immediately.

The whole class was broke into a fit of laughter,I looked at them all.


"Welcome to Lynwood High transfer",a boy said and I almost muffled my cries.

"Are you..good class? What's going on?"Mr.Flex came in.

"Nothing Mr.Flex,we were just giving a warm welcome to our new friend",that same girl who showed me her finger spoke.

Such a bitch!

"Ahh..Bella,welcome to Lynwood High",Mr.Flex gave a warm smile.

"Thanks you Mr.Flex",I smiled back.

I kept a straight face and concentrated on class,not caring about how students were bullying me,pulling my hair from behind.

No...I didn't care!

It hurts me though..but..I don't care!

The class was completed and I need to heed to my next class,calculus.

I was on my way and I tripped,because someone just kept their leg on my way.

And thank God,I was just thrown against the locker's and not on the ground.

"Put your leg's to yourself",I spitted with anger and left from there,listening to their laughs.

Why can't they accept a transfer as a friend?

I reached my class and took my seat,still students talking about me weirdly,and making fun of me.

"You got a nice cardigan",a girl beside me said,eyeing my cardigan.

"Um..thanks",I smiled.

And she just did not...

"Oomphhh....",everyone were shocked when she spilled ink on my white cardigan.

"What the hell?"I stood up and everyone started laughing looking at me.

My white cardigan was now decorated with blue ink.Tears stung my eye's.

"How about some red ink on a swan white pullover",I heard another voice and turned back.

"Oohhh...wohooo",all students were shocked.

That girl's white pullover was now red blood in color,I looked at the girl who did that.

"Better?Or may I help more?"she asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You little bitch,how dare you?"that girl was seething with anger.

"Talk to my hand bitch",the girl who fought for me said it.

My bully left the class in anger and everyone were laughing at her.

"We will see you again you sneaky bitch",her friends spatted on her.

She just smiled and showed her middle finger to her,I muffled a laugh looking at them.

She turned to me and I went near her,
"Hey..thanks for just..standing out for me",I smiled.

"Never mind,that bitch deserves her actions back",she smirked.

"I..I'm..Bella..Bella Hamilton",I forwarded my hand.

"Jessica..Jessica Routes",she shaked her hand with mine and we both smiled.

"Good morning class",Mrs.Kedus wished us.

"Welcome to Lynwood High Bella,feel this as your home",she greeted me.

I smiled and nodded.My Gram's is a HOD for a department,so all the faculty are aware of me and welcomed me warmly,except the students.

"So where do you stay Bella?"Jessica asked me.

"I stay in the outskirts of Lynwood,with Gram's,near the city's woods",I said.

"Hmm..quite an interesting place",she said and I smiled.

"Yeah it's interesting,unless it's very far to the city",I said and we both chuckled.

"Since it's your first day,you won't be having much of college's work.Let's hangout after college?"she asked and I felt so happy.

"Yah..I..I would love that,thanks for asking me out actually",I said.

"Oh that's OK,so Beatle's cafe?"she asked.

"I'm fine with any place,I haven't explored all over the city yet...so anything is fine with me",I said.

"Yeah,and from now onwards you will be aware of everything",she winked and we both chuckled.

"That's a nice locket",Jessica said looking at my moon star locket.

"Thanks,it's a gift and a memory of my parent's",I said touching it.

"Concentrate on the class Ms.Hamilton and Ms.Routes",Mrs.Kedus said.

We were concentrating on the class and suddenly the door was opened,
"I'm sorry Mrs.Kedus..I won't repeat it again",a girl came panting.

"Ahha..ah..Rose..get back here",Mrs.Kedus stopped her.

"Mrs.Kedus,my apologies,my car broke down and I got late",she pleaded like a child,making us all laugh.

"You always use tricks on me Rose,it's impossible to be mad at you",Mrs.Kedus smiled and she beamed like a kid.

"OK..now go take your seat but...five page imposition",Mrs.Kedus said.

"Holy God..save me from Mrs.Kedus punishment",she said taking her seat beside me,making us all laugh.

Such a joyful person she is!

"Hello",she greeted me and I smiled.

"Hello",I greeted her back.

"Rose Vauge",she forwarded her hand towards me.

"Bella Hamilton",I shaked my hands with her.

"This is calculus class ladies,I want you to concentrate",Mrs.Kedus looked at us.

"Sorry Mrs.Kedus",I apologized.

We were listening to class and Rose started doing her rework,
"Mrs.Kedus asked you to do it after the class right?"I asked Rose.

"Doesn't matter,I can cope it up",she clicked her tongue and I chuckled.

"Shit..this pen..",her pen was giving her trouble.

"Here..take this",I handed her another pen.

"Thanks yeah",she smiled and did her work.

I looked at Jessica on my left,she was listening to the class silently,making notes.

The class was completed and we came out of the class,
"Jessica..I made another friend,Rose",I said looking at Rose.

"Well..that's that's good",Jessica smiled,like an un happy smile.

"Hey Rose..she is Jessica,my first friend over here..and Jessica,she is Rose",I introduced them to each other.

They both were looking at each other,actually staring at each other.


"Guy's..",I said and they blinked.

"Yeah..hello..nice to meet you",Jessica said.

"Me too",Rose said balantly.

"And yeah,Rose.Today me and Jessica are going out,would you like to join us?"I asked Rose.

"Actually um..Bella..I'm sorry,I can't.I have an emergency.I'll meet you tomorrow",Jessica said and ran away from there.

What's wrong?

"It's OK,let's go for lunch?"Rose asked and I nodded.

We both were heading to the cafeteria,still students making lame jokes on me which we ignored.

We were taking our lunch and I saw that girl,her white pullover now looking red,
"That..Jessica did that to her",I chuckled looking at her.

"Good job by her",Rose laughed.

"Watch out",I said when a girl was throwing her food in my direction.

"These brats you see...",Rose sighed.

"Oh no..
"What the shit?
"Gross....",we heard their gang shocked voices.

Their food was all over them,they were covered in all types of sauses.

"You see there? Them?"Rose laughed and I was shocked.

"But..how..what happened?"I was looking at them keenly,they were completely drenched in the sauses and drinks from their tray's.

"That's just an reaction for their actions from God.Chill",Rose laughed and I was still looking at them.

How did that happen?I just looked away from them for a second,and what happened in that one second?

I was walking towards the table and my badluck follows,I stepped on that juice and slipped.

"No..",I was prepared for hitting the ground.


I opened my eye's when I was hidden in a pair of strong arm's.


I slowly opened my eye's and...my eye's went wide.

It's him,the same guy!

I was tightly locked in his arm's,helding his biceps with my little palms.He was staring at me just like I'm staring at him.

His hand was around my waist and my breath hitched with his touch.The world stood still around me,when I'm safely secured in his arm's.

He slowly made me stand properly and I blinked looking at him,I was going to say something but stopped when his hand was coming near my neck.

He removed a small chunk of lettuce from my hair,
"A small chunk of lettuce",he said and I was all deaf ear's.

"Be careful",he said and walked away from there.

There was all hustle bustle around,but my eye's were focused on him,my ear's were focused on his voice.

Him again..messing up with my harmones!


"Be careful",I said and walked away from there.

This gravity,her gravity is what pulling me towards her!

She was looking like a cute little girl,staring at me in confusion.

I turned back and looked at her once again,her lips parted and she stepped back.Rose was helding her.

I smiled inwardly and walked away from cafeteria.She is such an innocent girl,and everyone are bullying her?

They gotta pay for this!

I was walking out of the campus in a fury and stumbled with a person,
"Watch your way Mr.Davisson",it was Mrs.Hamilton.

"I apologize Mrs.Hamilton,I'm sorry",I said helding her.

"Your grades are going good as usual.How do you manage so well?"she asked and I smiled.

"Yeah,that's just me,I do with my whole heart whatever I do",I smiled shoving my hands in my pocket.

"Well,that's good.Keep it up Mr.Davisson",she said and left.

Never knew Mrs.Hamilton had a beautiful grand daughter,who is supposed to be my Luna!

I've been in this college since two years,and never felt anything un natural or supernatural about Mrs.Hamilton.

And how did God bind a human to me?

Is their family related to us in any way?

The college was done and everyone were leaving the campus.I was waiting for Bella to come out along with Rose.

I don't know how to start a conversation with her,but I want to talk to her.

The winter is coming,it's getting cold.The whole city will be filled with snow in few days,making it look beautiful.

We need to change our destination for our transition,we can't go into that lake or woods during snowfall.

And now Bella discovered about the woods and lake,Mrs.Hamilton did not warn her about it?

"Mahir,did you meet her?"Ryan asked standing beside me.

"Yes,I did",I smiled.

"How is she?"Joe asked.

"Pretty",it slipped out of my mouth and I bit my tongue.


"Oh man..the big bad alpha",Joe and Ryan were laughing patting on my shoulder's.


"Guy's,lower your voice.Everyone's around",I said.

"Rose befriended Bella,they both were together when I went to cafeteria",I said.

"That's awesome..
"That's great..",both Ryan and Joe said.

"But,these school junkies bullied her,since she is a new transfer",I said looking at all those students who bullied her.

"They did not dare it dude..they just did not",Joe said and I smirked.

"They have messed up with a wrong person",Ryan said.

"Don't worry,they'll pay for it",I smirked.

"Mahir..look there",Joe said and I looked.

There she was,Bella.

Coming along with Rose.

They were coming in our direction and I sighed rubbing my hands inside my pockets.

"I'm very excited to meet her Mahir",Ryan said.

"Hey Guy's",Rose waved at us and I gave a smile.

She is coming!

"Hey baby",Joe said kissing Rose's cheek.

"Guy's,Mahir..meet her.She is Bella,my new friend",she said and I looked at her.

She gave a small smile and averted her gaze away from me.

"Hey Bella,remember me?"Joe asked.

"Of course,I do.How are you Joe?"she said shaking her hands with Joe.

"All good,and I'm sorry.I had an emergency that day",Joe said.

"That's fine",she smiled back.

"Hello Bella,I'm Ryan Austin",Ryan introduced himself to her.

"Hello,Bella Hamilton.Nice to meet you",she smiled.

"And Bella..he is..Mahir",Rose introduced.

She hesitantly forwarded her hand towards me,
"Hey..Bella..Bella Hamilton",she said.

I forwarded my hand and held her hand,I felt those again.

Sparks,all over my body!

"Hi,I'm Mahir Davisson",I said.

We were still staring at each other,our hands still intact.

"Ahem..ahem..",Rose cleared her throat and we both came back to the real world.

We both pulled back our hands and she kinda blushed,making me also go red.

"Actually Ryan and Mahir are our seniors.Joe is our batch",Rose said.

"Oh..cool",Bella smiled.

"Yeah,I missed the classes today due to a match.So I'll join you tomorrow in the class",Joe winked.

"Yeah,that's great",Bella said looking at me.

"And we heard that you shifted here recently,so did you like this city?"Ryan asked.

"Yes,I used to stay in south side.But I lost my parent's recently..so I moved in here with Gram's",she gave a sad smile clutching her straps of backpack tightly.

"We are sorry about that",Joe said.

"It's OK,it's alright",she smiled.

"And yes,this city is truly beautiful.Like the woods,lake,the weather..it's really pleasant,mind freshening",Bella said looking around.

"Don't mind about all those bully's today.They all are a shit",Ryan said.

"Yeah..it's OK..I don't mind them",she smiled.

"Assholes,they will pay for it",Rose huffed looking at a boy,who was showing his finger towards us.

Rose looked at him carefully and boom...

"Ahh..fuck..fuck...",that boy groaned in pain,looking at his twisted finger.


Bella looked at him and was confused,
"What happened to him?"she looked at him keenly.

"Nothing,he just injured his finger.Never mind",Rose shrugged it off smirking.

And we three smirked looking at our super witch!

We heard a car honking,it was Mrs.Hamilton,
"Agh..Gram's is waiting for me.I should go",Bella said.

"Yeah sure,we'll catch up later.Take care",Rose said taking her in a hug.

"Bye guy's,see you again",she smiled looking at us.

"Bye Bella,
Bye Bella..",both Ryan and Joe wished her.

"Bye Bella,take care",I said and she halted.

"B-Bye..bye Mahir,it was nice meeting you and..and thanks..for what happened today in cafeteria and that lake",she said.

"That's fine,you just be careful and be safe",I smiled and she smiled back.

And I felt that,my heart!

"Yeah..see you later",she said and walked away from us to her car.

I was checking her out from back,what a girl she is?

My pervert mind!

I smiled at myself.There's a long way to go with her.

"Bella is so cool,like the coolest girl.I spoke to her today,it was sad when she said about her parent's",Rose said.

My mind clicked,
"How did they die?"I asked.

"She said..it was a road accident and it happened recently,just before a month",Rose said.

We need to look at it,I feel there's something unusual in it.

"But Mahir..today I met some other person also",Rose said and we three looked at her.

"Who?"Joe asked.

"A girl,Jessica..Bella's new friend",Rose said.

"Is she also new in our college?"Ryan asked.

"Yes,I think so.I've never seen her before",Rose said.

"Who is she?"Joe asked.

"I don't know..I felt something unusual about her,she didn't make an eye contact with me also",Rose rolled her eye's.


"Mahir..look,there she is",Rose pointed towards a girl.

She was walking to her car wearing her coat,plugging in her headphones.We all were looking at her constantly.

She unlocked her car and kept her bag inside,she was about to get in but paused looking around.

She looked around and stopped in our direction,she looked at us and held the car's door tightly.

She wore her headphones back and got into the car,
"Why did she look at us like that?"Joe asked.

"I don't know,she looked at me the same way back in class",Rose replied.

She took a uturn and drove her car in full speed,passing from front of us,
"You said her name was?"I asked Rose,looking at that girl.

"Jessica Routes",Rose said.

Who is she and why did she look at us like that?

"Did you feel anything supern...",I cut Ryan in middle.

"Not here guy's,let's go",I said and we got into our respective cars.

There is something wrong going on and I need to find out!

Hey guy's!

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