9. What the Fishnet!

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"But don't you think it's weird?" Siya asked and I shook my head.

"I don't think so Siya and anyway I just need this internship that's it. And they've just asked me to stay in their staff quarters for the three month period of my internship. How is it weird? " I asked looking at the letter again.

"But who asks their interns to live in staff quarter? " Siya asked causing me to roll my eyes.

"They do. Now please stop Siya, I badly need this internship and I'm ready to do anything for it. " I told her and she sighed.

"Fine, shall we start your packing then? " She asked and I gave her a nod.


"This is it." Addu informed and I looked at the house in front of me.

Too good for an interns quarter.

The house looked decent and cozy from outside and I looked at the keys in my hand that I had collected from the office this afternoon when I went to ask them when should I join.

They told me that I can join from tomorrow and I need to shift tonight. And here I'm, standing in front of the house with my two best friends and luggage.

"This looks nice from outside. " Addu complimented and I gave her a nod.

"Let's see how it looks from inside. " Siya said and we proceeded towards the main gate.

I opened the door and a beautiful living room came in my view.

The walls were painted in creme colour and the furniture was simple and decent. The living room had a veranda attached to it which had some flower pots and was the perfect place to sit with a mug of coffee and enjoy the weather.

We explored the house and it turned out to be a 2BHK. The house was simple yet elegant and I simply loved the vibes.

"I'm jealous Sanyukta. " I chuckled at Addu's words.

"But why is it 2BHK when only you're going to live her?" Siya asked suspiciously.

" Because they didn't make it especially for Sanyukta. " Addu said rolling her eyes.

"I know but they alloted her this house, they could have alloted her a 1BHK instead. " Siya said.

"May be they didn't had a 1BHK vacant. Stop being Sherlock Holmes and let's help Sanyukta settle. " Addu said and I nodded in support.

Sighing, Siya helped us in setting my clothes in the cupboard of the room have chose.

This room is not to large but not to small either, there's this queen size comfortable bed and really soft pillows. The room is in the theme of lightest shade of pink and white and I really loved the vibes of this room.

Even after astudy table with chair and a big white and pink cupboard occupy the room, there's still a lot of space left.

Dressing table is pretty cute to be honest and separate balconies are attached to both the rooms.


"Thank you, I wish you could stay. " I said to Siya and Addu as they were leaving for the dorms.

"We wish the same but you know we have exams and the books are in the dorm. " They replied with an apologetic look and I nodded.

"See you. " I hugged them and they hugged me back.

I closed the door behind them and sighing sat on the couch in the living room.

Closing my eyes, I leaned back on the couch and that incident came in front of my eyes causing a shiver to run down my body.

That day I almost got raped. Even the thought is enough to leave me breathless. But then, what actually happened to the guy? It was really weird how he all of a sudden started burning.

Sighing I decided to head to bed after changing into my comfortable clothes.

The bed was really comfortable and it didn't took me long before I drifted to sleep.


Anonymous pov.

I was really glad that she liked the room and house. After what happened that day in the campus, I couldn't just leave her alone anymore. I wanted her safe, by my side all the time and for that, I needed to do this.

I opened the door of her room slightly and saw her comfortably sleeping, snuggled in the comforter.

A smile crept on my lips involuntarily and I slowly made my way towards her.

Sitting on the bed beside her, I slowly caressed her hair, deepening her sleep since I don't want her to remember anything what I'm going to do right now.

She moved a bit before finally drifting into a deep slumber. After taking off my shoes  and jacket, I got inside the covers with her and pulled her into my chest. Her back was facing me so I made her turn towards me and she wrapped her arms around me, snuggling into me.

I protectively snaked my arms around her body, keeping her close to me and heard her sigh in relief.

"I know that day's incident is still affecting you but don't worry, now I'll never leave you alone. You will never face anything of that sort again." I promised caressing her hair.

Pulling her more to me, I pecked her forehead before closing my eyes.


Sanyukta's pov.

I slowly opened my eyes and light directly hit my eyes. I looked away from the window and frowned at the unfamiliar surrounding 

I was about to panic when it hit me where I was. Sighing I looked at the clock on my nightstand, it's 7 am and I've my office at 9 am.

Thankfully I'm not late on my first day but I have to get ready soon and cook my own breakfast before leaving.

I headed to the washroom attached to my room with my clothes and took a shower. I also washed my hair and came out after getting dressed.

I settled for a white shirt and black pencil skirt with a wrist watch. I thought of multitasking, so decided to start preparing my breakfast and meanwhile it'll get cooked, I'll come back and dry my hair.

Thankfully we had bought some raw food before coming here last night so I wasn't worried about it.

Smiling at my reflection, I came out of my room and headed towards the kitchen.

I felt my wrist watch getting loose so I started tying it tightly while walking. As soon as I reached the door of the kitchen, delicious aroma hit my nostrils causing me to sniff.

I looked inside and my eyes widened in shock and horror.

What the fishnet!


Okay so here we are!

I know the update is a bit short but it's apt for the response I'm getting.

If you can't vote and comment much than I can't write much, sorry.


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