"Chapter Ten"

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Few days went by. Still finding survivors but Jack and I had arrived to New York. With the titanic's sinking, it had all the press and families reuniting with the survivors. I also feel bad for the families that were there... waiting. And then only to find their love ones had perished.

Because my father and I are almost royalty, it was protocol for bodyguards to show up and guard my father, me, and my lover Jack. I was going to get guards to protect Rose — only I hadn't find her since  few days ago.

"Honey." Father spoke as I realized I was daydreaming while I had the fork of cooked salmon close to my mouth.

I would quickly take a bite. I felt Jack's hand touched mine for reassurance.

"My apologies, Father." I spoke in a polite manner.

Father nods.

"No need to be formal, honey." Father reassured.

"It's only us, my lady." Jack reassured as I stared into his eyes.

Because most of our belongings were the ship, Jack had to get another suit. My Father of course covered the expenses. I still am sad that my diary is under the sea. Half of my writings about the titanic and everything were in it.

"May I be excused?" I asked my Father.

"Need for me to tag along, my lady?"

I shook my head.

"You two should bond. I just need an air fresher." I said.

The two would nod as I would step outside. The busy city and colorful night of New York is almost just as peaceful. I had grabbed my mother's locket that I had kept very close to me and fiddled with it. Mother...

"Telegram for you, Ms. Kennedy." A voice said behind me.

I turned to the voice to see a young lad holding a telegram. I curtsied and took it and payed him in five dollars and let the lad leave. I would open the telegram.

Dear Alice,

It's Rose. I apologize for suddenly disappearing. I'm currently in hiding from my mother and Cal. I know it seemed very rude of me for to do so. I just want to write now to get off my chest.

Alice, I am glad that we met on that faithful day as you already know what my original plan was. I realized that I needed a friend that understands and completes me. You made me learn how to be myself. I am thankful for that you are my dear friend. And for you to introduce me to Thomas...

Thomas... oh that wonderful man...

I have to keep this telegram short but I will try to write to you often as much I can. Just know that you're always my best friend and my sister figure in my life.


Rose Caswell

Oh, Rose. I heard a throat being cleared behind me.

"My lady. You alright?"

I turned towards Jack. Tearfully eyed.

"Oh, my lady..." he said concerned as he pulled me into a tight hug.

I didn't say a word.

"Who sent you a telegram?"

"A good friend of ours." I said, smiling a bit.

Since I don't know if her mother or Cal are close by, I still want to be respectful and not expose Rose's identity. He knew what I meant and nods.

"Shall we head back to dinner?"

I crossed my arms for a moment, raising my eyebrow.

"Needed me for a conversation breaker?" I said jokingly.

"No. Just was worried about you."

"Mhm." I said still teasing him.

"...Okay. Yeah." He admits.

I laughed as I would take his arm.

"Well, let's head back to eat."

Jack nods as we head back inside. Soon as we sit at the table, I saw... Asher and the she-devil approach.
Then the atmosphere turned cold.

"Hello, my darling." Asher greets.

"Hey, love." She-devil spoke towards my Father.

Aaaand now I see what Rose went under a new identity. Jack, my father, and I all looked at each other nodding.

"We should get going, Father. We have some important business to tend to."

"Oui, bien sûr."  Father spoke back in French.
(Yes, of course.)

"We're coming." She-devil said in reply.

"Non, tu ne peux pas." I spoke back in French.
(No, you cannot.)

"Excuse me?" Asher said offended.

It was drawing attention. Jack took my hand and we bolted.


Jack and I escaped to our hotel room. He made sure the door is locked while I'm pacing. I thought I would never saw those two again.

"Sssh..." Jack shushed as he hugged me from behind.

I'm pretty damned sure she got on a life boat... but how the bloody hell did Asher survive?!

"I'm here, my lady..." Jack said softly as he still held me in his arms, swaying a bit.

The panic turned into anger. I'm tired of running. He's going to get a peace of my mind. I heard knocking then Jack looked at the door.

"Occupied!" Jack called out.

I approached and Jack just watched.

"Alice, what are you—"

I opened the door. Of course it's Asher.

"I'm here, my love—" Asher's voice said as he stared down Jack.

"You." He spat, almost shoving me out of the way and was ready to kill him.

I stood in front of Jack.

"Out of the way, dearest. This rat needs to be dead as he deserved."

I felt more angry.

"No. You will not harm my lover." I threatened and then kept a calm composure, "Because Jack is my lover, he—"

"I said out of my way!!" Asher screamed as he slapped me and shoved me.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" Jack yelled as he lunged and attacked Asher.

So much for telling him that Jack is legally a Lord consort and that harming him would have him be sent to my country and immediately executed. Asher and Jack are fighting. I would've stepped in but I know I could get hurt by either of them. I shouldn't been so foolish to try even tell him the truth.

"GUARDS!" I cried out.

I see Jack was starting to get hurt. Guards would come in few minutes, seeing the brawl. And didn't have to question before they dog piled Asher. I speed towards Jack.

"Are you alright, mom amor?"

I saw the welts and red marks on his face and his hands beat read.

"He should've been dead!! Alice was supposed to be mine!!" Asher screamed.

"Before you take him away, I need to say something." I said towards the guards.

"Of course, Lady Alice."

"Before you interrupted me, I was about to say that Jack is my Lord Consort and if you harmed him, which you did without thinking, you're now going to be sent back to France to be executed." I paused as the realization of that hit him.

"What?" He said, shocked.

"One more thing: the arranged marriage had also been nulled since my father had been found. We made a contract stating that the marriage between you and I will never happen." I said as I approached Jack, grabbing his hand gently. "Allowing me to be with the man I love."

Asher was just visibly shocked, not only he's realizing that our "relationship" had not only been nulled, but he's going to die for harming Jack.

"Take him away." I said.

"No...nonono." Asher pleaded.

Immediately I turned towards Jack.

"I'm sorry, mon amor..." I said frowning.

Jack instead shook his head with a faint smile.

"It's alright, my lady." He said as he pulled me into his arms, "I found it attractive that you did that." He admits with a grin.

I giggled softly before I get off his lap and moved towards the bed and he would sit next to me.

"Do you need anything, mon amor?"

He shook his head.

"He didn't break anything, so not really. But your affection is needed." He said as he grabbed my hand.

"As you wish, mon amor..." I cooed as I lay on top of him.

I just caressed his hair as he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my temple and I felt him relax and melt to my loving touch. He almost dozed off at one point but instead he got up.


He looked at me for a moment. He was reaching for something. I just watched in confusion.

"Alice, do you remember when I went left to go do some quick errands?"

I slowly nodded. Instead he didn't say a word. My concern grew.

"Is something wrong, mon— Jack?" I asked in a worried tone.

He nods, having a smile on his face.

"Alice Susan Kennedy, ever since I first laid my eyes upon you, you were the muse that inspired me out of my artist block. You were the first thing I think of when I wake up and go to bed. I love your smile, laughter... everything about you. I know we hadn't been together long but..." his voice trailed off he would get on his one knee and I gasped, "and I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed without any hesitation, jumping in his arms. He heartily laughs before slipping the ring on my finger.

We shared an embrace and a passionate kiss.

"I know it wasn't the right place to ask... was hoping to ask you earlier but..." his voice trailed off.

Right Asher and She witch.

"I presume you've had asked my father?"

He nods.

"He gave me permission for your hand in wedding. A true wedding you deserve." He said as he kissed me gently.

And he's right. It's a wedding with someone I love.

"I thought you'd ask with your family around."

"I couldn't wait... I just was too excited the fact I wanted you to be my bride... my future Alice Susan Dawson." He said as I had the butterflies in my stomach.

That has such a nice ring to it.

"I love you, mon amor."

"I love you too, my lady." He as we shared yet another loving kiss.

Now I'm truly happy... I can't wait to meet his family soon.

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