Chapter 27

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Bela wokeup with a heavy headache due to continuously crying last night, she held her head slowly getting up from the floor.

She remembered all the previous day's incidents and couldn't help but tear up yet again thinking of Mahir's words when he precisely made it crystal clear that they don't have a future together.

"Why Mahir? Couldn't you give me a single chance?", Bela sobbed holding her pendant tight in her fist gifted by her mother

"I miss you Mom", Bela whispered closing her eyes

She let her tears fall vigorously sharing her pain with the four walls and wiped her tear strains when she was even done with crying for so long.

She got up heading to the washroom, and doing her bussiness came out taking a bath.

Bela sadly sat on the bed picking all stuff and packing it all to leave now, she caressed the dress Mahir gifted her on Diwali and gasped reminiscing all there little moments.

She picked her nuptial chain which she very carefully had hid it in a small box owing to wear it only when Mahir make her wear once again but now she felt this would rather remain a memory, a sweet painfully memory!

She went downstairs with her bag while Sumi who was setting the table for breakfast looked at her surprised.

"Bela", Sumi said coming towards her

"Don't mind me informing at the peak moment Aunty, but I'm going back home today.. Dad will be back by evening", Bela informed

"You are going back?", Sumi whispered sadly

Bela's talkative nature and her lovely talks made Sumi love her instantly and over the time she wasn't less than any of her kids.

"Raghav ji din't inform us anything?", Sumi asked more like a question

"It was a last minute decision Aunty, even I got to know last night only", Bela said slowly

"I'll miss you Bela, you have become a crucial part of our family in no time", Sumi said hugging her

Bela smiled sadly hugging her back, she would have actually been there family only if Mahir din't behave like an asshole according to her.

How much ever she tried not to be biased and to think from his perspective also, all she could feel is anger for not understanding her. She felt her brain stopped working and not wanting to do anything stupid in this state of mind she decided it's best to stay away from Mahir for both of them.

"You are leaving?", Asked Kuhu with moist eyes standing near the stairs

Bela turned to face her and nodded her head in yes slightly which honestly disappointed Kuhu.

She always wanted a sister to herself, not that she din't want a brother.. she loved both her brothers way to much but at times she would feel to have a sister and she found that sister love in Bela.

"Don't leave di", Kuhu pleaded

"Dad is back Kuhu, we can keep meeting frequently.. don't cry", Bela said holding her hand

"But I'm so used to you di, I'll.. I'll also come with you", Kuhu pouted

Bela let out a laugh at her words, she felt so overwhelming seeing this family showering endless love for her in just this one and a half month being together.

"Yeah come, I'll would love to have you at my home", Bela smiled hugging her

"Take me also Bela, will be getting more privacy with my girlfriend at your place", Yuvi said coming towards them only to cheer there mood

He heard all there conversation so far, and honestly even he din't wanted Bela to leave. As much as he wanted Bela to be her Bhabhi marrying Mahir, she was more like a sister to him so far which he never wanna loose.

"Oh yeah, she will be coming tomorrow.. may be you can also?", Bela winked smirking at him

"Enough, don't forget even I'm standing here", Sumi said glaring at Yuvi

Yuvi bit his lip while the rest ended up laughing at him.

"We will miss you Bela, you must keep coming to visit us okay?", Asked Andy

"Ofcourse Uncle, and you all also should come home one day.. you guys haven't come yet", Bela said

Andy nodded smiling at her while Sumi called everyone for breakfast. Unlike the other days when Bela would speak nonstop making the breakfast the best meal, today she and the rest din't know what to speak.

They themselves never realised they have become this close to Bela untill today when she's leaving, and Bela.. she always knew she found her family in these people.

All her life it was just her Dad who became her everything and today having these many to care and love her felt as if she doesn't want anything more in life.

She can't afford to loose all of them just for Mahir's love, she din't know how Sumi would even react knowing that she's already married to her son and that she had fell head over heels in love with him while Mahir isn't even acknowledging it.

"Bela", Sumi called

"Yes Aunty", Bela said coming out from her thoughts

"Eat beta", Sumi smiled sadly

Bela nodded resuming while Mahir came downstairs and looked at them confused of why everyone is silent.

He couldn't help but curse himself for being rude to Bela last night and understood that she must be still thinking about the same.

He slowly pulled the chair next to Bela being it empty and sat next to her.

Bela felt her body freeze the moment she felt him sitting next to her, probably for the first time she felt uncomfortable sitting with him and his presence.

"Why do you always irritate me?

"Why don't you just understand when I say to go huh? You don't understand anything I say.. when I say I don't want you, you keep sticking to me.. when I say I don't want this marriage, you keep trying to show your right as a wife.. just get this straight in your head Bela, I don't accept you as my wife.. get that?"

Mahir's words kept ringing in her ears and she blinked her eyes rapidly not letting her tears escape her eyes.

She quickly completed her breakfast and soon Mahir left for his office not wanting to face Bela after what happened last night.

"Bye Aunty", Bela hugged Sumi

"Take care Bela, and call if you need anything", Sumi said

Bela nodded going to Kuhu.. "Kuhu baby, no tears.. where am I going? We will be in the city only, can meet anytime okay?", Bela asked

Kuhu just nodded and hugged her tight, Bela smiled hugging her back.

"And you, don't annoy your sister okay? Be a good brother", Bela said to Yuvi indicating Kuhu

Kuhu laughed while Yuvi rolled her eyes pulling Bela to a hug.

"Sure, will see..", Yuvi laughed

"Okay then, gotta leave for work.. bye", Bela said one last time and left to her hospital

The day passed in a blink when it was time for her to leave home.

She picked her phone calling Raghav who picked it in the first ring only.

"Hey Dad, what's up.. reached safely?", Bela asked

"Yeah Bela, I'm home already and almost done with cooking dinner as well.. only your presence is needed now", Raghav smiled

"Perfect, I'm starting now.. will be there in.. in twenty if no traffic or thirty if traffic", Bela laughed

Raghav laughed keeping the call and Bela drove to her house being super super hungry.

She din't know if she have to tell everything to her Dad or no, but she can never lie or hide anything if he asks her.

She soon reached home and rushed inside and hugged Raghav who just served the dining.

"You are back Bela", Raghav smiled hugging her

"I missed you dad", Bela said backing off

"I missed you more Bela.. first go freshenup and come, let's have dinner and talk", Raghav said

"Yeah I'll be back in fifteen minutes", Bela said going upstairs

She took a quick shower and came down settling opposite to Raghav.

"So how's the holiday?", Bela asked trying her best to sound cheerful

"It was pretty good meeting all of them.. but, you tell me Bela.. how was it at Sehgal's?", Raghav asked

"It was awesome except the fact that I missed you Dad, I just love Sumi Aunty the most.. she's just a mother figure, and the siblings.. Yuvi and Kuhu are so loving and fun.. you should meet them again", Bela said smiling

"Sure, I was thinking if we could invite them for dinner some day?", Raghav asked

"Hell yes, even I was thinking of the same Dad.. may be next week or a couple of days later?", Bela suggested to which Raghav nodded

Raghav had so many questions in mind but din't know if he can ask Bela and disturb her, coz now that he already could guess something was off.

They completed there dinner talking a little and settled in the living room sofa.

"Bela", Raghav called Bela who was lying on his lap

"Yes Dad", Bela replied

"What happened Bela?", Raghav asked

Bela went silent with Raghav's question, she knew this was coming and that she can't hide it any longer from him.

"I'm sorry Dad", Bela sniffed

"Hey Bela, what's wrong baby?", Raghav asked worried seeing her tearing up

"I Love Him Dad", Bela said it out

For a moment Raghav smiled wide knowing that his sweetheart is now finally in love, he always wanted her to find her one and experience what love is and now when she found the one he felt extremely happy.

But that's when he realised Bela is sobbing silently and thought may be it isn't easy as he's thinking it to be.

"Who is it Bela? Do I know him?", Raghav asked curiously

"Mahir.. I'm in love with Mahir", Bela confessed it loud

"Andy's elder son, Mahir?", Raghav asked confirming

Bela slightly nodded and Raghav smiled seeing her choice, although he doesn't know much about Mahir but what he has heard he knew he was a great bussiness man with great morals.

"Then what's the problem Bela.. does he not love you back?", Raghav asked worried

Bela got up from his lap sitting next to him, she looked at him and slowly narrated everything happened in this one and a half month at Sehgal Mansion.

Raghav widen his eyes knowing that his daughter is already married and his eyes filled in rage listening to how Mahir kept pushing Bela away despite having there moments.

Bela just couldn't hold back and told everything pin to pin even about there kiss but ofcourse not in detail.

"I don't know what to do Dad, I.. I don't know", Bela cried

"Shh calm down Bela, come here", Raghav said taking her in his arms

Bela side hugged him sobbing in his arms while Raghav himself din't know what to tell her.

"Bela, please don't cry.. I can't see you like this", Raghav requested

Bela slowly composed herself and backed off wiping her tears.

"Please don't think of this too much Bela, you have already given your best to save this relationship.. and if Mahir really wants you then it's his turn to make a move.. otherwise, you should learn to move on", Raghav said softly

Bela simply nodded helplessly while Raghav din't know what he could do for his daughter to smile again.


On the other side Mahir kept looking for Bela in the whole house unaware of the fact that Bela left to her house. Finally deciding to ask someone, he came downstairs and saw Yuvi on a call.

"Yuvi", Mahir called him

"Okay baby, will call you later.. bye", Yuvi said to Vish on the call

"Yes Bhai", Yuvi asked

"Umm.. where is Bela? Is she busy late night or something? I mean, I couldn't find her around", Mahir asked trying his best to sound casual

"You.. you don't know Bhai?", Yuvi asked surprised

"Don't know what Yuvi?", Mahir asked scrunching his nose

"Raghav uncle is back to Mumbai, so Bela left to her house Bhai.. she said she will directly go home from hospital", Yuvi informed

Mahir felt as if someone gave him a reality check, he couldn't help but wonder if Raghav actually came back or it's just Bela who left hurt by his actions.

"Is anything wrong Bhai?", Yuvi asked seeing his tensed face

"Nothing", Mahir said turning around but halted seeing kuhu coming down

"Okay di, you will come morning or at night after your working hours?", Kuhu asked in the call

"I'll come in the morning Kuhu okay? Good night", Said Bela on the other side and cut the call

"Who is it Kuhu?", Yuvi asked

"Bela Di, I saw she forgot some pouch of her's so I called to inform the same.. she said she'll come in the morning to pick it up", Kuhu informed

Mahir felt guilt rushing within assuming Bela left only because of him.

"I'm sorry Bela.. for everything", Mahir . mumbled


The next morning Bela came to Sehgal Mansion to collect her left over belongings and surprisingly she felt the tension in the air among everyone and looked around to find an unknown girl looking up, precisely towards Mahir's room while she heard a thud sound from his room.

"What happened that he's showing his anger on the room door.. and who is this? Some friend may be?", Bela thought

"She looks quite beautiful also, who could it be?", Bela wondered

The girl who was looking towards Mahir, rushed upstairs and stood infront of Mahir's room.

Bela saw how everyone were looking at the girl with a scared expression confusing her, she saw the girl slowly getting inside Mahir's room.

That's when Yuvi observed Bela there and came to her.

"Oh hi Bela", Yuvi said blankly thinking of something else

"Hi Yuvi", Bela wished

Sumi and Andy just smiled at Bela and quickly left the place much to her dislike, they where never this way.. she understood there's something wrong and she had come in the wrong time but she was curious to know who the girl is and what she is to Mahir after seeing her go to Mahir's room.

"Umm.. who's she Yuvi?", Bela asked Yuvi who was still seem to be zoned out

"Anu.. Ananya Mahir Sehgal", Kuhu whispered slowly looking towards Mahir's room

"Ohh.. what?", Bela asked realising what Kuhu said

"Mahir Bhai's wife.. Anu Bhabhi", Yuvi said not realising what he's blurtting out

Bela felt her world collapsing the moment she got to know that Mahir is married.. already married.. married even before they met.

Unknowingly tears started to form it's way making her vision blur when she still couldn't accept the fact that her Mahir is married.. she felt her brain wasn't working knowing this piece of information which was like cold water hitting her face.

"He's married", Bela muttered under her breath

She suddenly felt her breathing go heavy when she constantly kept looking at his room door only to find it closed and the thought that Mahir is in a room with another girl and that girl is his wife isn't helping her situation either.

She looked around and finding her pouch on the table, she quickly picked and left the house in a hurry with her breaking emotions.

Ananya Mahir Sehgal was the only name ringing in her head


Hello guys!

So what was it? Mahir is already married? 🤨 What do you guys think about this? 🤔

And I see everyone are still thinking I'm on this 'surprise update' but I changed the update pattern to three time a week.. will update with a gap of two days 😁😁

And don't worry, I'm a very good girl.. I wouldn't make you guys wait long and will update the next chapter super soon unlike any other time before. 😁

Hope you guys are enjoying it, do share you thoughts through the comments 🥰

Lots of love peeps! 🤗🤗

Thank you.

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