Mr And Mrs Marshall Wake Up Part II

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Jai holds my hand as we walk over to his father. He pulls me onto his lap as he takes a seat. He whispers. "I think Dad's going to give his approval of us getting married."

I would love his blessing to marry his son.

I look at Mr Marshall or I should say Ricky as that's the name he's going to want us to call him that from now on. "Mr Marshall,"

He laughs. "Your parents raised you kid's right. It's a shame that we can't meet them. I'm sure that I would have liked them."

My parents would definitely love The Marshall's. When I was growing up my parents told me horror stories about in-laws and how they can be a pain in the ass. Mom and Dad knew a lot about the horrible stuff in-laws could do from first-hand experience, but when Nate and I visited them they would be polite to my parents.

I remember one time I was at Dad's parents place and I was supposed to be playing outside with my brother, but I was thirsty, so I snuck into the house and I saw Dad's Mom and mine yelling at each other.

Grandma wasn't nice when it was the two of them in the same room, but as soon I was there her demeanor would change and she would act like a different person and thats when I realised that my Grandparent's weren't the best people in the world.

I wanted to find a couple to inspire to, but it doesn't exist when it comes to my family. The relationship I want to have something similar to is my parents. They showed love all the time. They had some tough times, but they made it through with each other. They showed a united front when it came to their parents and they didn't allow them to pull them apart.

Someone clicks there fingers in my face. "Chloe, are you alright?"

I blink a few time and then I look at Jai. I clear my throat. "Yes," I look at Mr Marshall. I feel my face heat up. "What were you saying Mr Marshall?"

He laughs. "I was saying that I approve of you marrying my son when the time comes. All I want is to be there when he asks you to marry him."

Jai hits his Dad's arm. "I'm not going to ask her to marry me anytime soon, Dad. We haven't even been together for a year."

"It feels like a lifetime." I mumble.

Jai turns towards me. "What was that?"

I look him in the eye. "It feels like I've known you for a life time." I kiss his cheek and I look over at Veronica and she has a smile on her face. I rise and walk over to her. "Veronica,"

She pulls me in for a hug. "I'm glad that you came."

I smile. "I'm sorry for what happened to you."

She shakes her head. "It's not your fault, Chloe. It's the group that came after you, that's to blame for this. Where are they?"

I look at Jai and he nods. I swallow before I whisper. "Dead,"

She places her hand on top of mine. "Good," she lets out a breath. "They won't hurt anyone again."

There's a knock on the door and I look at the door. I see Carter standing there with a little girl in his arms.

Is that his daughter?

"Carter," I yell. I climb off the bed and I walk over to him. "Is this your daughter?"

Carter smiles. "Yes, it is. I didn't want you to meet her until the right time." he looks around the room. "I couldn't pick a better moment that my Cousin's in-laws waking up from a coma."

The girl looks at me and she gives me a toothy grin. "Hello," she says and then places her head on Carter's arms.

I place my hand on the girl. "What's your name princess?"

She pulls her head away from Carter and she says. "Amber-Leigh."

I smile. "That's a cute name. Do you want to come to me?"

She nods and stretches her arms towards me and I take her from my cousin's arms. "Pwetty," she points to the necklace that I'm wearing.

I look at it.


For my twelfth Birthday my parents asked me what I wanted and I told them that I don't need anything, but they didn't listen to me. I found a small box on the dining table next to my seat. I looked at it and then at my parents. "What is it?" I asked.

Mom shook her head. "You have to open it to find out what's inside."

"I told you, you didn't have to buy me anything."

Mom crossed her arms and she glared at me. "Open it," she yelled.

I opened the box and inside was necklace and it had my name inscribed on the back of it and there was angel on the chain." I gave Mom and Dad a hug and thanked from for the present that I didn't want."

Mom took it out of the box and she put it on me. "Angel's are going to look out for you now. If your father and I die tomorrow you will have two more people to add to that chain."

*End Flashback*

I need to buy two Angel's for this chain. One for Mum and one for Dad.

I move over to Veronica with my second cousin and she starts babbling. I smile at her.

I can't wait until I have my own kids. Wait, did I just think that? I haven't thought of having kids in a long time.

Aleysa wraps her arms around me whispers. "She likes you."

"I agree." I touch her face. "It's too bad that you won't get to meet your nieces and nephews. What did our family do for us to be given such..." I cut myself off and look into Amber-Leigh's eyes.

Aleysa shakes her head. "We didn't do anything wrong. It was our turn to have bad luck. At least you can say it came in threes. Mom and Dad being dead and then me dying. Next year should be better for you."

Nothing will be better without my sister in my life.

I have been trying my hardest to get used to the fact that my little sister won't be here next year, but it's not working. It tears me up the more I think about my life going on while she's in a box rotting away.

I want to hit something so badly and scream until my throat is hoarse.

I give Amber-Leigh to Aleysa. "It won't be better for me, Aleysa. I'm going to miss you every day of my life. You're my little sister." I look around the room. "I need to get some air." I walk out of the room and make my way towards the exit.

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