A Visit From The Marshall's Part I

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The next morning I was woken by someone knocking on the door and then. "Jai, get your butt down here." Jai looks at me and his face pales. "Shit,"

I sit up. "Who was that?"

"Mom," he looks at the door. "She didn't tell me that she was coming." He climbs out of bed and quickly pulls on a pair of pants and a shirt. He kisses me before he walks to the door. "You should get ready before she comes back up here. Mom will be making her breakfast special. He walks down the stairs.

I pull the blankets back over my head and snuggle deeper into the bed. I fall back to sleep.

I am woken a short time later by my sister. "Chloe, breakfast is ready." Aleysa says. I pull the blanket away from my face and I look at her. "I'll be down soon."

Aleysa shakes her head. "The last time Jai told you to come down stairs you went back to sleep. He told me that I had to stay with you until you came down."

I climb out of bed. "Alright, I'm coming." I make sure to keep a blanket wrapped around me as I walk over to the cupboard.

Aleysa crosses her arms. "Are you naked under that?"

My face starts to heat up and I run to the cupboard and take out a dress and underwear. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. I quickly change and then walk out of the bathroom.

Aleysa and I walk out off the bedroom and we head toward the kitchen.

Veronica smiles when I walk in with Aleysa. She walks over to me and hugs me. "How are you sweety?"

I yawn. "Tired,"

She laughs. "I supposed my son kept you up all night."

Something like that.

"Mom," Jai yells.

She laughs and wraps her arms around her husband. She looks into his eyes. "I remember all the late nights we had. That resulted in us having Jai and the rest of our kids."

Jai hits his head against the table.

I pick up a towel and carry it over to the table and place it on the table.

Jai looks at me and he mouths. "Thank you," he pulls me onto his lap and he kisses me.

Nate clears his throat. "I'm trying to eat here."

There's a knock on the front door.


"I got it." I rise and walk to the the front door. I open the door and see Carter standing with Ethan. "Do you two know each other?"

Ethan looks at me. "Can we talk about this outside?" He looks into the house. "I don't want Jai to know that I work for Carter and not him."

I walk out of the house and shut the door. I walk over to the stairs and sit. "I'm waiting for your answer, Ethan."

He takes a seat next to me. "I have known Carter for three years. He gave me my first job and that involved me following you around New York. I owned the apartment building you were living in. I moved here a couple months before you did. I had a job lined up with Jai. Jai hired his security team through McCaferty Industries."

I turn towards Carter. "That's your company?"

He nods. "It is. Your parents invested in the company without knowing it. I went through the investors and I found there name on the list. I noticed last week that the investors name changed over to yours."

"I didn't know my parents had money to do that. It's feels like I don't know them at all."

Carter sits next to me. He holds my hands. "You're parents have invested a lot of money. They didn't want people to know how wealthy they were. They also hated the idea of you becoming a stuck up bitch like my sister was."

I hit his arm. "That's not nice. She was always nice to me."

He laughs. "You're family. She had to be nice to you, but to everyone else she acted like a rich bitch that thought everyone should bow down to her."

The front door opens and Jai walks out. He looks between the three of us. "What are you all doing out here?"

Ethan rises and he walks over to Jai. "I need to tell you something, Jai."

"No, you don't." Jai says. He looks at my cousin. "I know you work for Carter. After all I did hire you from McCaferty Industries. I just didn't know how well you knew Carter."

Ethan looks at me. "As soon as I saw you walk through the door of Lusive I called your cousin. It was then that he asked me to follow you again. The day I saw you at the hospital with your sister was the day that I followed you there."

I look at Ethan and Carter. "I'm going inside. I would invite you in, but I think that would be a bad idea." I grab Jai's hand and pull him into the house.

"Chloe," Carter says.

I shut the door and walk with Jai to the kitchen. I sit in my seat and start to eat.

Veronica looks at me. "Who was at the door."

I look at my brother and sister first and then to Veronica. "My cousin."

She smiles. "I didn't think you had any family left."

"I didn't know about it until last night. My cousin has been following me around for a couple of weeks and decided to show himself. The more he reveals to me the more I wonder what happened to the boy that I grew up with. Cause the guy he is now is someone that I don't recognise."

Veronica moves over to me and she places her hand on my shoulder. "Everyone changes when they get older, but from what I've heard it wasn't easy for him to have seen his entire family killed before his eyes and he was the only one to survive."

"How do you know about that?"

"After you left I did some research on your siblings and you. Carter Knight popped up more than you. I took a different approach and I found pictures of you with Carter and that's when I knew you were related to him, but I didn't think he would approach you."

Aleysa looks at me. "Did Carter have to go somewhere?"

I nod. "While I was out there talking to him he got a phone call and had to leave. You can send him a message and tell him to come back another day."

She pulls her phone out of her pocket and she sends him a message.

I hear the message tone from his phone.

"Did you know he was still here?"

I shake my head.

The windows in the kitchen get smashed and something flies through the window and lands on the ground. Some coloured smoke comes out of it and I start to cough as I breath it in.  I look through the smoke and see Jai make his way towards me. "Save Aleysa. I will be fine."

Jai has his t-shirt over his mouth and he says. "No,"

"Go!" I yell.

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