4. Golden eyes.

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"What nonsense? What kind of rule is this? It's up to us if we want to continue here or not, you are no one to stop us. " Mom said fuming.

"We are sorry ma'am but your daughter has signed the form. We can't do anything now. " Kalyan Sir from office department said.

Mom looked at me with an accusing glare and I looked down. I bit my lip and held the corner of my top tightly.

"What can we do now? " Mom asked him calmly.

"Nothing ma'am. " He said and I felt Mom's gaze on me.

"Great. " She said sarcastically before heading out.

I looked up at Dad, to find him standing with a small smile on his face.

"Come out." He said softly before leaving.

I followed him silently, with tears forming in my eyes. I was literally shivering, not because she'll hurt me or something, no not all. My parents can never hurt me, but I shiver everytime seeing anyone angry. I'm really scared of angry people.

I spotted Mom standing near the car with her palm on her forehead.

I went towards her and stood silently, looking down.

"I didn't knew my innocent daughter has learnt this much. " I heard Mom say after some time. A tear escaped my eyes when I looked into her fierce eyes.

"Let it be Chhaya, you're scaring my daughter. " Dad defended me standing beside me, snaking his arms around my shoulder.

"Are you serious Manish? Anything could have happened to her, what she did is wrong." Mom said in a disapproving tone. A sob escaped my mouth and Dad pulled me to him.

"It's okay, Princess, dad's here. " He rubbed my shoulder.

"Stop scaring her Chhaya. My daughter wants to complete her MBA here, then let her be. I've realized we have always restricted her from everything. Just let her be free for these two years, let her live her life. We can't always protect her. " Dad said and I looked at him with moist eyes.

Mom sighed and I went to her. Taking her hands in mine, I looked down.

"I'm -I'm sorry Mom. " I broke down.

"Shh, Sanyukta, it's okay. " She pulled me in a hug. "I'm sorry Baby, I scared you, I'm sorry. But I just want you to be safe and sound. If you really want to be here, then I won't stop you. I respect your decision, if staying here makes you happy, then you can stay here but promise me that you won't hide anything from me again. " She pecked my forehead.

"I promise Mom. " I promised her and she wiped my tears.

"We are leaving, take care. " She said before getting inside the car.

"Take care Princess and no matter what, Dad always loves you. " Dad pecked my forehead and got inside the car.

I stood there until there car was out of sight. Wiping all my tears, I turned around to find Addu and Siya standing there with a satisfied smile on their faces.

I wasted no time in running to them and pulling them in a hug.

"Thank God " Addu said holding me tightly.

" No thank the new owner of the college. " Siya said and we chuckled.

"Yeah, he's like an Angel to me." I said smiling at the sky.

"All this drama really tired me, I need a good nap dude." Siya said yawning.

"Me too." Addu said stretching a bit.

"Let's go then, it's late anyways. " I told them and we headed towards her dorm room.

On reaching our dorm room, the first thing Siya did was climbing the stairs and reaching her bed in the middle.

We have this three beds on top of each other, the uppermost is mine, then Siya and the lowest one is of Addu.

Their beds.

I decided to take a shower before heading to sleep as usual so I went inside the washroom.

When I came out, Addu and Siya were already asleep. I smiled looking at them and climbed my own bed.

I lied down on the bed and in no time darkness consumed me.

I felt something soft touch my lips and I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. Even my hands or legs were not moving. The soft thing started moving and without me even trying, I felt my lips move with them.

Along with the softness, I felt something sharp, like teeth bit my lip. My mouth automatically opened and I felt something inside my mouth, like a tongue. It was moving inside my mouth, touching every corner. My hands automatically went up and met something soft, something like hair. I held it tightly pulling it more to me, without even trying. It was all happening on it's own.

I felt myself being pulled up, more into the kiss. The soft thing, was working hard in my mouth and I felt hands on my face. I struggled to open my eyes but it was all in vain.

"My match. " I heard after losing all the contact.

I finally managed to open my eyes and golden, honey like orbs met mine. Those were, literally the most beautiful pair of orbs I've seen in my life.

"I hate it when you cry. " I heard this husky voice but couldn't take my eyes off the golden ones to look at the face of the person.

"I will hurt everyone, who'll hurt you. I'll do anything to keep you to myself and I want you to know this. " It felt like the words were being imprinted in my brain.

I subconsciously nodded and the eyes depicted satisfaction.

"You must know this, that you are my match. " He said and I nodded again. It was all so automatic.

"Take care and remember, I'm always there." He said and everything went black.


"Get up Sanyukta. We'll get late." I stirred hearing Addu's voice.

"I'm not coming." I mumbled in my sleep.

"C'mon sleepy head get up. " It was Siya. I groaned before sitting up.

"Get down Sanyukta." Addu said and I rubbed my eyes.

I got down half asleep and stood, leaning on the bed.

I opened my eyes to find Addu and Siya looking at me weirdly.

"What happened? " I asked them in my sleepy voice.

"Why do you bite your lips this much? Look what you did. " Addu said coming close to me and holding my chin.

"What happened? " I asked her frowning.

"Here. " Siya showed me a small mirror and my eyes widened at what I saw.

My lips were really swollen and blood was coming out of them. I felt my head spinning. Stumbling, I sat on the bed and Addu ran to get some water. Siya kneeled in front of me holding my hand.

"It's okay, it's fine. I should have known you'll get dizzy seeing this much blood of yours. I'm sorry. " Siya apologized.

"It's not your fault. " I shook my head taking deep breaths.

"Sanyukta have some water. " Addu passed me the glass and I drank some water.

"I think you should take rest today and don't bite your lips." Siya said getting up and I gave her a nod before lying on the bed with my eyes closed.

As soon as I closed my eyes, golden pair of eyes flashed in my mind causing me to open my eyes again.


I hope you liked the chapter.

What do you think is happening with Sanyukta??? She's getting kisses and all😂😂😂

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