14. Tulip!

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It's been a whole week to that incident and I've not seen him even once after that. Coincidence? I don't think so!

This is eating me up from inside and I just don't know how to get him out of my head! I close my eyes and his face flashes in my head, I open my eyes and hallucinate him everywhere around.

I'm going mad and I don't even know why! I know I'm not in love with him, but there's just something about him that attracts me to him strongly and that's just not letting me forget him.

His absence is making me home sick for some unknown reasons and I have started craving his touch, his eyes. I need to see him anyhow! It feels like I've got addicted to him without even spending enough time with him.

I was ready to give away my virginity to him without even knowing his name! Why? Even I don't know! I'm going crazy and he is to be blamed solely.

Sighing, I closed the file on my desk and leaned back, closing my eyes.

"Get up. " A shiver ran through my body as I heard this husky voice and I opened my eyes immediately.

I can't believe this! I'm hallucinating once again. Stop it Sanyukta!

Shaking my head, I closed my eyes once again sighing.

"I said get up. " I flinched and opened my eyes again finding him still standing there with a frown on his handsome face.

"Does this means that—" "Yes you are not hallucinating, now get up. " He demanded and my eyes and mouth widened.

"Oh My God. " I jumped up and he looked at me like I was some weirdo.

What do you even expect after jumping like that Sanyukta?

"C'mon, let's go. " He held my hand. HE HELD MY HAND PEOPLE!

"Whe—" "You'll know once we reach. " He dragged me outside with him before I could take my essentials and without even taking permission from my Boss, we were out of the office.

He was walking in speed and I had to run to match it. We reached the parking lot and he opened the door of his expensive car for me.

If he can afford this, why is he living with me in that 2BHK?

I frowned and looked at him to find him looking at me keenly.

"Get in. " He ordered and I opened my mouth like a fish and then shut it again.

"Wh—" "Because I asked you to. Your Boss is aware of this, now get in Sanyukta Agrawal. " He informed causing me to frown.

"Will you let me comp—" "No. " A curt, short no. Great!

"But why should I—" "Okay fine woman! You will not get in on your own, fine! " He said in a moment and the next moment I was in his arms and then inside his car on the passenger's seat with my seat belt on.

When did it all even happen?

"You are faster than Flash. " I told him in my trance and a smirk formed on his lips.

"He doesn't even exists, but I do. " He said before closing the door and walking to the driver's seat in all his glory. The charm!

"Don't say that. " I told him and he looked at me with amusement before shaking his head and looking in the front.

Igniting the car, he began driving and I looked down at my lap.

"I like your skirt too." I looked at him as he spoke.

"But not as much as you do. " He added causing me to frown.

"Huh? " I asked and he looked at me.

"I can see you just can't take your eyes off it. " He explained and I bit my lip in embarrassment.

"No, it's just that, I um..." "Am feeling strange? Awkward? Don't know what to say? " He asked and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah actually, whatever happened..." I trailed off this time to let him complete.

"Sanyukta relax and forget about it. And trust me when I say that I'm the one at fault so don't even think of blaming yourself. " For the very first time in all this time, his tone was comforting and tender.

"How can you be at fault? " I asked as he stopped the car and looked at me.

"It is, trust me. How,  that I can't tell you now, but one day, I will and then you'll realize that you are far from being at fault. " He said looking straight into my eyes with sincerity.

My mind was blank and my heart was already believing every word that he said. And when he said one day he'll tell me, my heart began beating rapidly, realizing that he meant we have a long way to go together, it's not going to end anytime soon.

But did he really means it? Or am I getting high on my hormones?

"I mean it Tulip, we have a long way to go. " I was stunned when he said this and touched my cheek.

"It's Sanyukta. " I whispered feeling his touch.

"Tsk, Tulip, for me it's Tulip. " He said proudly and I looked at him in hope of an explanation .

"You remind me of a Tulip, soft, covered, tender, protected. " He elaborated and I looked down breathing heavily at his touch which was once again creating sensations in my body.

His touches are the best and worst to me at the same time. And still I love them.

"Now let's get out, shall we? " He asked tenderly and I looked at him before nodding.

He went out and opened the door for me before forwarding his hand which I took in no time. I stepped out of the car and it began raining all of a sudden causing my eyes to widen.

We ran inside the cafe that he had parked outside and took a seat beside the glass wall that gave the view of a beautiful garden.

"Weather is really unpredictable here." I said looking outside at the rain.

"So is life. " I looked at him when he said this to find him looking at me keenly.

"It is. " I agreed and a smirk came on his lips.

"You just can't say no to me. " His tone was teasing, causing me to blush really hard and look down.

"You don't even let me complete my whole sentence." I complained and he looked really amused.

"We need to know each other Sanyukta. That's really important. " His tone was suddenly changed to serious from jolly.

"Really? " Honestly I had never gave this 'knowing each other' thing a thought. He just came in my life, charmed me and now I can't take him out of my head.

"Yes, that's really important for you to fall in love with me. " I couldn't blush harder now. God! What is this guy?


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