Chapter 32

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1 Year Later

"(Y/N), you are allowed to come home from your mission now," granted Master Obi-Wan.

I smiled, pressing the button on the transmitter, to talk back to him. "Thank you Master. I will be leaving." I removed my finger from the button, and smiled. I finally didn't have to stay at the Jedi Base Protection Area anymore on Hoth. No more cold weather. I could finally go back home, at the Jedi Temple... I guess.

Every now and then I thought about visiting Anakin back at his apartment to see the twins. And see Anakin, to see how he's doing.

I remember the night when I left him. I hated myself. I got away to heal my broken heart, and rid myself with guilt. But when I think about it, it all comes flooding back to me. All of the mixed emotions... haunting me. I hated it.

I decided to say goodbye to icy, cold planet of Hoth, and went back to Coruscant, where I was out of the cold and into the warmth.

I arrived back in Coruscant unnoticed. There were no welcome back crowds, people celebrating. Nothing. Which made me quite happy.

While I was away from Anakin and the twins, I remembered how much I loved my alone time. I was so used to having Anakin by side, that I didn't think my alone time was important anymore. Now I preferred to do missions alone. I didn't think I'd need Anakin, ever again. Until my stupid feelings came back.

I exited the ship, and went to the speeder taxi that was waiting for me. With my luggage in hand, I stepped into the speeder, wondering where I should go next. Go home... or to the Temple?

"Hey driver, can you take me here?" I asked him, showing the address of Anakin's place.

He took a glance, and nodded, speeding off.

We finally arrived at his apartment, he dropping me off. I waved and said thank you, as well as a tip. The driver thanked me, and sped off.

I turned around to face the entrance of the apartment, but I only saw someone staring back at me. Anakin. I only returned the stare.

Anakin looked like he was a brand new person. He looked more in shape, he finally looks like his hair is brushed, his clothes look nice, like someone has been taking care of him. It's amazing what a person can do in a year.



Then there was a silence. It wasn't a bad silence, nor good. Somewhat neutral. We sort of shared our thoughts through looking at one another.

"Hey look-" Anakin started, but I couldn't resist. I ran up to him, engulfing him in a large hug, then I kissed him. I truly missed him. I know it's only been a year, but I needed to be in his arms once more. To my relief, Anakin kissed back, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, taking in the moment. At this point, I didn't care if the Jedi Order found out about us. I just wanted to be back.

Anakin pulled away, and out of breath, with a huge grin on his face. "Glad you're back. The twins' birthday wasn't the same without you."

I gasped, "Oh no! I'm so sorry. Good thing I got them a present."

"Well good for you then. They're four now... growing up fast...."

I nodded, smiling. It's good to be back.

"I'm going to hug you for awhile," he told me.

After a while, we headed inside. I must say, the twins are rather happy to see me.

Leia immediately dropped her hair brush, and Luke put down his toy Wookie, and they ran up to me, giving me a hug. "(Y/N)!" They screamed happily in unison. I smiled, hugging both of them back at the same time. I can't tell you how happy I am to see them.

After that, Anakin had a dinner prepared for us. I smiled at the gesture and sat down.

We began eating away, enjoying our meal.

"I knew you'd come crawling back," Anakin joked, smirking, while eating his food.

I rolled my eyes. "I came to visit."

"Wait so you aren't staying?" Asked Leia, worriedly. Leia looked sad, like she was afraid I was going to leave.

I put down my fork and looked at the rest of the family. They all had pleading looks for me to stay, and I made up my mind.

"Don't leave, " Anakin begged.

I smiled, my cheeks blushing a bright pink. "I won't. "
It was only an hour later, and Master Yoda had called Anakin up to the Jedi Temple to have a meeting. I went with him so he could feel less nervous. I think I know what this meeting is about... Council meeting about Anakin being kicked off of the Council probably.

We walked into the Council room in silence, but I turned back and headed back downstairs. I seeked into the Force, so I could hear their conversation.

"Welcome back, Skywalker," greeted Master Yoda.

I visioned the conversation, and all of the Masters sat in their chairs while Anakin stood in the middle.

"Thank you," was all he said, bowing his head.

"We have a few things to discuss," Windu mentioned. Windu held his chin in his hand, stroking it.

"First off, where have you been for the past year?" Ki-Adi-Mundi inquired.

Anakin looked at him, answering his question. "I was with the twins, being a father. "

There was a sudden silence, along with strange glances from the other Council members. Nodding, stroking their beards, and giving strange looks.

"You do realise, with being a father and all, you won't be able to continue your Jedi work fully? Especially with being on the Council and all..." Master Windu added.

"Yes, I realise that," Anakin admitted.

"Also, where has your former Padawan been? She's been off of the grid. I haven't seen her in a while," Kit Fisto put in.

Obi-Wan spoke up, "It seems I have failed to mention she was running errands for me at the base in Hoth. "

Anakin shifted back and forth at the mention of me.

"So... is there anything else we need to discuss, Masters?" Anakin asked. He obviously wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Yes... Skywalker, removed from the Council, you are. "

Anakin bit his lip, unsure of what to do. He was just removed from the Council all of the sudden. It happened so fast he wasn't sure how to deal with it. "Sorry?"

Windu sighed, going to give him the hard, cold, truth. "You are removed from the Council Anakin. Deal with it. Now you are excused."

Anakin simply bowed his head, and walked right out of their throne room.

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