Saving Chloe

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Jai's POV

Chloe looks at Ethan and Carter. "I'm going inside. I would invite you in, but I think that would be a bad idea." Chloe grabs my hand and pulls me into the house.

"Chloe," Carter says.

She shuts the door and we walk to the kitchen. She sits down and starts to eat.

I sit next to her and start to eat breakfast with my family.

Mom looks at Chloe. "Who was at the door?"

Chloe looks at her siblings and then Mom. "My cousin."

Mom looks surprised for a moment and then she says. "I didn't think you had any family left."

I thought the same until I saw Carter last night. They look alike with the brown hair and brown eyes.

"I didn't know about it until last night. My cousin has been following me around for a couple of weeks and decided to show himself. The more he reveals to me the more I wonder what happened to the boy that I grew up with. Cause the guy he is now is someone that I don't recognise."

Mom moves over to Chloe and she places her hand on her shoulder. "Everyone changes when they get older, but from what I've heard it wasn't easy for him to see his entire family killed before his eyes and he was the only one to survive."

"How do you know about that?"

"After you left I did some research on your siblings and you. Carter McCaferty popped up more than you. I took a different approach and I found pictures of you with Carter and that's when I knew you were related to him, but I didn't think he would approach you."

Aleysa looks at me. "Did Carter have to go somewhere?"

Chloe nods. "While I was out there talking to him he got a phone call and had to leave. You can send him a message and tell him to come back another day."

Aleysa pulls her phone out of her pocket and she sends him a message.

There's a message tone from a phone in the backyard.

I thought he left.

"Did you know he was still here?"

Chloe shakes her head.

The windows in the kitchen get smashed and something flies through the window and lands on the ground. Some coloured smoke comes out of it.

I hit the floor and look through the smoke for Chloe. I begin to move toward her and I stop when I hear her say. "Save Aleysa. I will be fine."

I cover my mouth with my t-shirt. "No."

"Go!" She yells.

I crawl across the floor towards Aleysa. I see her lying on the ground coughing. I lift her up and carrying her to a secret passage I put in the house when I first moved here. Just incase this type of thing happened.

Aleysa looks at me. "Where are we going?"

"Someplace safe."

"Are you going to get Chloe and Nate?"

"Yes," I walk to through the passage that takes me to the garage. "My brother will be waiting for you.

Aleysa stiffens in my arms. "I don't want to go with him. He tried to hit, Chloe.

That's not the brother I meant.

I look at her as I continue to walk. "That's not the brother that's going to meet you. My sister will be there too."

"What about Veronica and your Dad?"

"I will go back to get them."

As soon as I step into the garage my brother takes Aleysa from me and he walks towards the black SUV that I keep in there.

I walk back through the passage and head back to the house. I see Nate crawl his way from the kitchen. I open the door. "Nate, in here."

Nate climbs to his feet and he walks over to me.

I hear Chloe say. "I surrender. Please, leave my family alone." I am about to step out of the passageway when Nate grabs me. "Please, don't. She doesn't want anyone to help her." He pulls me back into the passageway.

A voice says. "Search the house. If you find anyone kill them." Then I hear bang bang.

Mom! Dad!

I show Nate through the passageway and when we get to the garage my sister is waiting. I lean against the wall.

My sister looks at me. "Are you alright?"

I shake my head. "Mom and Dad were shot."


I walk over to my sister and cover her mouth. "Shhh, you need to be quiet or they're going to kill us." I remove my hand from her mouth. "Take Nate somewhere safe. I'm going to get Chloe."

Nate looks at me. "Do you know where there going?"

I shake my head. "I have a tracking device in her cell. It will tell me where she is. I will follow that." I open a secret compartment in the garage and pull out a gun. I stuff it in my holster. I walk toward the door and I hear tyres crunch under the tyres of cars. I look at my sister and Nate. "I'm going to get my girl and bring her home. I climb into the second SUV and pull out of the driveway.

I have been tracking the car for 10 miles when it comes to a sudden stop. I pull my car to the side of the road and step out. I see a guy lift Chloe up and he puts her over his shoulder. The other guy takes Carter into a room.

I'm going to need his help getting Chloe out safely. I don't need to get her killed trying to rescue her on my own.

I hide behind the building and I wait for Carter to come out.

I know he's going to get out soon.

Ten minutes later, he steps through the door with the guy that took him inside the building. I hear Carter talk to the guy. I step out from behind the building and I point my gun at him. I pull the trigger and he goes down.

Carter turns towards me and says. "It's good to see you man."

I slap his back. "Let's get her back."

Carter and I move toward the door that I saw Chloe go through.

We see a group of men standing by the door.

I point to the left for Carter to go that way and I go right. I walk toward the guy who has his back toward me. I point the gun at the back of his head. "Don't make a sound or I will kill you."

The guy raises his hands. "Don't kill me."

I laugh. "You're the second person to say that today, but I know you won't do anything to save my girl that's behind that door. So, I won't be giving you the same chance." I pull the trigger and then I kick the door open.

Carter and I walk through the door and I see Chloe standing in front of the guy that killed her parents and she has a knife to his throat. "I'm going to ask you one last time. "Why did you kill my family?"

He laughs. "They had to die."

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