Camp Tranquility Part I

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I pull my car onto a dirt track in the middle of the bush and I follow it until I reach a brick building. A sign on the building says. 'Welcome to Camp Tranquility.' I see a woman walk by a window wrapped in a towel and she lies on her stomach on the bed. Another woman massages her back.

The next couple of days are going to be relaxing for me.

I step out of the car and grab my duffel bag. I walk into the building.

The woman behind the desk smiles. "Hello, welcome to Camp Tranquility. I'm Carrie." She looks at my bags. "Are you checking in?"

I smile. "Yes, I am. My name is Chloe Knight."

She types something on the computer. "Oh, your the one that called at the last minute, right?"

I nod. "Is there a problem?"

She shakes her head. "No, it's just normally people wait a few days after the funeral to come here."

"The funeral was yesterday. I went to it and then left right after. There's heaps of things going on at home and I couldn't stand to be there without my sister."

She looks at me with pity. "I'm sorry, you have to go through all that."

"Don't be." I see a woman step through a private door. "Hey,"

The woman smiles. "Hey, I'm Lena. I will show you to your room, miss."

I pick up my bag and keys off the table. I follow Lena to my room.

She opens the door for me and I step into the room.

The room has purple curtains, a double bed next to the window, a night stand on each side of the bed. A light switch next to where I will be sleeping. I walk over to the bed and look out the window. I see a lake. People are swimming and having the time of their life.

This place might just heal me a bit, but nothing can ever help me get over the death of my sister.

Lena looks at me. "If you need anything you can see Carrie or myself. We will help you out. If you want to talk to one of our counsellor's let me know and I can make an appointment for you."

"Can you make the appointment? I think it's best that I talk to someone."

She writes it down on a piece of paper. "I will call you with the time of the appointment."

"I have a brother and fiancé. They will be joining us in a few days."

She smiles. "I got a call from your fiancé. He told me that you needed a couple days to yourself. He also wanted me to keep an eye on you, but from what I can see, you can handle yourself." Lena opens the door and she walks out.

I pull out my phone and call Jai.

Jai: Hello, this is Jai.

Me: Hey, it's Chloe.

Jai: Did you arrive safely?

Me: Yes, it's so beautiful here. I can't wait for you to join me here.

Jai: I will be there before you know it. What are you going to do first?

Me: I'm unpacking my stuff first and then I'm going to wait for a call about seeing a counselor.

Jai: Do you want me to bring anything?

Me: No, I have everything I need. I will talk to you when you arrive here. I love you, Jai.

I end the call and start unpacking my bags. When everything is put away. I pull out my laptop and my mother's diary. I find another secret compartment and I open it. Inside is a flash drive.

I need to check it out. I can't believe my parents had a secret life that I didn't know about, but they did protect us from everything out there.

I put the flash drive into the laptop and a video of Mom comes up.

"Chloe and Nate, if you're watching this than something happened to your father, Aleysa and me. It's time that you know that the government can't be trusted. There's heaps of corrupt officials out there and your father and my job was to take them out, but something happened to our keeper and he was killed for the information about us."

Dad appears on the screen. He has a beard growing and he looks sad.

We should have protected Nate and you better. There's something that you need to know. A family that's well connected to ours will show up when you need them the most.

Is he talking about the Marshall's?

I click out of this video and I move to another one.

There's a video of me when I was younger and a little boy is standing next to me. He has dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. He looks into the camera and says. "Hello, I'm Jai Marshall." He pulls a little girl into his arms and I notice that it's me. "And this is my best friend Chloe James."

I look at the video closely and I look around the age of four.

I knew the Marshall's? Why didn't they say anything?

Tears begin to fall down my face, as I continue to watch the younger version of Jai and I.


I am climbing on rocks when Jai jumps out of nowhere and he yells. "Boo!"

I scream as a rock losses traction and I fall down the hill. I land in the lake and start screaming as my clothes become heavy and I get pulled under the water.

Jai screams for help. Before he jumps into the water and pulls me to the shore. He lies me on some rocks. "I'm sorry, Chloe."

I open my eyes and spit out water. I hit his arm. "You better be sorry," I stick my tongue out at him and giggle.

*Flashback over*

I think I was six when that happened. After that incident I didn't see Jai again. That was probably around the time that my parents thought they should make a normal life for themselves away from the work they did. I pull the flash drive out of the laptop before I shut it down.

I'm not ready for anymore secrets to be revealed right now.

The phone in my room rings and I answer it.

Voice: It's Lena. I got you an appointment for 3pm with the counselor.

Me: Thanks, Lena.

I hang up the phone before I pull out my swimwear and head down to the lake.

After swimming I walk to the counselors room. A woman looks up as I enter the room. "Hello, I'm Harriette and you must be Chloe Knight."

I smile. "That's right."

She points to the seat opposite her. "Sit, then we can start this session."

I sit across from her and I look at my hands.

It's been a long time since I saw a counselor and this feels a bit weird.

I mumble. "My sister recently died from leukaemia. Since, her death things have come out and it's turning my life upside down. I'm just wondering when am I going to have a break from all of this."

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