Chapter 18

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"Stuck Again"

When both Bela and mahir came back near there car, the dhaba person who came there for some work saw them and came near them.

"I suppose you are leaving now", said the man

"Yeah, and thanks for the help", Bela replied smiling

"Why don't your both join the marriage happening near by? You are from city right, so you might have never seen village marriages", the man suggested

"No, we have to leave", mahir said

"Let's go Mr. Sehgal, we can return back soon", Bela said smiling

"No Bela, we need to go.. we have to reach home by today itself", mahir said looking at the time

"Ok, let's atleast see and come.. I mean we will not stay but I just wanna see, few minutes please", Bela requested

Mahir just dint want to stay anymore here, he had never visited villages till today. But seeing Bela's pout and when she was requesting so much he couldn't refuse her.

He simply nodded and Bela smiled wide and mouthed a "thank you" to him. They both moved forward and reached the place.

Mahir who was least interested, sat to a side while Bela went inside to see the arrangements.


Thirty minutes later mahir looked at his watch while working on his laptop and realised that it's high time they leave to Mumbai now.

Taking out his phone he saw seven missed called from Bela. He realised it was silent till now and being engrossed in his work he dint notice his phone vibrating also.

Concerned about why she called so many times he called back to which Bela lifted the call in the first ring.

"Mr. Sehgal where are you? Please immediately come near the backside of the house", Bela said in a breath

"What? Is everything alright Bela?", mahir asked confused

"Nothing is fine now, will you stop asking questions and come quickly?", Bela asked annoyed

"Okay, be there I'm coming", mahir said

Mahir confused and concerned of bela's words immediately went near the backside of the house as told by bela. He saw Bela jumping from one of the wall, scared of if she might get hurt he quickly went to catch her but she already fell down and winched in pain.

"Bela are you fine? What are you even doing?", Mahir asked angrily

"Um.. Mr. Sehgal the bride is forced to marry and the groom is a total Casanova.. and itseems her brother stays nearby who's completely unaware of her marriage, so if we can make her reach any bus stand or railway station then she can manage further", Bela said in a go

"Bela why do you want to create new troubles for yourself? Just leave and come along", mahir said sternly

"No way Mr. Sehgal, I can't let her marry even after knowing the situation.. if you wanna help then ok or else you can leave, I know how to come back on my own", Bela said

She held the bride's hand and ran from there to avoid anyone seeing them. Mahir din't even wanna do this a bit, but he knew Bela would surely fall into some trouble due to her childishness.

He turned back and ran behind Bela and finally with no other go stood by there side to help the bride reach her place soon.

Alongside, Bela knew mahir wouldn't leave them like this in trouble. She knew he was an arrogant man but yet a kind hearted deep inside.


Few minutes later the news that the bride ran away was across the whole place where the marriage was taking place. Being a small village, few of the men drove to find the bride while at a spot they found her along with mahir and Bela near the village bus stand.

Furious of what's happening now, they came forward to the girl along but was stopped by mahir. He knew this would happen the sooner or later and was well prepared for it. While Mahir was busy fighting with those men, Bela cleverly made the girl sit in the bus and sent her.

"Mr. Sehgal", called out Bela to let him know that the bride is now safe

Realising, mahir kicked one of them for once and holding Bela's hand they ran as quickly as they could. They soon reached an isolated area which more seemed like they were near to some kind of forest.

"Where the hell are we now?", Bela asked tired

"I have no clue, let's walk a little more and see if we can find any way out", mahir suggested which seems like the only option they have

They stepped to move ahead but stopped seeing police infront of them. The men looked at Bela and mahir and the photo they had which was given by the bride's father.

Without a word the police puts handcuffs to mahir's left hand and Bela's right hand tieing them together.

"Please leave us, it's wasn't even out mistake.. they were only trying to forcefully get her married", Bela tried to explain

"First come to police station and then we can talk", police said annoyed

"You don't know what I can do to you for this sir, it's better you leave us now", mahir said sternly

"Is it? Good then, lemmi see what you can do.. first let's go to the police station", said the police making them sit in there car.

Reaching the police station they immediately kept Bela and mahir behind the bars without caring to listen to there words nor paid any attention to Bela's constant shouting.

"Shutup now, there ar'nt going to listen to you anymore.. first of all this all is happening only coz of you, why do you want to poke into others issues when you have no idea about them?", Mahir asked frustrated

"C'mom don't be so inhuman, she was in need of help which we did.. and stop blaming me ok? We can get out of here if you can support", Bela said eyeing at him

"See there's a window here, let's jump from there before someone can notice us, okay?", Bela asked continuing

Mahir looked at the window and nodding his head walked towards it. He pulled a small stool towards him with his leg and signalled Bela to jump first.

Bela stood on the stool while her one hand is still near mahir due to the handcuffs.

"Oh hello Mr. Arrogant, we are tied with handcuffs, if you put your hand in your pockets for style do you think I can jump when my one hand will be left with you.. or wait do you want me to cut my hand or what", Bela said glaring at him

"Why can't you just talk straight?", Mahir said irritated

Mahir then moved his hand towards Bela while he held Bela's waist with another hand pushing her out. Bela got alerted once his hand touch her waist but she was not in a situation to think about it anymore. Once Bela jumped mahir too jumped carefully and both ran away from there as fast as they could.


Yoo!! Before stuck in room, now stuck with the handcuffs.. tell me what you felt reading this part and also lemmi know what you feel would happen next..
Till then bye guys..

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