Chapter 34

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*About One Year Later*
*Anakin's POV*

"Anakin. Luke and Leia are having their birthday tomorrow. They still don't know what they wanna do. Any suggestions?" (Y/N) asked me.

My attention was focused on my computer, sliding screens between information on Raven. The woman who had captured the Jedi a few years ago. I had found out so much information about her that could be so useful. I hadn't stopped to talk to anyone in quite some time. It's been weeks since I've had any human contact with anyone. (Y/N) was the first person to come talk to me in forever. The twins... they haven't spoken to me in forever as well. I had been a hermit sitting on my room for quite some time. I didn't allow (Y/N) to sleep in my room anymore, or let anyone come to me. But today I had accidentally left my door open, and she rushed to talk to me.

"I... I'm not sure... J-Just leave me for right now. I'm busy," I harshly put.

I could feel her anger rise up in her.

"You're busy. Right, I forgot. Thanks. You're busy trying to find out who, or where this woman is, and not talking to anyone. You know, the whole Council, no, the whole unit of Jedi are worried about you! They keep asking about you, and Obi-Wan tries to call you every hour to check up on you. I've stopped answering his calls, and his voice mails are so full of worry Ani. The twins... they don't even remember what you look like. You have been locked up in this... prison forever! I have to stay home to take care of them when they don't have training, and you know what... after their birthday, they are going to become full pledged Padawans. I hope you can be there for them. I hope you don't miss their birthday like you missed it last time. I'm sorry you're too busy to care for the others around you Skywalker. If you're too busy, the Twins and I might just move out. "

I sat up straight. I scratched my beard that had grown on me. No matter how much I knew she was right, I had to focus on my work.

"I'm sorry-"

"You know what, don't finish that sentence. I know what you're going to say. 'I'll miss this birthday... just once.' Bye Anakin," she snapped, turning away from the door. I heard her footsteps get softer as she walked further away. My eyes drifted to the empty doorway, and my eyes then traveled to (Y/N).

I admit, I miss everyone. I suppose it doesn't hurt to walk around the house. To pull away from my work for a few fifteen minutes. I climbed out from my bed, my feet touching the carpet for the first time today. The twins were going to be home soon. I had to talk to them, and to (Y/N).

The carpet between my feet felt great, as if I hadn't felt it in forever. Even though I've felt it yesterday and the day before. It always felt new to me. I started walking, but then a wave of tiredness washer over me like a giant, big, snugly blanket you could fall asleep in. But it wasn't the good tired, it was the bad tired, like you just lost 10,000 fist fights. I didn't have the energy to walk, because I haven't slept in ten days, and haven't eaten in three, I haven't showered in four weeks. I fell back on the bed, of my abstinence of sleep. I needed to shower, to feel the warmth of the water on my skin again.

"(Y/N)!" I cried, feeling pity for myself, that I didn't do anything to care for myself or my family anymore.

I heard the patter of her feet run across the wooden floors of the apartment. She stuck her head in, looking at me. "Ani? What is it?"

"Help me... to the shower, please. I cannot walk, I hardly have any energy in me," I softly asked, no begged, for her help.

She calmly walked over, and lifted me up from my bed. I draped my right arm over her shoulder, as she helped me hobble to the bathroom.

Once we arrived, I started to slowly undress, my weariness never seemed to fade away. (Y/N) stayed, and helped me undress. She gathered my dirty clothes, and got me some fresh, clean towels and clothes I could use after my shower.

"Is that all?" She asked, placing my clothes in the dirty hamper.

I nodded, looking at her as she turned around to face me. I found it quite funny that she didn't find this awkward.

"Yes. Thank you. I appreciate it, even though I couldn't help you for such a long time."

She nodded. "I'm here to carry your burdens. Although you may some times forget about me, I won't forget about you. I'll be here for you, always. I promise I won't leave your side... even if you ignore me for a year and a half. "

A smile tugged on my lips. Not the playful one, but a thankful one. I'm so happy to have her in my life. A silent tear slid down my cheek, cleansing the dirt buildup on my filthy skin.

"You know, I would kiss you right now... but... I'm too unclean to be kissed," I chuckled.

She smiled brightly. "There's the Anakin I was missing. No, I won't kiss you right now, but after your shower, and after you've had some thing to eat."

"Yes ma'am."


I finished my hot, steamy shower, climbing out, and wrapping a towel around my waist. You know that clean, amazing feeling you get, after taking the shower? Yeah, that's how I pretty much feel, but better, more energized.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I knew I had to change this man's ways. I have to be the change in the man in the mirror.

I picked up my shaving cream, and spread it over my face, and grabbed my razor and started shaving. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door to the bathroom slide open, revealing (Y/N). I smiled, and looked at her, placing my razor on the sink.

"Yes?" She asked, coming to stand beside me.

"How about that kiss?"

She laughed,"No, I'm good. You have shaving cream all over your face anyway."

I nodded, chuckling, continuing to shave my face. Then I had an idea. "Wanna shave my face? "

She shrugged, taking the razor from my face, and she begun.

"So tell me... why are you so obsessed with finding Raven?" She asked. Now, more than ever, I could truly feel the metal blades scraping across my face, taking off the unwanted hair on my face. I was hoping she didn't ask me that.

"She uh... She hurt you. And everyone else. You still have scars on your back."

"Yeah... but there's more to that. I'm a Jedi, I hope you know."

I nervously laughed. "Yeah I guess I gotta confess. She uh.. She hurt me (Y/N). When she took me into that room, I tried to stop her. Her voice hit me... it made me fall into her trap... as much as I hate to admit it... I got... molested. Raped. However you want to put it. Sooner or later, her spell would wear off, and I would be screaming for her to stop, but she wouldn't. She would stop for a minute, lean into my ear, and whisper the most dreadful things. Things of how she would kill people, her experiences. I was weak, and vulnerable. I was crying (Y/N). I was crying. Nothing romantic happened that night. Nothing for me anyway. I didn't anticipate it. Trust me, I love you, and only you, with all of my heart."

I saw tears run down her face, as she embraced me in a warm hug. "I'm so sorry Ani. I had no idea." I hugged her back, my metal arm tracing down her spine.

"It's alright," I paused, pulling away from the hug. "You going to continue to shave my face, or what?"

She smiled, and continued. "We'll find her. I promise. "
(Y/N) finished shaving me, and well, she may have cut me a few times, but that's all right. I'm manly enough to where I can stand a few razor scratches on my face.

I went back to my room and got dressed in some sweat pants and a T-shirt. I didn't really feel like getting in a Jedi outfit really. Which was most of my wardrobe, but wearing that didn't seem fit to me anymore.

At that moment, (Y/N) stepped into the room. I felt her warm presence, so I knew it was her. I slowly turned around and smiled. 

"Hey there stranger," she simpered. She walked up to me, looking me in the eyes. I couldn't help but stare back into hers. They were so beautiful... She should really provide a map, 'cause every time I look into them, I get lost. 

"Hey there... other stranger," I awkwardly put in. She laughed, and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her waist; something I haven't done in forever. It felt so right to do again. I know this is incredibly cheesy, but she looked so beautiful right now. Without her hair put up, without make-up, or any necessity needed to make her look less like herself. 

"Guess what I have?" She teased. 


From her pocket, (Y/N) pulled out a chip, and handed it to me. "Go look."

I cocked an eyebrow, curious as to what it was. What could it be? I plugged the chip into my computer, and a visual came up on to the monitor. 

"You're welcome." I could feel the smirk in her voice. 

"You... You... How?"

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