Chapter 3

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"The Cold War"

"Wait! How will you go Bela?", Asked sumi

"I have my scooty aunty", said Bela

"Oh, but how will you go alone? It's already too late Bela", said Sumi with concern

"That's ok aunty, I'm used to it.. you don't take tension", said Bela casually

"Ok beta, take care", said Sumi

"Sure aunty bye", said Bela and left from there

"Maa why did you choose her as the wedding planner?", Asked mahir thinking of the morning incident

"Why? Do you know her before?", Asked Sumi confused at mahir's words

"I'll tell you maa", said yuvi eying at mahir

Yuvi told the whole incident how mahir hit bela's scooty and how Bela broke Mahir's car front glass. Sumi went shocked listening to it at first but the next moment she started laughing hard along with yuvi.

"It isn't funny maa", said Mahir being annoyed

"Acha ok sorry, but mahir she isn't bad like you think.. honestly speaking if she wasn't there then I don't know what would have happened to me", said Sumi thinking of something

"What do you mean? What happened to you maa?" Asked mahir worried

"Don't worry, I'm fine now.. yesterday morning while I was returning back from the temple I was gonna hit by a car but Bela saved me, if not I would surely...", Sumi said

"Maa please never say such words again", said Mahir interrupting Sumi

He came and hugged Sumi and she too hugged him back.

"Also coz of me Bela couldn't reach her office on time and lost an offer, and mahir her designs were really impressive.. I'm sure even you would love them, so only I had asked her to organise your wedding", said Sumi

Mahir sighed listening to Sumi.

"Maa but still I don't want her to organise this, how can she even break my car glass? Doesn't she know what Mahir Sehgal can do?", Said Mahir angrily

"If you have problem with me then talk to me directly, stop complaining it to your mother", said Bela standing near the door

"Dint you go?", Asked mahir

"I'll go, I don't have any interest to see your angry face", said Bela walking forward

"And you can't relate the morning incident with my work, okay? I do my work properly and if you have any problem with my work then say that you don't want me to organise", continued Bela frowning

"I have no interest in taking to you, if mom had choose you to organise then fine do it, but stay away from me", said Mahir pointing his finger

"Same here, I wish you always stay in your office when I'm at your house.. atleast I won't have to see your face everyday", said Bela pushing his finger away which he was pointing at her

Sumi and yuvi were shocked by her act, obviously who could dare to do this with mahir? Here mahir was also shocked seeing her reaction but Bela cared the least.

She took her bag which she forgot before, looking at mahir for once she left from there while mahir was fuming in anger. Dejected, he went to his room.

Changing into his night wear mahir comes out from his washroom and sees yuvi sitting on his bed.

"How did you know about that incident?", Asked mahir curiously

"Which incident Bhai?", Asked yuvi hiding his smirk

"That one which you were telling to mom", said Mahir

"Which one? I don't know Bhai", said yuvi pulling his leg

"Yuvi I know you understood what I meant, so stop acting smart", said Mahir pointing his finger

"Ok ok cool Bhai, anyways I have my own ways", said yuvi smiling sheepishly

"Fine", sighed mahir rolling his eyes

Yuvi giggled looking at him and received a glare from mahir, being scared yuvi left to his room.


Here Bela was also fuming in anger thinking about mahir's words.

"Will you tell me what happened?", Asked Vish

"How can even say he have no interest in talking to me, how can he even point his finger on me?", Said Bela thinking of mahir

"Whom are you even talking about Di?", Asked Vish being annoyed

"Who else, the great Mahir Sehgal.. he's just a jerk", said Bela being pissed off

"Omg! Did u fight with him?", Asked Vish

Bela explained the whole incident and Vish was shocked knowing it.

"You need to be careful, I heard that he have a lot of anger.. and you broke his car glass, I'm sure he will wait for the moment when he can throw you out from his house", said Vish

"I know, but I'm no less.. I'll just not give him a opportunity to do that", said Bela determined

"Fine now let's have dinner, I'm hungry Di", said Vish

"Wow! The elder one comes home at this time and want to have dinner and the younger one goes to college and doesn't even bother of the things happening here.. do you expect me to cook?", Asked Rohini coming from her room

"No aunty I'm sorry, I'll cook now", said Bela understanding that the dinner isn't prepared

"You better do it fast, I'm hungry", said Rohini sternly

"Yeah!", Said Bela

"I'll help you di, come", said Vish

"No need Vish, you go and study.. you have your exams in a few months right, I'll call you once the dinner is prepared", said Bela

"Fine, I know you never let me work", said Vish and Bela smiled


Next morning mahir was getting ready for his office while someone came to his room and closed his eyes from behind.

"Kuhu! I know it's you", said Mahir casually coz he knew she would come today

Kuhu, a 23 year old bubbly sister to mahir and yuvi. A little naughty but precious for her brothers. In her first year of MBA and mahir being a protective brother takes care of every thing she need even before she ask.

"How comes you guess correctly everytime Bhai?", Asked kuhu

"I don't guess darling, I'm always sure about it", smirked mahir

"I know, after all you are my brother", said kuhu smiling

"Drama queen!", Exclaimed mahir

Kuhu hugged mahir and he too hugged her back.

"How was you friend's wedding?", Asked mahir

"It went on great, but I missed your engagement coz of my fever Bhai.. you dint let me travel", said kuhu frowning

"Your health is more important than my engagement kuhu, you fine now?", Asked mahir

"Yes Bhai I'm totally fine now", said kuhu

"I met yuvi Bhai before I came near you", continued kuhu

"Ok so what's so special in it?", Asked mahir confused

Kuhu stayed silent and mahir understood.

"I'll not leave this yuvi today, it was my fault letting him go yesterday.. god knows how many more people he's gonna tell that a normal girl broke my car glass", said Mahir irritated

"Relax Bhai, I'm sure yuvi Bhai won't tell it to anyone.. but I'm excited to meet Bela, of course I should see who dared in front of you", said kuhu winking at mahir

Kuhu left from his room smiling before mahir could react.


So hey peeps! A small cold far already started between them and let's see where things head to..

Keep voting and comment your views and let me know what you feel of this part..

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