Chapter 26

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The next day passed in a blink and after a tiring day at his office, Mahir was just home and getting freshenup sat back on his couch opening his laptop, just then he received a call and his eyes went wide seeing the person on call.

He din't know why he's getting a call after years, he picked his phone thinking if he should lift or no but decided to face it and picked it nervously.

"Hello", Mahir said slowly

"Mahir", came a voice

Mahir felt his surroundings freezing the moment he heard that voice after two full years, he waited silently for the person to speak further.

"I have to tell you something Mahir, please don't cut the call", requested the person on the other side

Mahir again stayed quite while the person continued to speak, unknowingly he din't feel anything after knowing the reason behind the person's call.

If it was a couple of months back he felt he wouldn't take this news this easy, but he din't know if this is because of Bela that this person isn't affecting him like before.

He got annoyed at his own feelings and his life and threw the phone breaking it into pieces.

"What's even happening with me?", Mahir yelled to himself

This is not him, Mahir was never this way.. he was always so particular in everything he do, be it in his personal or his professional life but now he isn't understanding what his heart wants, what his mind is saying either.

His past which he tried to move on from from the last couple of years felt mixing in thin air only after he met Bela.

He knew it was only after he met Bela he started changing for good being himself, but yet his heart isn't letting him to accept her consumed with his fears and insecurities which he believed ruined his relationships.

"Mahir", Bela shouted barking into his room

"Look, I have something to say", Bela smiled excited

Mahir just looked at her not answering, and used by his ignorance and silence Bela din't mind it much and continued with what she's here.

"Okay there's this small fair going on this weekend, can we go together?", Bela asked excited to go with him

Mahir ignored her and opened his laptop typing something.

"I'm speaking something to you Mahir", Bela frowned at his act

Bela saw him not even looking at her and staring at his laptop as if his life depended on it.

She was so happy and excited when Vish told her about the fair the coming weekend and was just waiting to share it with Mahir so that she can go out and spend some time with him but his ignorance this way felt like pouring water on all her excitement.

"Mahir, what's wrong? I'm saying something", Bela said

She scrunched her nose when Mahir was still not replying back and she angrily went sitting on his lap closing his laptop.

Mahir closed his eyes stopping himself from loosing control and fists his palms to not let his emotions out at this moment.

"Get up Bela", Mahir said calmly

"I won't until you listen and answer to me completely, what's with this ignoring me huh?", Bela said complaining

"Just get up and go back to your room Bela", Mahir warned

"No way Mahir, you tell me.. we are going to the fair right?", Bela asked

"No", Mahir said plainly

"What happened Mahir? You look so off, is everything alright?", Bela asked analysing his face

"I'm fine Bela, you go", Mahir said not looking at her

"Mahir, what's wrong hubby?", Bela asked softly caressing his stubble

"Stop it Bela", Mahir yelled getting up such that Bela stumbled on her feet as she was sitting on his lap

Bela looked at him shocked not expecting him to react this way. She cursed herself for not behaving understanding his mood.

"Um.. sorry", Bela said softly

"What sorry Bela? Why do you always irritate me?", Mahir yelled

"I.. I irritate you?", Bela asked when tears formed in her eyes

"Yes, you do.. always! You are just so annoying and pissing Bela", Mahir looked aside

Bela gasped sobbing, it's not the first time when someone said she's annoying.. she had heard such before for her talkative nature but when Mahir said that she couldn't take it and let her tears flow down her cheek.

"I.. I'm sorry Mahir", Bela said slowly

"Why don't you just understand when I say to go huh? You don't understand anything I say.. when I say I don't want you, you keep sticking to me.. when I say I don't want this marriage, you keep trying to show your right as a wife.. just get this straight in your head Bela, I don't accept you as my wife.. get that?", Mahir shouted making his each word clear

"Why Mahir? Am I not good enough for being your wife?", Bela asked sobbing

"You ar'nt, and I surely need not explain you anything", Mahir said rubbing his temples

Bela took a long breath trying not to burst out infront of him and pressed her lips tightly to not let her sobs reach his ears.

Mahir looked at Bela who was looking down with tears flowing from her doe eyes.

He closed his eyes cursing himself for being this rude to her when he knew her tears are something he would never want to see, never!

He just couldn't control himself, first that call and then his thoughts made him already out of mind and this was the last thing he would want to do with Bela.

"Bela.. listen.. I..", Mahir was saying when Bela interrupted

"I'm sorry Mahir, I'm very sorry for coming into your life.. I should have never met you in the first place", Bela whispered audible enough for Mahir to hear

"Bela", Mahir called when Bela already ran to her room

"Shit", Mahir banged his fist on the wall

He sat back pulling his hair when unknowingly his eyes became moist when Bela's crying face kept flashing his mind again and again.

"Fuck", Mahir cursed himself going to her room

He saw the room door wide open and went inside but frowned not finding anyone, he looked around and not finding her anywhere in the room he went and searched the whole house and now was worried for her.

"Where did you go Bela?", Mahir mumbled going out

He saw her car was parked and hurriedly took his car looking for her. He kept looking at the nearby places possible for Bela to be now but not finding her anywhere sweat beads formed his forehead about her safety.

He still kept looking for her and stopped when he found her walking on the corner of the road. He sighed seeing her safe and got down the car approaching her.

Bela was walking silently in the deserted road cursing her fate in the foggy night rubbing her arms easing the cold weather.

While she was walking, she felt a sudden thug on her wrist and in the next moment she hit a hard yet a soft thing and she very well knows what or who it is.

She looked up to find the same deep black orbs looking at her and she suddenly felt a pang in her heart thinking of all that happened hours back.

Pushing him with all the force she took a step back and looked at him while her tears seem to not leave her side.

"Bela", he whispered

"Why are you here Mahir?", Bela asked maintaining a decent distance from him

"And what do you think you are doing here?", Mahir asked taking a step towards her

"Why do you even bother?", Bela asked looking aside

"Come home, it's not safe at this hour", Mahir said trying to hold her hand

"Stay away Mahir.. you don't have to worry about me and come like this looking for me.. I can certainly take care of myself, thank you", Bela answered blankly

"Bela we can speak in home, now please come", Mahir requested

It was a rare moment to witness Mahir Sehgal requesting someone.. please, sorry, thank you where something never in his dictionary.

Bela looked at him and felt her eyes soften for a brief moment.. but mentally slapped herself for forgetting everything happened a while ago.

"I'm not coming anywhere", Bela declared

"You are coming with me Bela and that's final", Mahir shouted loosing his patience

He was being calm so far and that's more to his patience level.. but when it comes to her, he becomes a totally different person from past few days.

He came looking for her since the moment she left the house, he knows it was his mistake but couldn't help the situation either.

"Who the hell are you to order me Mr. Sehgal, I'm not your employee to obey everything you say", Bela shouted equally on his face

If it was someone else then Mahir would make sure to see him dead by now, no one dares to speak against Mahir.. not at office, not at home either.

She was the first person who dared to and even does..!

"If you forget then let me remind to this pea size brain of yours.. I'm your legally wedded husband Bela", Mahir said holding her by her shoulder

Bela looked at him wishing for all this to be true and meaningful.. but no!! She knows it well.

She gave a sad smile pushing him away.

"You can't announce to the world me being your wife, but inside the four walls you very well remember we are legally wedded husband and wife.. wow, that's so great of you Mr. Mahir Sehgal", Bela laughed mocking her own fate

How she wished Mahir would say the same claiming her as his, as his wife! But alas, she knows US was probably never between them.. it was just YOU and ME!

"Bela please, stop this and come home", Mahir said

"I don't want to come Mahir.. will you kindly leave me alone for sometime?", Bela yelled on his face

"You won't listen like this, will you?", Mahir gritted his teeth

He without a second thought picked her up in his arms throwing her on his shoulders while Bela yelled at him for his act.

"Stop this craziness Mahir, just put me down", Bela yelled

Mahir din't utter a word and carried her till his car and quickly yet gently made her sit inside and closed the door.

Bela tried to get out but realised Mahir locked it and fummed at him who just sat next to her in the driving seat.

"Just stay quite Bela, we can talk once we are home.. please", Mahir requested starting the car

Bela frowned looking aside peeping outside the window thinking of all there moments since she first met him, there silly fights, her fun teasing him, there not expected marriage, she realising her love for him, he rejecting there marrige on face, those small moments they shared.. everything seems to flow infront of her eyes.

Tears flowed down her eyes not knowing where her life is taking her, Mahir looked at her from the corner of his eyes and found her silently sobbing.

His heart pricked seeing her this way and cursed himself when his anger took over hours back, but alas he knew if not today this gotta happen some other day.

As much as if wanted Bela in his life, his insecurities, his fear isn't letting him accept her completely as his wife nor is letting him accept his true feelings for her which he knew!

"I'm sorry Bela, this is probably best for both of us", Mahir thought while a tear left his eye

He quickly wiped it off concentrating on the road and soon reached home.

Bela got down the car and without waiting for Mahir rushed to her room closing it in a thud.

Mahir sighed looking at her and looked around as everyone where asleep. He kept looking at her retarding figure and fell back on the sofa in the living room thinking of Bela.

"I'm sorry Bela, this might be small word for the amount of pain I'm giving you so far.. I'm sorry", Mahir closed his eyes

Bela broke down in tears leaning to the wall which she tried to hold back so far, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Why are you doing this to me Mahir? Can't I be a good wife to you? Why are you pushing me away?", Bela cried thinking of him

She got up and looked at herself in the mirror when her eyes fell on the hickey Mahir gave her a day before which made her cry even more of what's happening.

She doesn't know why he comes close to her, yet runs away each time. She softly caressed her neck line feeling his lips over her body and pressed her lips controlling her immense sobs when she realised Mahir might never accept her despite her constant efforts.

She felt as if all the moments she lived with him so far are all fake that she felt like dying remembering all there moments so far.

She couldn't help but cry on her one sided love story which already failed even before it blossomed.

She searched and picked her phone dailing her Dad, Raghav not caring about the time.

"Hello, Bela.. is everything alright?", Raghav asked knowing Bela sleeps early

"Dad, I want you back", Bela said slowly

"Bela, what happened? You asked me to come a month later right?", Raghav asked worried

"I know, but come back dad.. I'm missing you", Bela sniffed

"I'll be back tomorrow evening Bela, don't cry sweetheart", Raghav said

"Come soon dad, I just wanna see you", Bela said

"Is everything okay Bela? Is there anything you ar'nt telling me?", Raghav asked sensing something

"No dad, I'm good.. was just missing you", Bela said not wanting to tell anything now

"Okay don't worry Bela, I'll be there by evening.. will cook all your favourites by the time you come home okay?", Raghav tried to cheer up

"Thanks dad, and sorry for ruining your sleep.. good night dad", Bela said

"Take care Princess, Good Night", Raghav said and cut the call

Bela sighed as she just couldn't stay back knowing Mahir wouldn't accept her ever, she kept weeping for him, for her love don't know how long until she fell asleep sitting next to her bed lying her head on the bed.


Hello guys!

So what just happened? 🤨
Next chapter some revelations? 🤭

Hope you guys are enjoying it, do share you thoughts through the comments 🥰

Lots of love peeps! 🤗🤗

Thank you.

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