Warner Bros

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I am woken by my sister screaming. "We're going to Warner Bros today. Everyone wake up."

"Shut up," I hear Nate yell.

"No," she starts to bang her feet on the ground. "We're going to Warner Bros today. WAKE UP!"

Jai opens his eyes and he starts to laugh. "Well looks like she got what she wanted and that's all of us, up bright and early."

"Yes, she has." I climb out of bed. "I'm going to make breakfast." I walk out of the room and I see Aleysa standing next to the door for the third floor.

She looks at me as I walk out the door. "You're finally awake. Is Jai up too?"

I kiss her head. "Yes, he will be down shortly. Do you want to help me cook breakfast?"

She nods.

Aleysa and I walk down to the kitchen. She looks at me. "What are we having for breakfast?"

"Since today is about spending the day with you it's your choice."

A smile spreads across her face. "Chocolate chip pancakes." She licks her lips.

I hope Jai has chocolate chips somewhere in this place.

I walk over to the walk in pantry and I go through all the shelves until I come across the chocolate chips. I pick them up off the shelf. "I got them."

"Great," Aleysa pulls the rest of ingredients that we need out of the pantry.

I look through the draws in the kitchen for the utensils that we need for the pancakes.

Nate and Jai walk into the kitchen as I make the batter.

Nate looks at the bowl. "Choc chip pancakes?"

I nod. "I haven't made this in a while."

Nate sits at the counter. "The last time you made chocolate chip pancakes was two years ago for Mom and Dad's anniversary. You haven't made it since."

I look at him. "I know. It's just that I couldn't take time off work and visit you. The only time I took off was when I had to go overseas to see things through with the company. The boss insisted that I take two weeks off and enjoy the city that he sent me to. He was right to tell me take the time off and explore the city. I have seen different places over the years, but Los Angeles was one of the places that I wanted to move back to. My boss relied on me a lot. Which is why I never took too much time off work." I put the batter in the frying pan. After two minutes I flip over the pancakes.

At 10am, we walk into Warner Bros. There's a security guard outside the main entrance door. He looks at us. "Put your things on the conveyer belt." The machine starts to move and he checks out our items.

I walk through the metal detector. I watch as the rest of my family walk through. I take my stuff off the conveyer belt and then I walk into the studios. I walk over to the security guard behind the desk. "Hi, we're the..." I trail off and look at Jai. He nods his head.

He put our names down as Marshall's. I like the sound of my last name being Marshall.

"Marshall Family."

The guy looks on the computer. "There you are." He points to the group standing by the door. "Your group is about to go through."

I see a tour guide with the group. "Thanks." I walk over to my family. "Our group is about to start the tour."

We walk over to the group. We walk through the door and enter the lot of Warner Bros.

In front of us is a small bus and we climb onto it. It takes us all over the studio. The bus stops close to a small concrete pool. The tour guide says. "This location has been used on a number of films."

Aleysa leans forward in her seat. "This is where Kara's adoptive father and the alien from mars met."

Nate turns to her. "Shhh, I'm trying to listen."

Aleysa laughs. "Now, he wants to be here."

The guide continues. "Most of you will remember the movie Free Willy. That was filmed here also."

The water is drained from the area and the guide told us that after they finish filming in this location they drain it and then they use it for a different location on set of TV shows and Movies.

The guide pulls away from the location and he takes us to the next stop which is Alison DiLaurentis place on PLL. He stops in front of the house. "Those who are fans of the Tv show Pretty Little Liars this is Alison's place."

"She's hot." Nate says.

Jai and I laugh.

The guide turns towards us. "Pretty Little Liars cast are here today filming the new season of the show. So, today we won't be able to go to the set."

Aleysa leans forward in her seat. "What about Supergirl? Are the cast here filming that?"

He looks at her and smiles. "Yes, they are here too filming. We will be driving through the set of Cat Co, during our tour today. You will have to be quiet as we drive through the set location." The guide pulls away from the the house and we head towards the location of Supergirl.

Aleysa smiles. "This is Cat Co."

The bus comes to a stop in front of the building and I can see a crowd. Someone is standing amongst the crowd getting photos taken.

Aleysa jumps off the bus. "Chloe, come with me." She pulls my hand and we walk through the crowd. She screams and then bounces up and down. "OMG, that's Melissa, Chyler and Tyler." She waves her hands at the first girl who must be Melissa.

Melissa stops in front of Aleysa and she smiles. "Hello, who are you?"

Aleysa smiles. "I'm Aleysa." She points to me. "This is my sister and Guardian, Chloe Knight."

"It's nice to meet you." She looks the bandanas."They are super cute."

Aleysa laughs. "I know. Chloe brought these for us." She whispers something to Melissa and she looks around the lot for someone. She waves a security guard. "I want you to block this section. Anyone with these..."

What is she doing?

"Two can stay here with us. I want to show them around the set."

Jai and Nate walk over to us.

Aleysa points to them. "The one with dark hair is my future Brother In Law, Jai and next to him my brother, Nate."

Melissa points the other two. "This is Chyler and Tyler, but I supposed you already knew that Aleysa."

She nods. "It's good to meet you all. Can I get a photo with you all?"

Chyler steps forward. "Of course."

I give my camera to the security guard and he takes a photo of us.

After the photos Melissa, Tyler and Chyler show us around Cat Co.

Aleysa runs into the office and she sits behind the desk. She spins the chair around. "Look I'm the CEO of Cat Co."

We spent a couple more hours looking around the set of Supergirl until the actors are called away.

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