3. Sanyukta's Angel

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Surbhi Jyoti as Addu aka Aditi.

"How could they do this to me? I haven't even prepared yet, what am I going to do now. " I cried sitting on the hospital bed as soon as Siya gave me the news that we have our finals in just 2 weeks. I already wasted so much of time being unconscious and lying on this bed, now how am I gonna give my exams?

I rubbed my forehead in stress.

"Oh God Sanyukta, you have two weeks okay, calm down and we know you are a brilliant student, it's not a problem for you." Addu explained caressing my hair whereas Siya just rolled her eyes.

"You are exaggerating, calm down you have plenty of time." Siya said sitting beside me, stretching the world plenty.

"You guys are not getting it, Oh God now what should I do? " I cried again looking up. Though I'm a kind of nerd, I mean I study a lot and always score good marks but exams scare me too. I don't know how I'm supposed to prepare in just two weeks.

"Okay, you can cry later on. Let's just leave from here first. " Siya said pointing at the hospital room we were still in and Addu nodded at her words.

"Hmm. " I hummed in response and got up. We took all my things and left the hospital room, but the strange thing was all the while I felt eyes on me. Siya and Addu looked completely oblivious to it, they were busy rushing out.

"I don't have a special liking for hospitals, you know. " Siya said looking around in disgust.

" Excuse me? This place gives life, even you got life in one of the hospitals. " Addu defended the hospital, being a medical student, what else can you expect from her.

"You know, this statement of yours didn't change my views at all. " Siya said rolling her eyes causing me to chuckle.

"You won't understand. " Addu said crossing he hands and looking away with a sigh.

"Yeah, coz I'm not a medical student. " Siya said in a duh tone.

"Enough guys, this place is not less than a temple so we should respect it. " I said causing Addu to grin and Siya to roll her eyes.

"But, it's up to the person, how they feel about it. " I added and this time Siya grinned and Addu rolled her eyes.

"You can't be on one side now, can you? " Addu asked narrowing her eyes and I gave her a cheeky grin.

"Both of you are my best friends, how can I choose? " I asked her giving her an innocent smile. She shook her head at me with a smile.

"Sanyukta and her sweetness, it's famous in the whole university. " Siya commented and I blushed at her words.

Though I'm a shy, nerdy kind of student but I'm still popular in the university because my filthy rich family and looks? They say I look good. I'm 5'4" with waist length chocolaty brown hair and charcoal black eyes. I've inherited my eyes from my Dad. I'm skinny but not too much and I have a fair complexion.

"When are you planning on sitting inside the cab? " Siya's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I immediately sat inside the cab.

"I'm sorry. " I apologized sheepishly.

"You should be, you wasted my whole precious ten seconds. " Siya said shrugging causing us to chuckle. She grinned at us but our smiling faces turned into horror stricken as soon as my phone flashed the caller ID.

It was my Mom, my heart beat raced and my hands started shivering. They got to know, they got to know! What should I do now?

I looked at my friends to find them looking at me with the same horror.

"They got to know. " We said in unison.

"I knew it, we can't hide from them. " Siya said running her hand through her hair.

"Now what? " I asked them.

"Pick up the phone Sanyukta. " Addu said and I followed.

"Hello Mom. " I kept the phone on loudspeaker.

"Good to know you finally gained consciousness. But we would have been glad, if you thought it was important to call your parents after getting up from the unconsciousness of three days. " Mom's tone was harder than a wall made up of Ambuja cement, you got the point, right?

"M-mom I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to worry you. " I put forward the lame excuse.

"We thought at least your friends will have the sense to inform us, but guess we were wrong. " Mom continued completely ignoring my statement from before.

I looked at Addu and Siya who were gulping.

"Mom they are sorry too." I apologized on their behalf and they both nodded their head.

"We don't want apologies. We are coming." With this last sentence, Mom cut the call. My eyes widened and I heard Addu gasp.

"No way. " Siya groaned and I felt like crying .

"Now what? " Addu asked gulping.

"They'll take me back, what else. " I told them resisting my tears.

"No. " Addu side hugged me sighing.

"They can't do this. " Siya groaned.

"They can and they will. It's the end." I stated and Addu's hold on me tightened .

My parents are among the best lawyers in the country and they are over protective of me. They didn't wanted me to leave our city and come here for my college but for the first time in my life, I went against them and came here as a scholarship student. They gave in after 2 semesters but they never stopped looking for opportunities to take me back with them and now they've finally got it.

They'll definitely take me back. It's not like I don't love them or they don't treat me well, I'm treated like a princess at home, a Princess who's supposed to follow some strict rules and regulations. Growing under so many restrictions and protection made me always crave freedom and for that I came here but I guess now it's all over. I'll have to go back.

"We are here. " I heard Siya's voice and we stepped out of the cab. After paying, we headed towards our dorm.

"No way. " Siya exclaimed on our way. I and Addu, we frowned at her and she looked at us in astonishment.

"Can you believe this, someone just bought our whole university a few minutes ago. " She told us and our eyes widened. That's something really shocking.

"And that's not it, nobody knows who the person is." Siya said causing our frown to deepened.

"Then how come they bought it? " Addu asked in disbelief , to which Siya just shrugged.

"Wait, there's more. " She said checking her phone. "Oh my God. " She exclaimed and me and Addu exchanged looks.

"Sanyukta, all odds are in your favor, the person who bought the University, postponed MBA finals for 2 more weeks. You get a whole month to prepare now. " She said smiling causing me to gasp.

"Only MBA finals? What about ours? " Addu asked.

"Nope, not ours. But I'm finding this somewhat fishy, Sanyukta was crying about exams less than two hours ago and someone suddenly buys the university and just postpones MBA finals." Siya said raising her eyebrows.

"It's just a coincidence. " Addu said shrugging.

"It's too much for a coincidence. " Siya said narrowing her eyes.

"Stop watching Crime Patrol. " I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"And anyways, it's of no use for me now, my parents are gonna take me from here anyways. " I told her and she gave me an apologetic smile. She gave me a hug and Addu too joined us.

"How are you Sanyukta? " We heard a familiar voice and pulled away.

"I'm fine Sneha, thanks. " I thanked her and she hugged me.

"We missed you and sent you flowers too, you got them? " She asked pulling away and I remembered all the flowers that were kept in my hospital room.

"Yeah, thanks a lot for those. " I thanked her again and she smiled.

"I think you should go and take some rest, I'll see you soon. " She said and I gave her a nod.

Sneha is one of my many friends, and by many, I mean so many. She is a nice girl and is in the same stream as me. Though we are not very close, but we can still be considered as close friends.

"This is too much now. " Siya exclaimed looking at her phone and I looked at her frowning.

"What happened now? " Addu asked her.

"Sanyukta, just make a wish and I swear it'll come true. " Siya said smirking.

"What? " I asked her frowning.

"Dude, just check this out. The new director of her university has passed a law for all 3rd year and above students that they can't drop out of college in mid semester. All you have to do is, sign a form and then your parents won't be able to take you from here." Siya told us and I couldn't believe her words.

"No way, God he's an Angel sent by God for you Sanyukta. " Addu exclaimed hugging me.

"I can't believe this. " I whispered.

"You can believe it later on, let's go and sign the form first. " Siya said grinning and we headed towards the office.


Some guardian angel is helping Sanyukta way too much. Good for her, I guess😉

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Love 😘

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