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Taeyeon's POV:




I groan as I reach over to turn off my alarm clock. 

'Damn that thing is annoying' I curse to myself as I get out of bed. 

I'm a Student at the University of Kanaki, and I'm a third year. Kanaki is a school of medical, military , and teaching in my faction.

Some background knowledge...

There are three different factions in the northern hemisphere that are run by the three main houses lead by their Alfa. 

Faction Feta 

- military run

- oldest faction

- a long line of strong Alfa's have always been their leaders

- most territorial and is not keen on backing down from a fight

Faction Seit

- the little brother to Feta

- second strongest 

- focus on medical training

- became independent after the war

Faction Diem

- the newest faction

- focuses on a little bit of everything

- doesn't have respect from the other factions yet

- most vulnerable, but most untrustworthy 

About 300 years ago, all of the factions were together to make the great faction of Pano. During that time there was an outbreak of rebels who split up the faction, caucusing Feta and Seit to be formed. 

Recently, there was a new faction created named Diem. They popped up out of no where but we're still allowed to be created. The older factions do not trust them, heck they barely trust each other. Within the past 50 years there have been more sightings of the rebels that once tore up the factions, and Diem is the first faction to blame. Tensions between the factions are high right now and no one is going to back down.

Back to reality....

Taeyeon's POV:

It's 6:15 am and I need to start getting ready for school. I only have three classes a day as compared to some of the other students who have 5-6 classes. You see, I'm a male Omega, which is rare. Usually males are Alfa's or betas, and then females can be all three. 

The problem with me being a male omega is that my scent is a lot stronger then most, which means that I can attract both male and female, Alfa Beta Omega, whatever you wanna say. 

I wear a special ring on my right index finger that helps conceal my scent. I also put on scent concealing spray to mask my mint chocolate scent.

The only people who know I'm an omega are the Dean, and my best friend Sage. She is an Alfa, but she knows how to control herself. She is basically my rock. I was abandoned as a child and sent to an orphanage, where I met Sage. We instantly became friends, and she always protected me from the bullies. 

Now that me and Sage are older, we have become a lot closer, being free from the horrible orphanage we were stuck in. She goes to the Osemi Collage of Military a few blocks down from me which is nice since I get to see her still.

If you can't tell by my dorm room, I really like the color blue. I think my favorite part of my room is my fluffy rug, and my fairy lights. I turn them on every morning when I wake up, but have to turn them off during the day, cause I don't want a fire to start. 

I get dressed in some black ripped skinny jeans, and a pastel shirt that says trot along b*tch. I slip on some black army boots and grab my stuff along with my room key and id. I'm about to lock my door when I realize that my ring isn't on. I quickly go back into my dorm and grab it off of the desk by my bed. 

"That could've been bad, " I say scolding myself. My heat is next week and I can't take any chances of being raped, or marked by someone that isn't my mate; which I haven't found. 😢

🎋Time skip🎋

After 3:20, I'm done with my classes. I have 3 classes in order to minimize my chances of being found out. I go back to my dorm and start of my two medical essays and biology project. 

At 8 o'clock i receive a text from Sage-

Sage-ah: Taetae! What are you doing tonight?

TaeTae: I was planning on finishing some homework for med. and Biology. Why do you ask.

Sage-ah: Oh come over to my dorm and take a break! You're always working so hard. 

TaeTae: Well, i guess so, i mean, its not too late right now.....

Sage-ah: Yay! ill see you soon Taetae! <3

I put on some Adidas sweat pants, and a pink cropped hoodie and head out, but before I go I make sure to really cover myself in my scent masking spray. When I feel as though I'm ready to leave i grab my key and id and leave to Sage's Dorm.

Hello My Butterflies! It's been a while since I've written anything, but i decided to try out a new style of righting. I hope y'all like this book, and if you want me to continue on Dangerous, then please let me know in the comments below.  <3

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