47.Park Visit...

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"A true lover is the one who holds our hand more firmly at times when we say 'leave me alone'."


I felt heartbroken hearing Kayon's story. Now I know he isn't heartless but only afraid to express his feelings, afraid of getting hurt. I told all those incidents to Ednil and also told him about Kayon's clarification.

"Don't you think he is falling for you?" Ednil asked.

"I'm not sure," I replied.

"But I am a hundred percent sure." He replied and continued, "Don't you think it's not Emerald's fault? Who won't fall for your handsome husband? Emerald is just the victim of his killer looks but believes me, Kayon regards her only as his sister. Even though she tried to break both of you I'm sure she learned her lesson by now but I saw happiness in Kayon's eyes after many years. Don't let her snatch it from him. Just give him one chance and I'm sure you won't regret it."

It was starting to get dark so we left for home.



It's time for the dinner but still Ed and Grey didn't return. I didn't call them as I know she feels happy when she is with Ed and I wanted her to enjoy sometime as the day before yesterday her mood was off.

Before dinner was served they both arrived. I saw Grey's face glowing with happiness. I know my friend very well. He can change any persons foul mood to a pleasant one within a few minutes. Dad asked Ed to have dinner with us and as expected he agreed and we all sat for the dinner. Grey went upstairs to freshen up and joined us later on.

" So Emerald will you accompany us tomorrow, as we are going to the park?" Ed asked Emerald.

"Sure." She replied.

"Who we?" I asked.

"I and Crystal." Replied Ed. I looked at Grey who was already looking at him with a confused look. I understood that Ed made it up. Grey is just clueless. I'm sure something is going on in that nasty mind of him.

"I'm also coming," I told. Now Grey is looking at me with weird expressions.

"I... I... I don't want to go anywhere tomorrow." She told.

"Why you don't want to go? Or did you change your mood because he wants to accompany us?" Ed asked her.

"No, it's nothing like that." She replied.

"Then be ready tomorrow," Ed told.

I'm feeling happy that I'll get a chance to spend some quality time with her.


Next-Day At East River Park...


After having our breakfast we headed towards the park. We could have visited any other place but I selected this one as both of them can relax their mind with sports activity. This park provides many such sports. I took them straight towards the playground. Crystal gave me a confused look so I asked her, "Princess, can you play football, basketball or any other game?"

"Yes, and why are you asking that?" She replied and asked at the same time but her expressions clearly showed that she already knows the answer.

"Then lets play and see who is best amongst us," I told. We agreed on basketball. I then went towards a group of teenagers sitting on benches around the ground. Upon asking they agreed to play with us. We formed two groups. Thankfully Emerald herself joined my group. Kayon and Crystal were in the other group.

We played for more than an hour. Throughout the game, there was a huge smile on Crystal's face which eventually brought one on Kayon's face. Can't forget that frown that appeared on Kayon's face whenever other boys touched Crystal. I got amazed by her skills, she played quite well. I never thought she'll be an expert player. The only one who couldn't play well is Emerald and maybe that's one of the reasons why our group didn't win. I noticed since morning her mood was off. She was quite all the time. It wasn't her usual self.

"Thanks, Ed." Kayon's voice broke the trial of my thoughts.

"No need for thanks, man," I replied as I knew why he thanked me.

"If you would have given any previous warning then I would have brought an extra set of clothes with me. Now I'll have to survive in these wet clothes, somehow." Emerald told making a sour face.

"Don't worry I brought an extra set of clothes with me. If you'll like you can wear them. Thank God Ednil told me to take them before coming here." Crystal told Emerald to which she nodded.

After changing our clothes we wanted to leave but Crystal and Emerald went for a walk at the backside of the park and that too leaving us behind. After much hesitation, Kayon agreed for it.



Today I felt much relaxed. Especially after spending a stressful day just two days ago. I know from their looks that both of them didn't expect me to play like this. They may have thought that I didn't know how to play well but I knew. After our victory, we ended the game. All my tensed muscles relaxed the moment Kayon hugged me when our group won. When I reached Ednil, Emerald was complaining about her wet clothes. We all are drenched in our sweat. Ednil already told me at home to take an extra set of clothes with me so I took and offered one to Emerald. Maybe Ednil forgot to tell her. When we went to change our clothes she told me that she wants to talk something important to me so we decided to go for a walk at the backside of the park.

While walking Emerald apologised to me. She accepted having a crush on Kayon for many years. She wanted to be in my place but now she understood that she can never take it. She told me how she wanted to create a misunderstanding between us and how much she regrets that. It felt nice that she understood her mistake and holds no grudges against me.

After leaving the park we went to Ray's pizza. We ordered pizza and lobster rolls. After eating we headed towards our home.


At Night...

After coming home I told Kayon about Emerald's confession and it seems like they are on good terms now. Aunt Clare and Emerald also went back to their home in the evening.

After having dinner I went inside my room. "Can you sleep on the bed Grey?" Kayon asked.

I wanted to reject him but recalling Ednil's words I agreed to sleep on the bed. I laid down and my back was facing him. Suddenly he spoke, "how strange is this life, Grey. We don't want the one who wants us and the one we want doesn't want us."

I understood the meaning of his words. "Do you trust God?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Then have faith in him. Everything happens for a reason, everything takes time to settle. God will surely give you what you want." I told him and immediately felt one of his hand on my waist. He then pulled me closer and placed my head on his arm. I didn't pull away as I felt a new feeling that I never felt before. I felt loved, I felt special, I felt Belonged...
Belonged to him...


An early update for all my lovely readers.
How's the chapter? Do let me know...

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