Chapter 19

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"His Feelings"

"I can't walk more Mr. Sehgal, not a step more", Bela said after running for long

"Bela we have no choice, we need to fine a solution to leave this place as fast as we can", mahir said

"But I'm not in a state to move anymore, what can I do then?", Bela said breathing heavily

Mahir looked around once and picked Bela in his arms shocking her to the extreme.

"Mr. Sehgal what are you doing? You won't be able to walk carrying me for long", Bela said concerned

"Then you have any other option? I understand you can't walk anymore but we need to leave soon, so just stay calm", mahir said

Bela just nodded coz she knew she badly couldn't walk anymore and this is the only option left for them, while all the time her hand ached due to the handcuffs and mahir carrying Bela made her hand twist to her back. After a few minutes they reached a small lodge and mahir carefully made Bela stand on her feet.

"I think it's better to stay here this night and leave tomorrow early morning", mahir suggested

Bela just nodded and they both walked forward but mahir stopped confusing Bela.

"What happened?", Asked mahir

Without any answer mahir moved his hand to Bela's shoulder making Bela alert. She dint know what he's up to and slowly mahir pulled Bela's dupatta down to cover there hands so that none could see there handcuffs.

Bela relaxed and looked at mahir who was already looking at her now. They walked further and got a room for themselves.

They looked at eachother awkwardly of how to sleep now, while Bela somehow formed guts and spoke up.

"You can sleep on the bed to the edge and I'll sleep on the floor beside you", Bela said hesitating

"But it's really cold outside, I don't think you can manage", mahir said worrying about her

"That's ok, we don't even have any other option.. we can't sleep toge.. um, I mean.. I'll sleep on the floor", Bela said stammering

Mahir understanding her discomfort dint want to talk more about it so he simply lied down on the bed while Bela lied on the floor just beside mahir. Being too tired of the day's activities they soon feel asleep.


Next morning mahir got up and saw Bela sleeping uncomfortably, he stood up and tried waking her up coz its safe for them to leave as soon as possible. Bela slowly opened her eyes and startled to see mahir infront of her. She got up and moved along with mahir.

They went out and ordered something for them to eat. Mahir quitely started eating while Bela din't know what to do. Her right hand was tied with mahir so thinking for a while she tried eating with her left hand to which mahir observed her.

When Bela couldn't eat with her left hand mahir forwarded his hand to feed her. She looked at him trying to understand why is he doing this. She slowly opened her mouth and mahir fed her.

Mahir himself din't know why he wanted to feed her, but he knew that Bela was hell hungry by then and she wasn't able to eat alone.

"We need to leave soon Bela, shall we?", Mahir asked after completing eating

Bela just nodded and they both headed outside and went to a find a way out.

"I'm thirsty", Bela said pouting

Mahir just looked at her without uttering a word making Bela frown at him. They walked a little more and Bela found a small tree with fruits. She quickly pulled and ate a few and then turned to mahir.

"Want some?", Bela asked

Mahir nodded in no and tried waking forward but due to the handcuffs Bela almost fell on mahir. Realising, mahir slowly unwrapped his hand which was holding Bela's waist till now, Bela too backed off and saw mahir taking a rock from a side.

"What the hell, are you planning to kill me?", Bela's eyes popped out

"Shutup Bela", mahir said irritated

Mahir tried to breaking the handcuffs with the rock and was later even successful after a couple of attempts.

"Sorry.. and thanks too", Bela said softly

She rubbed her hands which were paining till now and looked at mahir who was already looking at her hurt hand.

Mahir diverting his gaze, moved forward to find the road for them to leave. He once looked back to see if Bela is coming and found her still in the same place. He sensed something wrong and as thought she fell down unconscious.

He felt blank for a second, he rushed near her and making her lie on his lap he tried tapping her cheeks and called her multiple times but all in vain.

She was all fine minutes back and he dint know why this happened. Suddenly his gaze fell on the fruits which she just ate aside and suspecting it's not normal fruits he immediately picked her in his arms and moved forward to find a way out.

He walked for a while and then found a small house, he immediately took her there and made Bela lie down and called the man for help.

"What happened to her beta?", Asked the man to mahir

"I don't know, she fell unconscious.. please check her once", mahir said choking

The man was checking Bela while unknown to mahir tears made its way down his cheeks. All he want is Bela to be fit and fine, he couldn't afford if something happens to her but he was himself confused of why he's feeling such.

Mahir saw the man getting a few leave nearby and making Bela drink that juice, he was totally confused of what happened to Bela that he's doing all these.

"She was poisoned, I did the nessessary but she need to gain her consious.. if not then it's not in out hands", said the man

Mahir sat next to Bela and tried calling her but Bela was still unconscious. The man seeing mahir in such vulnerable state, felt sad for them.

Mahir went aside not knowing what to do, all he was doing was crying his heart out for that person he hardly knows nor spoken decently any time.

All the moments he spent with Bela till now seems to be infront of his eyes. He remembered how badly he used to be annoyed by her and wanted to make her suffer but everytime something wrong happens to her he felt like it affected him more than her.

He looked at Bela who was lying unconscious, he din't know if this would be the last time he could see her.. but silently his heart was continuously praying for her to be fine.

This was the second time he ever cried in his life. First, when Sumi got to know that Andy cheated her and now seeing Bela is such condition. He was feeling numb, as if none of his organs were working.

"Beta I think she's gaining her consious back", said that man to mahir

Mahir turned back and rushed to Bela and taking her in his arms he patted her cheeks calling her name out. Bela slowly opened her eyes and saw mahir near her.

She started breathing heavily and then calmed a little making mahir smile weakly. She looked at him and was surprised seeing his tear stricken face.


How was the part guys?Vote and lemmi me know through comments!!

And sorry, this was supposed to be an emotional part but turned out a little clumsy. So please try to imagine the scenes so that you can feel it.

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