Chapter 27

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*Anakin's POV*

It was later that day.

We were all still chained up against the wall. However, Mrs. Seductive, took two Knights into a torture chamber already. She wanted to find out this information quickly apparently. She seemed like she was running out of time.

For more news, some other mysterious man came in today, and took three girl Jedi Knights away.

This place was pure torture. It seemed like the arts were coming straight from Hell itself.

"This place.... clouded with the Dark Side.... so much fear and suffering happened here... it's so hard to bear," whimsically said Obi-Wan.

"I agree," Windu nodded. "Its hard to think straight."

You could hear the echoing of the screams from other sides of the building. The pain was so strong here. Windu was right, it's hard to think.

"We need a plan to get out of here," said a Knight.

"Quite. But how? " asked Obi-Wan. "We have no weapon, we have no Force. We are powerless against them."

I smirked, a devious plan coming along. However, it might be risky. I liked having the thought of someone telling me something might be impossible. Because I can make it possible.

"I know that look," sighed Obi-Wan. "What is it now Anakin?"

"I have an idea."
After telling the guys my plan, I looked around the building, for (Y/N). I had to make sure she was okay.

I saw her pinned up against the wall, by some slave buying dude. This made me furious. He was touching her, in places I didn't like. And she didn't seem to like it either.

"Hey!" I shouted at the man. This was all part of my plan. "Get your hands off of her!" I had to get attention.

"Or what?" He mocked, "You gonna come beat me up?"

"I just might," I growled, wrestling my chains. I could feel the poison flowing through my veins. But that didn't stop me.

The man's eyes darted to me. He walked over to me, and kicked me right in the crotch, then he took a mighty swing at me.

I yelled in pain. It surely didn't help when there was poison in your veins.

"What are you gonna do now, punk?"

"I'll fight every last minute, until you let her go."

"No body's letting anyone go," snapped Mrs. Seductive. "Lanchin, leave the girl alone. She's not your type anyway."

The apparent Lanchin nodded. Before he left however, he looked (Y/N) up and down with a disgusted look, and shoved her to the ground.

"She is not my type," Lanchin robotically said, leaving to find some other girl.

Mrs. Seductive waltzed over to me, kneeling down beside me again. "You won't shut up, will you?" She asked, getting a fistfull of my hair, pulling it so my head lifted to make eye contact with her.

"Nope," I retorted, flashing her my signature attractive grin. I felt like I was betraying (Y/N), but I needed to focus on the plan.

Suddenly, her voice became so soft, and mellow. Like a sweet lilly. She turned her head towards the guards, "Guards, take him to the room. I'll get information out of this one for sure."

"We will take him to the room," they robotically responded in unison, undoing my chains from the wall. However, there were still handcuffs around my wrists.

Apparently, by the way the guards acted, it's as if they were under some sort of spell.

I smirked, knowing my plan was going perfectly.

They escorted me to a very big, red room. They threw me inside, taking my handcuffs off of me, and locking me inside the room.

I rubbed my wrists, from where the rope has burned them. Finally, I was able to use the Force, and maybe call my lightsaber to me.

I lifted my hand to the door, focusing all my concentration on it, trying to use the Force. I grunted, using all my will power to do it.

But I couldn't.

It was like I was constipated or something.

"The poison in your vain has the ability to stop your powers too, you know," said a voice come from behind me.

I spun around, and saw that evil woman.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, looking around the room.

From what it appeared, this room was a simple bedroom. There was a vanity, a full body length mirror, a bed, a nightstand, a desk, a closet, drawers for clothes. There was even a connected bathroom.

"Information," she told me, stepping forward. She stepped close enough to me to where I could hear her breathing. "And maybe something else."

"What? A lock of hair?" I mused, smirking. "Look, I already know what game you're pulling here. You're using some spell to lure people to do your bidding. Aren't I right?"

Suddenly, her face turned pale. Emotionless. Her eyes turned more cold, and heartless.

"You know nothing," she turned her back to me. "It's a curse. My mother had it, my grandmother had it. All my ancestors before me did."

"How is it a curse?"

"You can't get rid of it. Sometimes... you... kill a person just by a simple joke. I told my father to go kill himself one day. Then I never saw him again."

My heart sunk. I was actually feeling sympathetic for this cruel person. Here I was thinking that she didn't have a heart.

"But that's not what I'm here for," she stepped away from me, pulling out a chair. "Sit," she commanded.

My mind went blank, as I did what I was told, walking over to the chair. I sat down, waiting for my next command.

She paced around me, sizing me up.

"How do you open a holocron?" She asked, looking down at me, crossing her arms.

"Can't say."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not an idiot."

"Answer my question."

"Make me."

She raged, shoving off all of her stuff off of her desk.

"Answer my question correctly, or I will carve your insides into tiny pieces and feed them to the rats!"

"Make me."

"You are not easily to persuade."


She stared at me, her chest rising up and down from her heavy breathing from all of her boiling anger.

"Remember that slave girl you were protecting earlier?" She asked.


"How about this?"

She sat down on my lap, her legs straddling me. I didn't like what she was doing. And I knew what she was up to.

She leaned in, and kissed me.

All I wanted to do was shove her off, but it was too late. She was tying rope around my wrists, to the chair to where I couldn't move.

I refused to kiss back, trying to wiggle away as much as possible.

"You will obey me," she commanded, her eyes staring deep into mine.

My brain blanked out, as her words controlled my actions.

Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed her, with her kissing back. There was no emotion. There was nothing between us. (Y/N) must never know what happened here today. And I know, I'm ashamed. But then again, it's all part of the plan.

As she was kissing me, with her distracted, I broke myself free of the ropes, picking her up and pushing her up against the wall.

Meanwhile she was distracted, I snuck a lightsaber into my pants pocket from her dresser. It was going perfectly.

I kissed her, and I hated it. But I had to save my friends.

And then, she slipped my shirt off.


(A/N) I think you guys are going to hate my guts after this chapter.

Anyway, I have UPDATING NEWS on this book. This book will be receiving more updates than any other book, since I'm trying to finish it. So please bare with me here. I won't be updating the other books as much as this one. Sorry peeps. Thanks for reading!

Again, sorry about this chapter hahaha. (Sorry, not sorry. Love you guys ♡)

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