What Goes Around Comes Around

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The guy puts me on the ground and I turn around and see a guy sitting on the chair.

He has blonde hair and there's a cut above his eye and it goes under his eye to his cheek. He has a tattoo on his arm. It's nothing too fancy.

If you asked me it looks like wasted ink.

He steps forward and lifts my chin. He looks at my face. He whistles. "You're right Justin she looks like her mother. I wonder if she's as good as her in the sack? I remember her Mom having fun fooling with my Dad.

My mother wouldn't do that. She would never cheat on my father.

He smirks. "My Dad dated your Mom when they were in University, but she cheated on him with your father."

I heard a different story and that's the story I'm going to believe. These people are nuts.

I cross my arms. "What am I really doing here? Cause if you wanted me dead you would have gotten one of your goons to kill me."

He laughs and rises. He walks over to me. He whispers. "There's a reason why I brought you here."

I tap my foot. "I'm waiting," I look at my wrist and say. "I don't have all day."

He circles me. "Yeah, you do. I get to take my time with you, sweetheart. No one is going to come for you. I made sure your cousin was killed in the other room." He stops next to me and whispers. "These rooms are sound proof. They were designed by me."

More like torture room.

I look around the room and there's a table in the corner with cuffs on them.

He walks back over to his seat. He smiles. "I see you've been admiring my torture table. If you're lucky I will show you how it works."

I look away from the table.

"I'm sorry, I've been rude this entire time, but I supposed you'd like to know the name of the man that liked your parents.

Not really.

"I'm Clive Martin." He waves his hand at me in a 'come here' motion.

I'm not going anywhere near him.

"Why did you kill my parents?"

He ignores me and types something on his phone. 

At the corner of my eye I see some commotion at the door.

A smile spreads across my face.

Carter and Jai are here. Let the fun begin.

I bend down and pull the object I found in the trunk out. I see that it's a knife. I move over to Clive and I press the knife against his throat.

"What are you doing?" Clive asks.

I smirk. "Something you should have done the moment I walked into this room." I look back at the door. "I am getting out of here."

"How do you know?"

I point at the door. "You're boys aren't out there anymore they're all dead. The way you will be shortly." I hold the knife against his throat. I hear the door open and I begin to feel safe with the new additions to the room. "I'm going to ask you one last time. Why did you kill my family."

He laughs. "They had to die."

I dig the knife into his throat more. "That's not a reason. Tell me why my loved ones are dead and you're alive."

He smiles. "The eldest McCaferty and Knight girls were supposed to marry my cousin and I."

"Who made that deal?"

"You're Grandfather. Both families weren't happy with giving there daughters away to the Martin family that they hid you. My cousin found the girl that was supposed to be his wife and killed her. He took her family with her except for that piece of trash, Carter."

"Who's wife was I supposed to be?"


"Let me get this straight you and your cousin killed our families because we didn't marry you?" I laugh. "I hope you've heard the saying 'what goes around, comes around.' Cause I'm going to make sure that the Martin Family can't hurt anyone else's."

At the corner of my eye I see Carter and Jai step out of the shadows and they start to fire there guns.

I take one last look at Clive. "Have fun in hell. I heard it's hot there." I slit his throat and walk out the door and away from the commotion in the room. I walk over to the black SUV that's parked across the road. I open the door and climb inside. I rest my head against the window.

I feel someone lift me up and I open my eyes. "Hey, Jai."

He smiles. "Hey, baby. How are you feeling?"

I shrug.

I really don't know how I feel about killing the guy that killed my parents.

"Where's Veronica and Mr Marshall?"

Jai stops walking. "Mom and Dad were shot. I couldn't check on them as I had to take Nate to safety. We should find something out when we go inside."

Carter opens the door. He steps into the house.

Aleysa and Nate run over to me. "Chloe,"

I look down and see blood all over me. "Jai, don't let them come any closer. I don't want them to see me covered in blood."

Jai looks at them. "Don't come any closer. Chloe doesn't want you to see her like this." He carries me to the closest bathroom and helps me out of my clothes.

I turn the tap on in the shower and step inside. I pull the curtain across in the shower and step under the cascading water. I close my eyes.

"If you need anything Chloe just call me." The bathroom door opens.

I start crying and I slide down the wall. I bring legs up to my chest and hug my legs. I watch the blood roll down the drain.

"Chloe," Jai's sister says. "Jai, sent me in here to check on you." She pulls the shower curtain aside. The taps turn off and a towel is wrapped around me. "I brought some clean clothes for you."

I rise and step out of the shower. "I'd like to be alone."

She walks out of the bathroom.

I get changed and walk out of the bathroom. I walk over to my brother and sister and I hug them. "Are you two alright?"

Nate looks at Jai's brother and sister. "They took care of us. Even though they should have been at the hospital."

Why should they be at the hospital?

Nate looks at Jai. "You didn't tell her?"

Jai shakes his head. "She fell asleep in the car and I didn't want to worry her about my parents being shot." He takes a step toward me. "You had other things to worry about."

I look at Jai's siblings. "Go to the hospital and let me know what's going on, please." I look at Jai. "I don't think your brother is going to let me out of his sight for awhile now."

Jai's brother and sister walk out the door.

Jai pulls me against him. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Can we watch a comedy? I need a laugh after what happened today."

"Are you nuts?"

"Extremely. I would love to watch an Adam Sandler movie." I walk over to the DVD shelf and I go through the DVDs until I find Blended. I pull it off the shelf and show my family."

Nate shakes his head. "Are you serious? You always watch that when you've had a bad day."

I smile. "You can never go wrong with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore."

"How many movies have they been together in, Chloe?" Nate asks.

"Three. The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates and Blended."

Nate takes a step toward me. "The Wedding Singer and 50 First dates were terrible." He sits on the lounge. "The hair and clothes were ugly that they wore in The Wedding Singer and the songs that were sung at the weddings were terrible. Then 50 first dates, it was annoying watching the woman fall for the guy and then forget about him the next day, but at least the guy got another chance after he screwed up with her. How many guys can say they screwed up a bunch, but were able to rectify the mess the next day? None."

I put the DVD into the player and I snuggle next to Jai as we watch the movie.

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