Long Lost Cousin

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Today was a great day and I can tell that meeting the cast of Aleysa's favourite TV show has put her in high spirits. Nate even got to meet to Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars when she was walking to her car after a day on set. He walked over to her and introduced himself. She was very professional and she even agreed to have her picture taken with Aleysa and Nate.

On the way home he told me that he was glad that he came and next time we do something that he wants to be apart of it. I told him that we were going bungie jumping and his face paled and he said. "You're kidding right?" He looked at Aleysa and she smiled. "No, were doing that next weekend."

He crossed his arms and said. "You can count me out on that, but I will be there to take pictures and laugh at you when you scream to the bottom of the lake." He turns towards me. "You are doing it from a bridge right?"

That's one of the things that I need to organise tomorrow while Nate's at school. I don't want him around when I book it. He will tell me things to turn me off from doing it and I don't want to be turned off or freaked out by him.

Jai pulls the car into his driveway. He talks to the security guard for a few minutes before the iron gates open. He drives towards the house.

At the corner of my eye I see the guy. Jai slams his break on. He looks at me. "Stay in the car."

I frown. "Jai, I have the right to know who the guy is."

He shakes his head. "I want you to stay with Aleysa and Nate. They need you more than your..." he lowers his voice so my siblings can't head him. "Stalker," Jai puts his hand into the glove compartment and he pulls out his colt. "Lock the doors. I will come for you when it's safe." He steps out of the car and he walks up the path.

Nate looks at me. "He carries a gun?"


He frowns. "So you really have a stalker?"

I nod. "This guy has been following me for a couple of days, but the weird thing is he doesn't seem threatening. What if he needs to talk to me? And all Jai wants to do is hurt him." I pull the key out of the ignition. I open the car door and step out. I lock the doors and head to the spot that I last saw them.

Jai is on top of the guy hitting him. I clear my throat and yell. "Enough," They stop and turn towards me. "Get up."

Jai rises and he steps in front me. "I told you to stay in the car."

I push him out of the way. "I want to know what this guy wants. He wouldn't be following me if he wanted me dead. I think he's been trying to talk to me, but he was doing it in a creepy way." I step to the side so he's not in front of me anymore. "Who are you?"

The guy steps into the light. He frowns. "I'm surprised that you don't remember me, cuz."


I shake my head.

That's impossible he died with my Aunt and Uncle.

The police told my family that the car they found was my Aunt and Uncles. They told us that the entire family was killed in a car accident and that the people in the car were...

I start puking.

Jai looks at Carter. "Is this why you've been trying to talk to her?"

Carter nods. "Yes, she's in danger. The people that killed my parent are after her as well. They found out that there was two girls and a boy in the house during the time of the murder."

I look at him. "How did they find out?"

"Someone was watching the house when the Police showed up." He looks at the ground. "There's something you need to know about that night."

I straighten up and wipe the puke off my face with my hand. "What is it?"

Tears begin to fall down his face. "I was there in your parents final moments and they made me promise them something."

"What was that?"

"That I would protect you, but I failed at that promise as I had to go out of town for a few days and when I returned you were with..." he glares at Jai. "With him. I was supposed to be there for you and my cousins."

I look at Jai. "Be nice to him. I'm going to get to my siblings out of the car and get changed. Can you show him to the study. I don't want him near Nate and Aleysa yet." I walk away from them. I walk to the car and unlock it.

Nate and Aleysa climb out of the and they run over to me.

Aleysa wraps her arms around me. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I look at Nate. "We can trust the person that was following me. He has a reason for doing it and I will let him tell you himself. Right now I need to change and talk to our guest before he meets you two. When we get inside I want you to watch a movie."

"Okay," Nate takes Aleysa's hand and they head straight to living room.

I run up to the bathroom and wash my mouth out with mouth wash. I exit the bathroom and change into a skirt and t-shirt. I walk out of the room and make my way to the study.

As I step into the room I see Jai with his forearm against Carter's throat.

I clear my throat. "Enough, Jai. I asked you to do one thing for me and that was to be nice to my cousin. Since, you didn't want to listen to me I'm going to do the one thing that you're not going to like and that's ask you to leave."

Jai shakes his head. "I'm not going to leave you alone with him. I don't trust him. How can you? Wasn't he supposed to be dead?"

I point to the door. "Get out!"

He walks to the door. "I'm going to wait by the door. If you need anything yell." Jai looks at Carter. "If you touch her I'm going to kill you." With that he slams the door to the office.

Carter sits on the closest seat and he begins to laugh. "I heard about the famous Jai Marshall, but I never expected him to be like that." He shakes his head. "He cares a lot about you. You're parents would have loved him if they were still alive."

I sit across from him. "If my parents were here I wouldn't have met him and I would still be in New York."

Carter smiles. "You and I were supposed to be there together. I never thought you'd still go to the place that we talked about."

I look at the ground. "I went there in memory of you."

He rises and moves over to me. "Thank you for doing that for me. Are you going to introduce me to Aleysa and Nate?"

I shake my head. "I believe that you think you're my cousin, but before you meet them I want you to tell me something that my cousin would know."

Carter laughs. "Damn, I forgot that you enjoy this game. It was your favourite game when we were growing up."  He sits up straight in his chair. "When we were five you wanted to go swimming at the lake behind the lake house and your parents told you no, because you didn't bring your swimwear to the lake house. You stripped out of clothes and ran into the lake with you pink barbie undies on. You were walking deeper into the lake and there was a huge drop in the water and you went under." He looks at me. "I waited for you to surface, but you didn't. I ran into the water and pulled you out. When I got you to the shore your lips were blue and your skin pale. My parents saved your life. You were afraid of water after that."

I rise."Come on then. I want you to meet your other cousins." I walk to the door and I open it.

Jai looks at me and then at Carter. "Is he leaving?"

"No, he's going to meet his cousins." I take Carter's hand and pull him toward the living room.

Aleysa and Nate look at me as I enter the room. I look at Nate. "I'm not sure if you remember our cousin Carter? He used to be around a lot with Aunt Amber and Uncle Karl."

Nate smiles as I said there names. "I remember you. Chloe spent a lot of time with you growing up. My parents told me that you two were thick as thieves, but when you died..." he looks at me. "It was like a part of her died. That's what my parents told me while I was growing up." He looks into me eyes. "There's a sparkle in them again, but this one is a lot brighter than the one you have when your around Jai."

Jai stands next to me. He looks at Carter. "I won't be getting rid of you anytime soon will I?"

I hit chest. "Do you have to be an..."

He cuts me off. "Yes,"

Carter moves over to the lounge and he talks to Aleysa and she smiles up at him.

I'm glad my cousin is alive and talking to my brother and sister. I hope they get along with him like I used too. I hope that I can be close to him again.

Jai takes my hand in his. "He's not staying here. I don't trust him. If he wants my trust he will have to earn it." Jai walks over to Carter. "You have until eleven. Then I want you to leave. Call me before you show up again. I don't want you to keep this habit up of breaking into my yard and scaring my girlfriend. Also, stop hiding in the shadows now."

Carter smiles. "I will be in places that she can see me, but I still have to hide in the shadows as there are people around Chloe that I don't trust." He looks Jai in the eyes. "I still don't trust you."

Jai crosses his arms. "The feelings mutual, but we both have one person that we need to trust and she's standing behind me."

"I agree," Carter turns his back to Jai. He looks at us. "I should be going. I will visit you during the day. Goodnight,"

I follow him to the door. "Bye, Carter."

He waves at me before he disappears into the shadow.

Jai wraps his arms around me. "Are you ready for bed?"

"Yes," he take my hand and pulls me to the bedroom. In the room he kicks the door shut and he carries me to the bed. He places me softly on it and starts planting kissing around my neck.

"Jai," I moan.

He moves away from my neck and he helps me out of my clothes before sliding his hand down my stomach to between my legs, and he pushes a finger inside me.

I move my hips against his finger and then he adds a second finger. I continue to ride his fingers and I feel the orgasm come on.

He pulls his finger out of me and replaces it with his cock. He pushes inside me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He continues to thrust inside me until we cum. Jai moves off me and he pulls me into his arms.

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