Chapter 25

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*Anakin's POV*

Where am I? I thought, as I started to wake. I blinked my eyes open slowly, regaining my consciousness.

I looked down, and saw I was sitting on the bathroom floor. Right... I fell asleep in here.

I looked to my left to see if (Y/N) was there, but she wasn't. I looked to my right, and she still wasn't there.

Maybe she had to do something.

I got up off the floor, grunting. I looked in the mirror and looked at my tossled hair. I shrugged it off, walking out of the bathroom.

I rubbed my head, still a bit sleepy.

Dragging my feet, I walked into the living quarters. Usually you would see lots of Padawans, Masters, and Knights roaming around, but this time there wasn't.

I knew there was a disturbance in the Force. Something felt very out of place...

I put my hand on my lightsaber, eyes darting around the check for anything suspicious.

Very faintly, I heard footsteps coming down the hall, and voices whispering.

I hid behind a wall, trying to tune into their conversation.

"...Gather the others..." said an unfamiliar voice.

"...Bring them to Bespin. I'll have them waiting there," said another.

I peeked around the corner, but it was too late. The voices disappeared.

Something obviously happened while I was asleep.

I pushed my comlink to message the other Jedi members.

"This is Anakin Skywalker," I started, a bit unsure what to say. "If you got this message... uh... meet me in the living quarters."

I let go of the comlink button, to see if my message sent.

The comlink didn't flash a green light, and it didn't beep. Someone must be jamming our communication system. But who?

I looked around to see if anyone was heading my way, but I saw no one. I got out of the corner I was in, and I headed to the communications room. I punched in the code to open the door, hoping the door would slide open.

Instead, the door stayed jammed, and the keypad made a noise, telling me it was the wrong code. But how? It's the code we've been using for years. Maybe someone changed it.

Looks like we gotta do this the hard way.

I unleashed my lightsaber, the blue light radiant as always.

I jabbed the lightsaber inside the door, carving a whole big enough to where I could step through.

Soon enough, the carving split, the whole opening. I stepped inside, and looked around.

I found Artoo in the room.

"Artoo!" I exclamied, "Hey buddy, been wondering where you've been!" I chuckled, patting the familar droid on its head.

Instead of it greeting me with excited beeps and whistles, the droid turned on me, and started zapping me.

"Ow! Hey, watch it!"

Someone must of reprogrammed him.

I used the Force to push the droid up against the wall, as I bent down, and opened its socket panel.

Artoo struggled, trying to zap me again.

I reconnected the correct switches, and coded it correctly. I shut his panel, and stood up.

I then backed away, sheithing my lightsaber.

"Artoo?" I questioned, making sure it was him.

It took a while for him to respond, but he finally did.

I smiled happily, seeing my little robot friend in full working order.

"Hey Artoo! It's nice seeing you!"

The little droid gave an excited amount of beeps and whistles, all extremely happy to see me.

I smiled, looking at him, then up at the security cameras.

"Someone has definitely been messing around with the camers..." I mumbled to nyself, switching around the cameras.

I looked in the Jedi Training room, and saw people there being ganked. They were all Jedi. How?

I looked closer and saw the blue binding around their wrists. Jedi proof rope. Of course.

I scrolled around with the cameras, checking for any familiar faces.

Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, and (Y/N) were sitting on the floor.

I scrolled to the left, and saw other Council members leaving the room.

Who were these people? What did they want?

I looked into other cameras and saw even more Jedi hostages.

I looked back into the camera that had  (Y/N) in it, and I saw two strange people squat down beside her.

They had dark goods covering their faces, and strange glowing green eyes. They had dark pants, and dark shoes. They also had red gloves, which must symbolize something.

That's when I realized, they were probably a slave trading group.

But how? The Republic had banished slaves. Maybe this was an illegal group.

Just as I was about to scroll around for more Jedi, all my cameras went black.

"No!" I hissed, smashing the controls with my fists.

I looked at Artoo to see if he was there, but he wasn't.

Just as I was about to turn around, I felt a giant pang on my head, and everything went black.

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