Chapter 26

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*Anakin's POV*

"Is he awake yet?"

"Anakin? Wake up!"

My eyes shot open, revealing only a few familiar people in front of me.

Obi-Wan, and other familiar Jedi Knights.

"What's going on?" I asked, veiwing my surroundings.

"We've been captured," says Obi-Wan.

"No duh," I mumble, looking down.

I was wearing all black robes, and black shoes. The shirt I was wearing, had no sleeves, my arms being fully bare. This wasn't my normal Jedi wear. Why was I dressed like this?

"Why am I dressed like this?"

Obi-Wan snorted, "Honestly Anakin, you look ridiculous. "

I was confused, "wait what? Why? I'm just wearing black..."

My hands went to my hair, and I felt my hair was up in a bun.

A bun.

"Who did this?" I asked, looking around.

All the Knights around me started laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "Laugh all you want. You all look ridiculous in your own ways."

The laughing quickly stopped, as soon as a very tall man walked up.

He was slim, but well built. He was about 6'3, a bit taller than me. The man had a full outfit of black, along with the red gloves.

Who were these people? What the heck? Why did they have red gloves?


That was unexpected. Instead of hearing a gruff male voice like I expected, it was a melodic, yet firm voice. The person was female.

I looked around at my fellow Knights, and all of them were just as surprised as I was.

"You might be wondering, why I kidnapped you all. More or less anyway," the lady paused. "As you can see, you're tied up, here in my... home."

I looked at my surroundings, it surely was weird of her to call it home. This place was littered with knives, and lightsabers, and blasters, and laser cross bows. There are jail cells in every corner, bounty hunters walking around every turn, torture chambers placed in every spot you could imagine. It seemed more of a dungeon than home. This lady was all sorts of crazy.

Just as the last was about to say something else, three guards came walking out with girl slaves. They had their usual slave outfits on, and chains around their neck, around their ankles, and wrists. All the chains were connected, so the girls couldn't separate. Worst of all, the were being gagged.

I viewed the girls, looking at their faces, to see if I could spot anyone that looked familiar to me.

One of them was very, vaguely familiar.

It was (Y/N).

Instincts came to me, as I tried to scramble away from my spot. Instead of moving freely, I felt this powerful yank, that slammed me back against the wall.

My wrists were chained to the wall.

Of course.


I yelped, as the chains burned my wrists, pain of daggers flying through my arms.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty," the lady said, approaching me, her heels on her boots clicking against the cold, stone floor. She kneeled beside me, taking her hood off, her long hair falling out lazily. Her facial features were charming. She had cold, blue eyes, dark black long hair, her lips dark as night. She had burns on her left temple, and a long scar that went from her bottom lip to her neck. She looked dangerous, yet... attractive, like a woman who could take control.

"You shouldn't be doing that, you know? Every time you struggle with those chains around your ankles and wrists, poison is injected into your veins. It's a very slow, yet deadly poison," the mysterious woman mentioned. Her voice was so firm and seductive. It was so hard to not be attracted to her. It was if she was a child of Aphrodite herself.

"What are you doing this for?" I asked weakly. "Is it to make credits, watch people suffer? Or is it some kinky thing?" I smirked, trying to add as much humor as possible.

The woman frowned, but then slowly smirked. "I like your attitude. It's very attractive. "

I rolled my eyes. "Please. The Republic will find out about your organization! You will be punished."

The woman snatched the rubber band out of my hair, grabbing a fistfull of my hair, pushing the back of my head against the wall.

"Fiesty," I remarked, smirking.

"Listen to me," she snapped,"The Republic will never find out about this. Do you know why?"

Mace Windu broke into the conversation, "Is it because you keep killing people and torturing them? What you're doing isn't very smart, because we're Jedi. The Republic will come looking for us. Sooner or later."

"DID I ASK FOR YOUR OPINION?!" The woman snapped, darting her head over to him.

She pressed a button on her belt, making Windu cry out in pain. I saw his veins turn red, then they turned back to blue in an instant.

"Now..." She annoyingly paused. "The Republic won't find out, because I have leverage. If their lazy so called guards, come crawling here, I have men blackmailing the Councilar. If he sends men here, his secrets, and the whole capital of Coruscant will be blown up. "

"Again, what's your point in doing this?" I asked, glancing at the gaurds who were watching over the girls.

"Anarchy. Power. Money. Fame. Fortune. Revenge."

"You're going to do that, by illegally trading slaves?"

"No. These aren't just slaves. We're getting information from you all. To destroy the Republic. Everyone I've kidnapped, has to do with some importance of the Republic."

"Then why do you have girls in slave costumes?"

She smirked. "One, I have a boss who likes the slave dancing girls. And two, it's a kinky thing."

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