13. Promise.

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"Are you okay Sanyukta?" I flinched a bit as my trance broke after she spoke.

"Yeah, I'm fine Addu. " I lied! And I hate it.

"You can't lie to us. " Siya said sitting in front of me.

"Exactly. " Addu sat beside me, taking my hand in hers.

"I don't know what to do. " I held my head in frustration.

"Calm down, there's nothing to do about this, forget it Sanyukta. " Siya suggested taking my hand away from my head.

"It's not that easy you know? " I asked on the verge of tears.

"Sanyukta we know it, but what can you do? It was at the heat of the moment, it's fine. " Addu consoled me but honestly, it was no help. I know what I've gotten myself into and this is ridiculous.

"It happens Sanyukta, it's just your young blood and desires. " Siya is the worst person when it comes to consoling people.

"Try to take your mind off that. " Addu said taking me in a hug and I closed my eyes.

The incident of last night flashed in my mind causing me to sob.


We were in my room and he took his shirt off revealing his well built body causing me to lick my lips. This action of mine was enough to ignite his desires even more as he attacked my lips again causing me to moan loudly.

The sensations I was feeling were overwhelming and becoming unbearable with each passing second.

His body was in my contact which was literally burning me, but I was strangely craving for more. What is happening?

He bit my lip sharply causing me to moan again before he began exploring my mouth all over again. I entwined my fingers tightly around his hair, pulling him more to me, whereas he had his hands wrapped around my waist erasing any distance that existed between our bodies.

I moved my hands down from his hair, to his neck, shoulder and then chest, making him groan in desperation. My hands were burning but I wasn't getting enough of him, I was in some kind of pain but the pleasure and desires were overpowering anything else in my body.

I don't even know this man but the effect he has on me is inhumanly for sure. Any human can't make you feel this way, can he?

I ran my hands in his body, when he broke the kiss and looked at me panting. I was out of breath but he had more potential, so without wasting any second, he attacked my neck, biting and sucking.

He was harsh and I was loving it. It doesn't feels like it's my first time, I just feel so comfortable and his touches make me feel complete for some strange and unknown reasons.

"Will you let any other guy touch you again?" He asked looking at my eyes and I responded negatively with a shake of my head. This action was involuntarily but at the same time convincing.

He smirked before sucking my jawline causing me to close my eyes in pleasure. He moved his lips to my neck again before moving to my chest area. He placed a kiss on my chest before digging in the cleavage area causing me to breath heavily.

I was rubbing my legs continuously and my hands were back to his hair, pulling him more.

He bit the visible naked area of my right breast causing me to moan loudly, before placing a kiss and sucking it. He then, moved to the left side and repeated his actions, it's just that, this time the biting part was sharper.

I felt the area burning and not in phrases, but honestly my whole body was burning, I was on fire.

Since he was hovering over me, I entwined my legs with his and he held the neck of my dress before slitting it from between, leaving me in just my innerwears.

Since it was my first time ever, I should have been conscience, scared and shy but I was anything but these. I felt as if I belong to him and as if I wasn't allowed to hide or shy anymore. I felt I was just the way I should be and this should have happened earlier.

He was looking at me in the eyes and his eyes were the darkest shade of brown.

"Are you sure? " He asked looking at my eyes keenly.

I nodded my head in urgency and desperation before he cupped both my breasts through my bra.

Moaning, I held his hair tightly and he pressed my assets before kissing the cleavage area.

His hands moved to my bare stomach and began roaming around my whole body and that's when I began feeling dizzy. My body was burning with his touch and instead of pain, it was bringing some kind of satisfaction to me. As ridiculous as it may sound, but I was ecstatic about this sensation.

My head was getting heavy and I felt him finally reach near my legs. As he planted a kiss on my thigh, I lost it and darkness took over me.

Flashback ends.

" What he must be thinking about me? He was not in the house in the morning when I woke up." I told them crying and Addu patted my head.

"Calm down Sanyukta, it's okay. You say you feel overwhelmed, it must be too hectic that you fainted." Addu consoled me and I closed my eyes.

"Yeah and how can we forget that you are Sanyukta, a scared kitten is braver than you girl, it would have been a miracle if you would have lasted. " Like I said, Siya is worst at consoling.

"You are making it worse Siya. " I told her and she looked at me embarrassed.

"Oops. " She raised her hands in surrender and I closed my eyes again.

"Everything will be fine, don't worry. " Addu said and I looked at her.

"But how will I face him now? " I asked her crying and she looked at Siya.

"Continue avoiding him, you are a pro at it. " Siya suggested and I looked down.

"I will try my best but what if something happens? " I asked and they exchanged looks.

"Should we come with you? " Addu asked and I shook my head. Their exams were approaching, I can't let them get affected.

"It'll get worse, I'll handle. " I assured and they sighed.

"We're coming. " Siya stated.

"No you are not. " I told her and she looked at Addu.

"But Sanyukta -" "Please Addu, I want to handle this, let me fight my own battles. " I told her and she sighed before caressing my hair.

"Okay, but you know we are there, right? " She asked and I gave her a nod.

"Just tell me if anything happens, I'll beat the shit out of him." Siya said narrowing her eyes causing us to chuckle.

"Promise. " I promised before we shared a group hug.


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