Chapter 33

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*Anakin's POV*

You're off the Council... Deal with it.

Mace's words ringed in my head. I couldn't help but not think about them. They reminded me once more that I'm a simple Knight, nothing more. Okay, maybe I did save the galaxy once or twice, but I still feel needed for more.

"So how'd it go?" (Y/N) asked, sneaking up on me. It didn't scare me though. I could feel her presence. Her presence was nice. It wasn't mean or angry, or sad and emotional. Whenever I was around her, it felt like I was on a lake in Naboo, or in a field of beautiful flowers.

"It went alright, I suppose... they kicked me off of the Council though," I admitted. I promised myself I would never lie to (Y/N) again. If I wanted a relationship with her, I'd have to be open and honest. I would never want her to leave my side for a year again. There were too many times I yearned for her touch.

"Wow, I didn't expect that. Well, I kinda did. But I didn't, " she chuckled. I knew her thoughts, she was eavesdropping. But I didn't care. While I was in the meeting I had remembered her words on how I acted like a two year old earlier. I had to remember that to keep my cool.

"Let's go do something, " she suggested. She placed her hand in mine, walking down the Temple halls. At this point, I honestly did not care if I got caught with her. I loved her. And I could not separate from her. Her eyes met mine, and I couldn't help but get lost in them.

"What would you like to do?"

She shrugged. "Anything."

Anything. Well that's a large range. Maybe I could do something so good, and cool, that the Jedi Council would be proud of me once more. I just hope my stupidity doesn't get in the way.

I thought about that for a moment, wondering what we could do.

(Y/N) got me thinking about that one lady who kidnapped all of the Jedi that one day. Maybe we could track her down.

"We're going to track that woman down," I said out loud, running to the Temple Archives, with her following behind me.

"Anakin, this woman's power is beyond our level. Well, mine anyway. Do you really think we should be tracking her down?"

I sighed, digging through news articles and every website trying to find her. "(Y/N), she hurt-" I got more quieter, "She hurt me, and our relationship between us. I'm not going to let that happen again."

She sighed. "Alright, fine. No more stupid plans, alright?"

I nodded, thinking about the stupid idea. "Yes ma'am. "


"So tell me... how do I unlock a holocron?" The woman had asked.

Can't say."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not an idiot."

"Answer my question."

"Make me."

She raged, shoving off all of her stuff off of her desk.

"Answer my question correctly, or I will carve your insides into tiny pieces and feed them to the rats!"

"Make me."

"You are not easily to persuade."


She stared at me, her chest rising up and down from her heavy breathing from all of her boiling anger.

"Remember that slave girl you were protecting earlier?" She asked.


"How about this?"

And from that moment, I felt nothing but shame. She got on my lap, and leaned in, and kissed me. I didn't kiss back at first... then I did. The kissing had become more intense, and we had gone father than I had intended.

I had screamed.

Yelled, and begged for her to stop.

But no one could hear the noises coming from inside the prison room.

I never thought it could be me, being the one who got hurt. But it happened.

She would lean in and whisper in my ear the most dreadful things. She would stop,then tell me her life story. Then she would continue. And I couldn't stop. She used her voice powers on me, and made me do things I regret. She would ask me things, and I told her the truth.



I awoke from my daydream, and looked at (Y/N). "Yeah?"

"You alright...? You dazed out there for a minute..."

I nodded, pretending I was working the whole time. "Yeah, yeah. I am. Just keep working. I'm on the verge of finding something."
Hours and hours of research had been done, and apparently (Y/N) had found out her name. Raven Guscove. She's 24 years of age, and she's wanted by almost every authority. Her home planet is Alderaan. She is the chief of the group, "The Red Circle." Sounds lame if you ask me.

"The Red Circle... Huh," I said. The name sounded so familiar. I am currently laying in bed, trying to figure out all of this information. I sat up, closing my hand held holographic computer. I put that to the side, and dubbed my hands all over my face. I felt so stressed out and tired.

"We will find them. Trust me," (Y/N) whispered, sitting up beside me. "I know how stressed you are... I can sense it. But you need your rest. It's one in the morning."

I blinked, only realizing how late it was. "Only one?"

She nodded, and traced circles on my arm. "Go to sleep Anakin. It's late. You have to take the twins to  training early tomorrow. Yoda wants an early start."

I nodded, dismissing that. "Yeah yeah... I know. I'll go to sleep if you insist."

She smiled. It always brought me happiness. The way her eyes lit up every single time. I absolutely love her smile. I smiled back, leaning in and kissed her. Suddenly, I changed the mood and started tickling her.

"No! Anakin please don't!" She laughed, trying to squirm out of my arms.

"Never!" I laughed, and yawned at the same time.


Then I rolled on my back with her laying on top of me, just one way I liked it. I continued to tickle her for a few minutes, then I stopped.

"I'll get you one day," she remarked, giggling.

"Whatever sunshine. Goodnight." I kissed her goodnight, and we fell asleep in each others arms.

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