Leaving Los Angeles

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I look at the at the time on the dashboard and it says 8:15pm. I have been driving for five hours and I haven't pulled over to have a break. There's a sign for a rest stop and I follow it.

I need to have rest now. Some coffee will help me stay awake until I get to Monterey Bay.

I park my car close to the main doors of the restaurant. I stretch my body before moving towards the door. A guy holds the door open for me. "Have a good night, miss."

I smile. "Thanks, you too." I watch him walk towards a black SUV and he climbs inside.

The car takes off out of the parking lot and nearly crashes into another car.

Why is that guy in a rush for?

I shake my head trying to clear it from that guy's behaviour. I walk over to the counter and order a coffee and burger. While my food is getting made I head towards to the restroom. I do my business and wash my hands. I step out of the restrooms and make my way back over to the counter.

My name is called and I pick up my coffee and burger. I take my stuff to the car and climb in. I switch on my phone. There's eighteen missed calls and thirty texts.

I feel popular today.

I scroll through all the calls and see four from Jai and the rest are Nate. Two texts from Jai and the rest are Nate.

Looks like my brother wants to talk to me now. Am I really ready to talk to him after the last couple of days of him ignoring me? No, I'm not.

I pick up my phone and call Jai. The phone rings twice before my fiancé answers it.

Jai: Are you okay, Chloe?

Me: I'm fine. I miss you.

He laughs.

Jai: I miss you too. Thanks for calling me.

Me: You're welcome. I will call you before I go to sleep. I still have a couple more hours left until I make it to my half way destination.

Jai: Talk to you later. Love you.

Me: I love you too, Handsome.

I end the call and put my phone back in my handbag. I pull out of the restaurant parking lot and head to my next destination. I crank up the music and sing along to some Jessie J song that comes on the radio.

It's 12am, when I pull into the closest motel that had a Vacancy. All the other places was filled. I look at the building and see things that need fixing. As I step out of my car I see a part of the room fall on the ground close to the office.

The manager steps out of his office. He looks at the part and starts swearing. I grab my duffel and head over to the office. As I get closer to the part that fell off I notice that it was a tile.

The manager looks at me as I approach him. "Be careful, Miss."

"Okay," I walk around where the tile fell and enter the office.

The guy follows me in and he sits behind his desk. "Can I help you?"

"I need a room for the night."

He looks me up and down and licks his lips. "Your lucky I have a spare room." He puts keys on the table and he tells me how much it is for the room.

I pay the guy and swipe my key off the table before the guy changes his mind. I hurry to my room and lock the door.

The carpet that used to be green has stains all over and it smells funny. A desk in the corner is littered in Condom wrappers and bubble gum. On the walls are initials of couples that have stayed in the room.

I wonder if all those couples are still together or if they were home wreckers.

By the looks of this place I'm guessing it was a quick hook-up to the guys that had clueless wives back home, while they sowed their oats. The smell of sex lingers in this room and I have to pull out a can of deodorant and spray the place. The sheets are crumpled. I walk further into the room and open the door to the bathroom. The floor is stained, as I step inside I see the sink full of hair, is that...

Hell, I'm not staying here. It's disgusting.

... that's pubic hair, and the smell in the bathroom makes me want to puke.

I grab my stuff and run out of the room. I climb into my car and pull the driver's seat down. I look through my handbag and find my phone buried at the bottom. I pull it out and call Jai.

Jai: Hey, baby. Did you make it somewhere safe?

Me: Yeah, I'm at a motel. It's a rundown place that smells and things are falling off it.

Jai laughs.

Jai: I can meet you if you want?

Me: No, one night in this place won't kill me.

Jai: I could call the local hotel and you can sleep there.

Me: Everything is booked up in this town. One night in a seedy place won't kill me. It will give me something to talk to you about.

I let out a yawn.

Me: I'm tired, Jai. I need to get some sleep before I finish the rest of trip to San Francisco. I will talk to you when I get to Camp Tranquility. I love you.

Jai: I love you, more.

I end he call and set my alarm for 8am. I put a jumper over my arms and lock the car before I fall asleep.

Before my alarm goes off I am woken by a tap on the window and I look up to see two officers.

The guy that tapped on the window said. "I need you to step out of the vehicle, miss."

I unlock the door and step out of the car.

He looks me over. "Are you alright?"

I nod. "I was supposed to spend the night in there, but the place was disgusting. So, I thought I'd sleep in my car." I look at the dashboard and see that it's 7:39.

I might as well get an early start, but first I'm going to find a restaurant and have breakfast and use the restroom.

I walk inside the motel and give the guy back the key. I quickly leave the office without talking to the guy from last night.

When I return to my car the officers aren't there anymore. I climb into my car and drive around until I come across Denny's. I pull into the parking lot. I find a spot near the door and I step out. I pick up my handbag and walk into the restaurant.

I head straight to the restroom and do my business. I wash my hands before heading over to the register.

A woman shows me to the table and she gives me a menu.

I look at her. "I would like the buttermilk pancakes and orange juice."

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