A Visit From The Marshall's Part II

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The windows in the kitchen get smashed and something flies through the window and lands on the ground. Some coloured smoke comes out of it and I start to cough as I breath it in.

I look through the smoke and see Jai make his way towards me. "Save Aleysa. I will be fine."

Jai has his t-shirt over his mouth and he says. "No,"

"Go!" I yell.

"Chloe," Aleysa yells as she's taken out of the room with Jai.

I crawl on my stomach to where I last saw my brother. I touch Nate's hand and say. "We need to get out of here." My eyes start to sting from the chemicals that was in the small devices that were thrown into the house.

Nate starts to crawl on his stomach.  Through the smoke I see a group of guys with masks on and there's red lights coming from guns. I touch Nate's leg and he stops moving. I crawl next to him and whisper. "I want you to find Jai and Aleysa.

He shakes his head. "I'm not leaving you, Chloe."

"You have to. I need you to take care of Aleysa while I'm gone."

"No," he yells.

"Get out of here!" I rise and move over to the guys with the guns. "I surrender. Please, leave my family alone." I say with enough confidence that I don't really feel.

Someone grabs my arm. "That's a noble thing you're doing, princess, but the boss wants the entire Knight Family." A guy whispers. "He's going to be surprised when we tell him that we got the famous Carter McCaferty. He wasn't expecting the ambush. Family is that guy's weakness." He cuffs my hands behind my back and he leads me out the back door.

I step over my cousins body that's lying on the porch. Carter looks up at me. "I'm sorry," he mouths. I am picked up and thrown over a guy's shoulder.

He places me in the trunk of a car. He looks at me. "If you cooperate things will go easy for you."

I laugh. "Says a criminal that killed my aunt, uncle, cousins and my parents. There's one thing you need to know about me..."

He leans closer to me. "What's that, princess?"

"I'm not going to fucking cooperate with you. When I get free I will become your worst nightmare."

He laughs. "You wouldn't harm a fly, princess. Thanks for the laugh." He slams the trunk shut.

I feel around trunk and I find something sharp there. I grasp it in my hand and I move the object until it's under me. I slide it into my boots.

I'm going to need that later.

The trunk is opened again and someone else is thrown in here with me.

"Chloe?" The trunk is slammed shut again and I see my cousin next to me. "Carter, can you get out of the cuffs?"

He breaths heavy. "Yes, but I'm going to have to break my wrist to make that happen. You're going to hear a crack soon and then I'm going to get us out of here."

"Wait Carter," I try to look through the darkness of the trunk. "I want some answers before you break your wrist."


"Who are these guys?" 

"They are the Martin's Mafia Family. They have been after our family for over a hundred years."


"It beats me, but whatever it's about they still seem bitter about it."

I want to find out why they killed my family. If Carter gets out of here I'm going to beat someone to a pulp until I get the answers that I need.

The car starts to move.

"Fuck," Carter yells. "You've made the escape a lot harder with your questions."

"When did you become such a..."

Carter cuts me off. "The moment I saw my family killed. That kind of thing changes a person. I didn't have anyone that I had to look after unlike you. If they killed your entire family you would have changed too. You would want revenge on the people that took your loved ones from you."

"They took my parents too, Carter. You know that because you were there in that final moments. I don't want to escape. I want revenge on those who took my family. You can leave me, Carter, but I'm going to finish it tonight." I hear Carter's bone break as he removes the cuffs. "Are you in?"

He takes a deep breath. "Fine, if anything goes wrong it's all on you."

I don't really care if anything goes wrong. As long as the ones that I love are safe. That's all I care about at this moment.

I hit the side of the trunk as we go over a bump. I feel something dig into my back and I cry out in pain.


I feel tears fall down my face. "Something is sticking into my back and it hurts."

Carter turns on a torch.

Where did he get that?

"I had the torch hidden in my pants. These morons didn't search me. I also have a gun in my boot and I will use it at a moments notice. So, whatever you have planned I need to know now." He leans over me and says. "You have a metal box with a sharp corner behind you. That is what's digging into your back. I will remove the box and after that I want to see your back." He pushes the box away from me. He pulls me onto my side and he lifts my shirt. "You have a scratch on your back. I don't have anything to fix it up with."

The car suddenly comes to a stops. Carter puts the cuffs on before the trunk is opened and a guy pulls him out. "The boss wants to see you."

Another guy pulls me out and he throws me over his shoulder. "I like carrying you around, princess."

I roll my eyes. "My boyfriend will kill you for manhandling me."

He laughs. "He's not coming for you. I made sure that a few of my men swept the house for your brother and sister. When we find them they will be killed. Just like the older couple that was in the house."

When did they kill Veronica and Mr Marshall?

"After I took you outside we found a woman and guy lying next to each other. I heard the gun shot before I drove you here." He smirks. "The boss is going to love seeing you." He continues to walk to the house.

I watch my cousin disappear through a door with the first guy.

When we get closer to the door my cousin entered the guy carrying me walks past it. He opens the door in the building next to it.

"Where are you taking my cousin?"

He stops. "Your cousin is going to the cell. The boss wanted to meet you first, princess. He didn't want to send you to the cell without an introduction first."

I fake gasp and touch my heart. "That's so touching that he wanted to meet me. Too bad I don't want to meet him."

The guy pushes me on the ground and I turn around and see a guy sitting in the chair. He has blonde hair and there's a cut above his eye and it goes under his eye to his cheek. He has a tattoo on his arm. It's nothing too fancy.

If you asked me it looks like wasted ink on his body.

He steps forward and lifts my chin. He looks at my face. He whistles. "You're right Justin she looks like her mother. I wonder if she's as good as her in the sack? I remember her Mom having fun fooling around with my Dad.

My mother wouldn't do that. She would never cheat on my father.

He smirks. "My Dad dated your Mom when they were in University, but she cheated on him with your father."

I heard a different story and that's the story I'm going to believe. These people are nuts.

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