Mr And Mrs Marshall Wake Up Part I

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I am woken by Jai's phone ringing. I reach over him and pull the phone off the bedside table. I see 'Charlotte' flash across the screen. I answer the phone.

Me: Hello,

Charlotte: Where's Jai?

Me: He's asleep. What do you need?

Charlotte: Can you tell him Mom and Dad are awake and they want to see him.

Me: I will let him know. Thanks for letting me know.

I hang up and shake Jai.

"What?" He mumbles into the pillow.

I kiss his cheek and whisper. "You're parents are awake and they want to see you."

He sits up pretty quickly and his head hits my mouth and I feel it start to tingle from where he hit me. "Shit," he whispers. He takes my face into his hand and looks at me closely. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt much."

He climbs out of bed and slips on a t-shirt. "I'm going to get you an ice pack. I will be back shortly."

I climb out of bed. "I can get it myself. I'm going to wake Nate and Aleysa and tell them the good news. We should have breakfast before we go to the hospital." I head over to the door and open it. I walk into Aleysa's room and I wake her. "Aleysa, Veronica and Mr Marshall are awake. We're going to the hospital to see them after breakfast."

Aleysa sits up and she smiles. "Thanks for telling me. I miss seeing Veronica." She climbs out of bed and changes into a purple dress. "Do you think they will like it?"

I hug her. "You look beautiful. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Lucky charms."

I let her go. "I will be down in a second to make your breakfast. I need to tell Nate the happy news."

She shakes her head. "I want to come with you." she takes my hand and we walk to Nate's room.

I open the door to the bedroom.

Aleysa runs over to the bed and she jumps on it. "Veronica and Mr Marshall awake. It's time to wake up, Nate."

"Go away," he mumbles into the pillow.

"If you don't wake up now we're going to the hospital without you." I walk out of the room and head toward the kitchen.

Jai is behind the stove and he's cooking pancakes for us. He turns towards me "Do you want pancakes?"

"Yes, please." I open the freezer and pull out the ice pack. I put it on my mouth. "I have to get Aleysa's breakfast."

Aleysa walks into the kitchen. She looks at me. "Is my breakfast ready yet?"

I pull the cereal out of the cupboard and I put it in a bowl with some milk. I place the bowl of Lucky Charms in front of Aleysa. "Do you want orange juice?"

"Yes, please."

I pour her a glass of orange juice and put it in front of her.

Jai puts some pancakes onto a plate and he slides the plate towards me. He looks at the entrance to the kitchen. "Where's Nate?"

"I'm right here," Nate says as he enters the kitchen. He yawns. "What are you making?"

"Pancakes," Jai flips the pancakes over and he looks at Nate. "Yours will be finished soon."

I make myself a coffee and walk over to the dining table. I sit next to my sister. I put maple syrup on my pancakes and eat breakfast.

After breakfast I help Jai clean up the kitchen. When he finishes putting the dishes away he looks at my face. "How does your mouth feel?"

"It is fine." I look at my pyjamas. "I'm going to get changed. Then we can go to the hospital." I walk to the bedroom and pull out a black strapless dress. I change into the dress.

Jai enters the room and he looks at me. "You look great." He takes a step toward me and he wraps his arms around me. "If I didn't have to go to the hospital to see my parents I would be helping you out of the dress." He kisses me.

I wrap my hands behind his neck and I deepen the kiss.

A knock on the door followed by, "Are you ready yet?" Aleysa yells. She make us pull away.

"Yes," Jai takes my hand. "I'm glad that my parents are awake and that you're safe with me again."

I look at him. "Have you heard from my cousin?"

He shakes his head. "No, he's been really quiet lately. It makes me wonder if he's keeping something from us. It's not like him to disappear after saving you. Carter told me after we saved you that he wasn't going anywhere. What if it's not over?"

I pull my phone out of my pocket. "I'm going to call him. Maybe, he brought a house close to us and he wants to settle in before he comes around."

I prefer that thought than anything else. I think I might go with that one.

Nate, Aleysa, Jai and I walk into the hospital. We walk past the nurse's station and into the Marshall's private room.

We enter the room and I see Gerald and Charlotte sitting next to each other with Veronica next to them. Next to them is Mr Marshall and sitting next to him is Xander.

Aleysa points at him. "You," she screams.

I put my hand over her mouth. "Shhh," I whisper in ear. "It's alright, Aleysa. He's here to see his family. I know you don't like him, but please give him a chance. I heard that he was in counselling. He deserves another chance. If I can give him another chance so can you." I look at Xander. "He has to work hard for my trust."

Aleysa stares daggers at him. She turns her attention to Veronica. "Veronica," she yells and runs over to her. She climbs onto the bed and starts crying.

Watching my sister act like this with Veronica brings tears to my eyes and Jai wraps his arms around me. I place my face against his chest and I let the tears fall.

Jai kisses the top of my head.

I hear my brother say to Mr Marshall. "It's good to see you awake, Sir."

Mr Marshall laughs. "You don't need to call me, Sir. My name is Ricky. I would like you to call me that. Your sister will be a part of the family soon enough." He looks at his wife. "My wife thought of you as part of the family the moment you walked through the Marshall front door. I want what's was best for my son. The more time I spend with you and your sisters I learn that Chloe is what's best for Jai." I peak through Jai's arms and I see Mr Marshall looking at me. "Chloe, Jai, I want you to come here."

Jai holds my hand as we walk over to his father. He pulls me onto his lap as he takes a seat. He whispers. "I think Dad's going to give his approval of us getting married."

I would love his blessing to marry his son.

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