Chapter 28

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I sat in the corner of the room, thinking about Anakin.

What happened with him and that woman? Why did she take him into that room? To interrogate him? Or worse? Or maybe something else? Who knows. The door was sound proof, so you couldn't hear anything that was happening on the inside.

The woman who had chained everyone up put the girls different. She had our arms above our heads, and our feet spread out. She says its to attract more costumers.

The outfit I had on was a normal slave girl outfit. It had a good chain flowing from my neck, to my wrists. The bra part was a gold color, meanwhile the lower part was a silk see through purple. I hated it.

It was uncomfortable, and the guys could see right through it. I mean, they were sitting across the room.

All the other girls said they hated theirs too.

I already have gotten a few stolen glances from a few of the Jedi Knights. So have some of the other girls.

I found it funny on how master Yoda didn't get captured. He is a smart man.

I shifted against the cold, dark floor, trying to get comfortable, trying to close the gap between my legs.

I had been rubbing the rope against the corner of the wall for days, and it was almost ready to break. My hands were going at it non-stop.

My head was pounding. My arms were sore. My knees were bleeding. And my feet were dry, and crackled. I looked wasted. I looked terrible. All the other girls didn't look much better.

This was when I needed Anakin most. For him to hold me, to tell me everything was going to be okay. I just needed a soft touch, a warm embrace. Someone to fall on. And Anakin had been that someone. Just to kiss his soft lips once again, would be the nicest thing in the world.

But I knew I couldn't be dependent on him. Not now anyway.

For how long I've been here, I've realized a pattern.

The woman takes a Knight to her room every hour. Then that Knight goes to a torture chamber. One of her guards attend to him, to get information out of. Then twenty minutes later, a guy in a black cloak comes in to talk with the woman. They go into a back room and talk for ten minutes. Every time she comes out, she comes out with this black folder. She takes the black folder and hands it to a sentinel, a guard on watch. He then takes that black folder and puts it in a safe, locking it up with a key, he keeps in his pocket. About an hour later, another guard takes the keys from that sentinel, and goes outside to dump all of the bodily fluids some place.

So some how, we need to get those keys off of him.

Before I could think any further, Anakin walked out of the room where he was being held captive. He didn't look bloody, or weak anywhere like I expected. He just looked tired.

However, I knew that look was familiar. His hair was tossled, like someone had ran their fingers through it several times. His clothes looked wrinkled, like someone had torn them off. Then I knew I saw something on his neck. What did he do?!

I stared down Anakin, making sure he saw my death glare. I know what he did.

My heart was broken. It shattered. I couldn't believe he would betray me like that. After I asked him to never leave me, and he promised he wouldn't. He has twins too! He betrayed them as much as he did to me.

Instead of tears flushing to my eyes, anger boiled inside me. A feeling of hatred flew towards him. I was an idiot. Look at him. He's got good looks. How could a girl not fall for him? He's got charm, and he's got an amazing personality.

When I looked back at Anakin, his head was hanging low, as if he was ashamed for what he did. Good. He better be ashamed. I was an idiot for falling in love with him.

As I suspected, he went into the torture chamber.

I smirked. He should get what he deserves. Maybe that stupid slave trader that was holding us hostage could get with him instead.

Finally, the chords around my wrists broke. My hands were free. I couldn't do anything foolish though.

I looked around for the guy with the keys, and he was walking to Anakin.

I found this strange. This wasn't apart of the pattern. Anakin must be doing something.

In a small corner of his pocket, I saw something silver. Stick like. It was a lightsaber.

Anakin you foolish Bantha fodder.

He was going to cause havok.


It was after midnight, where everyone was asleep, except for the guards. Only a few were kept on watch duty.

I looked around, stealthily planning out my get-away. The sentinel with the keys was talking to some weird man in a white cloak. I decided now was the time to go sneak the keys from him.

I got up from my spot, and sneakily crawled to a nearby corner. I waited until the area was clear so I could make my move. I was going to pick pocket the man who had the keys.

I made my way around to the other side of the man, keeping a hidden posture.

I waited until the man in the white cloak dissapeared.

Which he did, going to the room where that woman kept her information.

I snuck the keys out of his pocket, along with taking his blaster. I must've done something wrong, because as soon as I took his blaster, he felt his pockets then turned around.

I took the end of the blaster, and banged it on the top of his head, knocking him unconcious. He fell to the floor, and I dragged him out of sight.

I took the keys and went over to the jail cells, and unlocked them all, even Anakin's.

"Give me the lightsaber, " I commanded, holding out my hand.


"Because I don't trust you. "

"Why don't you trust me?" Anakin said in a confused, hushed tone.

"Because you betrayed me. Now. Give me, the lightsaber."

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