"Chapter Eleven"

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It had been another couple days. Jack and I arrived to his hometown and the home he grew up in. Some of the folks remembered Jack — most remembered prior to the whole... thing.

I just had been staring out the window with Jack's hand holding mine. Despite everything I still can't shake that feeling. And this burning "what if Jack didn't survive?" question that's been on my mind. No much how much I push away that thought, it gradually got worse.

"My lady?" Jack asked as he moved his hand gently, trying to get my attention.

"Hm? Sorry, mon amor."

"Something on your mind?"

Should I tell him my fear...? I know that he's here now and I'm his fiancé but—

"Just thinking about everything still..." I half admit.

He nods.

"I think about them everyday too, my lady." He admits with a small frown, "we lost our loved ones..."

I frowned. Even though I had that question, now I couldn't stop thinking about Fabrizo... Cora... Helga...

Jack nuzzled his head against my shoulder for reassurance I can tell he's holding back his tears.

"I'm sorry, mon amor..." I apologized.

"You don't have to be sorry, my lady." He said.

The car made a stop and the driver then stopped to unload our luggage. Jack's saddened expression quickly changed as he got up and stood towards the side.

"I can handle it, guys." Jack spoke.

The driver looked at Jack.

"Are you sure, my lord?"

"Bah. I'm no lord." Jack looked towards my direction, "not yet at least." He winked.

I let out a small laugh as Jack would get out first before he would hold out his hand.

"After you, my lady." I said as I would take his hand and he would help me out.

Jack grabbed his luggage and I would grab mine. We would check in the hotel Jack chosen. Although he didn't have much so I had to cover the expense. When we got to the room, I didn't even unpack. I just collapsed into the bed.

Jack would follow before he pulls me into a cuddle.

"Jack...?" I said.

"Hm?" He said as he stared into my eyes.

I would roll over and look at the ceiling.

"...Hadn't I met you, my life would be so grey and I would've been with that Asher." I admit.

Jack would turned towards me.

"Yes. You also make my life a lot more colorful, my lady."

I shook my head. I guess he needs to know.

"Jack... I.." words came out as Jack watched and waited, "I thought about this. A lot."


"I thought this for awhile."

Jack still waited. He didn't looked heartbroken or assumed the worst...

"I just felt afraid that if I had lost you at the titanic..." my voice cracked and immediately Jack would move closer and pull me in his arms.

"I know, my lady... I had also feared the worst." He admits.

"It's just... I had heard many fairy tales from my teachers and nannies... I just didn't think I'd meet my Prince Charming that's a traveling artist that I would be in love with." I admit.

Jack would give a quick peck on my lips.

"And I didn't expect to meet a lady that's so beautiful and almost princess like." He adds with his small, charming smile.

I made a small laugh. He knows how to make everything better. He moved a bit.

"Whatcha reaching for now, mon amor?"

He reached for his new sketchbook. His old one was lost at the titanic as well.

"As I said: you inspire me..." he said with a small chuckle, "and plus the old one was lost, I figured to draw my fiancé again."

I giggled.

"I presume one clothes and one with nude?" I teased him.

His cheeks turned pink and shook his head embarrassingly.

"Don't tempt me, my lady." He said shyly.

I laughed some. He's so adorable.

"Maybe later?"

He didn't say a word for a moment, still trying to regain his composure and clear his throat.

"Alright, my lady. Pose by the window." He said changing the subject.

"Tease." I said as I would head and pose by the window.

He chuckled before hugging me from behind.

"But you know I will later~" He whispered in my ear, leaving a shiver down my spine.

I blushed a lot, not knowing what to say. He definitely won this round. I didn't say a word, still speechless like he was. He noticed and laughed.

"I win."

"Indeed you did, mon amor..." I said as I just posed by the window and let Jack just draw me.

I looked at him and kept my posture. I've never felt this in love before until I met him. I'm glad we met despite the circumstances. My eyes wandered down to the ring he got for me. I still am in shock... but then when I study the ring more. I just remembered.

It was my mother's ring that father gave to her when he proposed to her years ago.

"Eyes up, my lady."

I made a weak smile. I presume it went something like this:

"Mr. Kennedy, I know we have not known each other long. But I am in love with your daughter and want her hand in marriage and want to ask for your blessing."

"I see, dear boy..."

"I know I'm not rich or royalty as standards but your daughter means everything more than money itself."

"I hear you, garçon. I know I gave you my blessing to be with my fille as long you don't hurt her or break her heart."

"I swear, Mr. Kennedy. I love her too much to never hurt her or break her heart."

"Please, if you're going to marry my daughter you must call me Charles." He paused, "and although as you said, you aren't rich but I want you to use this ring I used when I proposed to my late wife."

"You don't have to-"

"It's something... like a gift from me and my wife to mon fille's future groom."

...At least that's how I imagined it went.

"Something on your mind, my lady?" Jack asked as I snapped back to reality.

"Just thinking how lucky I am to be your future bride." I said with a warm smile.

Jack puts down his sketchbook before pulling me in a embrace.

"And I'm lucky to be your future groom." Jack responded before kissing my temple.

I'm lucky... I'm too lucky.

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