8. Hired or not?

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Anonymous' pov

"You just can't control her like that! " He said getting up from his seat causing me to roll my eyes.

"She needed it and you are nobody to stop me. " I told him getting up as well.

"This is against the laws and you know it! You can't control her emotions or actions, this is highly unacceptable." He said crossing his arms.

"But she's my match, I can do whatever I want to her. " I too crossed my arms.

"But you are not her match, don't forget this and even if you turn out to be hers, you can't make her feel what you want. She's a human, it's her choice what she does. She can think, feel and act, you don't have any right to intervene. " He said fuming causing my temper to rise.

"I couldn't stop! I can't see her in pain, it hurts me even more. I had to make her feel sleepy to relax her a bit, her condition was unbearable for me. " I told him hitting the table.

"Why can't you see her in pain, I thought you don't care about her. " He said narrowing his eyes.

"Who said that? I definitely care for her, she's my match, my responsibility and I can go to any extent to protect her or make her happy." I told him and he shook his head.

"Just responsibility?" He asked and realization struck me. He was not mad, he was just trying to make me confess my feelings for her.

"I can see what you are trying to do. " I told him narrowing my eyes and a smile came on his lips.

"So? Just responsibility? " He asked again and I looked away.

"Fine don't tell me, but there's one thing that I wanted to talk to you about. " He said and I looked at him.

" What is it? " I asked and he took a deep breath.

"Everybody here is aware of your anger issues and the guy deserved it but we just can't ignore the fact that what you did to him was suspicious. You burnt his whole body without fire, it's unnatural and not acceptable for their world. Though your match was too caught up in her fear to think about it but others may question this. You shouldn't have done this." He said causing me to frown.

"But I didn't do anything. " I told him honestly and his eyes widened.

"What? Then who did?" He asked worriedly.

"I mean I didn't do anything intentionally. Let me explain, when I saw him forcing himself on my match, I saw red and my whole body started burning in anger, I glared at him and before I could do something, all of my body heat, started transferring to him and he started burning. " I confessed causing him to frown.

" How's that even possible? " He asked scratching his head causing me to shrug. "I need to ask him. " He added and I gave him a nod.

" Tell me when you know. " I said and he nodded before leaving to meet him.

Now even I should focus on the most important thing.


Sanyukta's pov.

"You don't look fine, I'm asking for the last time Sanyukta, just tell me what happened! " Siya demanded and I looked down.

I've been trying to look normal for the past week, since that incident happened, and they are constantly doubting my behavior. I don't wanna trouble them by telling them anything and especially after everything is fine.

I know Siya will go all hyper about it and reach out to the authorities and Addu will start panicking which I want the least. And soon my parents will get to know about it and dang! Everything will be over, my freedom, dreams, aspirations, everything!

And I just can't let that happen, at any cost.

"I've told you this umpteenth times already, everything is fine and normal. I'm just worried about the results of my interview." I half lied.

"Are you sure? " Addu asked causing me to sigh.

"Of course I am. " I replied and they huffed before nodding.

"You'll get the internship, stop worrying yourself. " Siya assured hugging me from side.

"Definitely. And you know who to come to, whenever there's any problem, don't you? " Addu asked hugging me from another side.

"I do. " I assured with a smile and they smiled back.

"Now let's eat something, I'm really hungry! " Siya said causing us to nod in agreement.

Hiding things is hard but hiding from the people who know you better than you know yourself, is harder. Actually hardest!

"What are we eating?" I asked and they exchanged looks before looking at me with a grin.

"Pizza" They replied in unison causing me to grin with them.

Talk about weaknesses, pizza comes first.

Knock knock

"Let me see. " I said and went to answer the door of our room.

"For Sanyukta Agrawal. " A lady stood in front of me with an envelope in her hand.

"It's me. " I informed and she handed me the envelope after taking my signature and left.

Closing the door, I read the sender's address on top of the envelope and my heart beat raised.

"What is it?" I heard Siya asking and gulped before looking at her and Addu.

"It's a letter from the company I gave interview at, for internship." I informed and they came near me.

"Open it. " Addu insisted and I forwarded it to her.

"You do it please. " I pleaded and she shook her head before taking the envelope from me.

She opened it and I closed my eyes in anticipation.

What if they rejected me? What will I do then? Mom will call me back and I'll lose my last hope of being free and independent.

"Oh my God!" I heard Addu exclaim and gulped.

"Say it already Addu. " I insisted on the verge of tears.

I don't wanna go back, I don't wanna lose this! I want to live freely like any other girl, please God, please help.

I promise to be a kind and nice human being, I swear, please!

"Sanyu, this is... I don't know how to say this but—" "Stop it Addu, just come to the point. Am I hired or not? " I asked still, closing my eyes and heard her sigh.

"Open your eyes Sanyukta. " Siya asked but I shook my head.

"We won't tell you, until you open your eyes. " Siya's tone was strict.

I slowly opened my eyes with a baby face and saw them looking at me intently.

"Tell me now. " I asked and they exchanged looks.

"You are hired! " They exclaimed in unison causing my eyes to widen.

What? Seriously? Oh my God! Thank you so very much!

"I can't believe this! " I exclaimed taking them in a hug.

"But we knew it. " Siya said caressing my hair.

"Exactly, we knew you'll nail it. " Addu said patting my back causing me to sigh.

"Um, Sanyukta, actually there's more to it. " Siya said hesitatingly and we broke the hug.

"What? " I asked and she looked down.

"They've kept a condition, a strange one, to be more precise." She informed causing me to frown.

Now what is it?


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