Update On The Marshall's

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During the movie Jai's phone rings and he turns the screen towards me. I see his sister's name on the screen. "Answer it. Put it on loudspeaker so we can hear what's going on."

Jai answers the phone.

Jai: Hey, sis. How are Mom and Dad?

Charlotte: It's not looking good, Jai. The doctors told us that Mom and Dad had to be put into an induced coma. Also, there's a chance that Mom won't be able to walk again.

I hope the doctors are wrong about Veronica not being able to walk.

Jai: Tell Mom and Dad that I will be by tomorrow.

Charlotte: Okay, I will call you if anything else happens.

He ends the call.

Aleysa looks at me. "Can we go to the hospital, please? I don't want to watch the movie anymore."

Jai rises. "Okay, let me get my keys and we can go." he walks over to the key rack and he pulls off the keys. "I'm ready."

"You can go. I think I'm going to go to bed." I rise and make my way to the bedroom. I hear the front door open and close. I change out of my clothes and climb into bed.

The next morning I am woken by Aleysa. She looks at me. "Chloe, are you alright?"

I smile at her. "I'm fine, sis." I hug her. "How was the hospital?"

She looks at the ground. "I didn't like it. It reminded me of when Mom and Dad had to wait and find out what was going on with me when I had the cancer the first time. Then when you were with me the second time I was diagnosed with it."

I lift her chin. "It's natural not to like waiting at the hospital. From my experience it's never been good news." I sit up. "Aleysa, I have something that I would like to tell you."

She sits next to me. "What do you want to tell me?"

"When I was twenty I was dating a football player and on his way home from the game he was involved in a car accident. I got a phone call telling me about the accident and I went to the hospital. The doctor's couldn't tell me anything as I wasn't family. I spent hours waiting to find something out about him. When his parent's finally arrived I found out he died during surgery." I begin to cry. "I never really loved anyone as much as him until I met Jai."

There's a knock on the bedroom door and then the door opens. Jai steps into the room and he looks at Aleysa and I. "Are you two coming down for breakfast?"

"Yes," I rise and move toward him. I wrap my arms around him. "I love you."

Jai smiles. "I love you, too." He leans towards my ear and whispers. "I want to take you out for breakfast. Charlotte will look after them while we're gone."

"Where is your brother?"

"He's at the hospital. He sent Charlotte home."

There's a knock on the door and Jai walks over to it. He opens it and standing on the opposite side is Xander.

What the hell is he doing here?

Aleysa and Nate walk out of the room and they stop next to me as they look at the door. Aleysa says. "What's he doing here?"

Xander looks at us and his face pales. "Oh, shit! I didn't know you were going to be here." he walks into the house. "I want to apologise for my behaviour at the family gathering."

Aleysa stands in front of me. She looks at him. "Do you think apologising is enough for nearly hitting my sister? Well, it's not." She turns to Jai. "Can you please kick him out? I don't want to see him here again." She walks past him. "I will never forgive you."

Nate follows her into the kitchen.

I look at Jai. "I will give you a moment to talk to him. I will be in the kitchen." I walk in the dining room and I join my siblings at the table.

Aleysa looks past me. "Where's Jai?"

"He's talking to his brother outside." I place my hand on hers. "I know you're mad at Xander for what he nearly did to me at the party, but you have to remember right now he's going through a lot with his parents being in a coma. He needs to have his siblings around him. If he comes by again give him a chance, Aleysa. He deserves it."

Jai walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He places his hand on my shoulder and he looks at Aleysa. "No one has ever spoken to my brother that way before, but I'm glad you did. I think it might make him change the way he speaks to people. I should have let you kick his ass."

"I think I will do that next time he comes here."

I shake my head. "You two are as bad as each other." I take Jai's hand. "Are we going to get breakfast now?"

"Yes," he picks up the keys from the table.

Charlotte walks into the dining room and she looks at us. "I thought you two would have left by now."

"No, Jai had a visitor."

"Who was it?" she asks as she takes a seat.

Aleysa wrinkles her nose and she says. "Xander,"

Charlotte laughs. "I have never met anyone that didn't like him..." she cuts herself off. "Damn, I forgot about the way he treated Chloe when she first came home. I hope he apologised."

Jai parks his car in front of Denny's. He steps out of his car and he rounds the car and opens the door me.

I take his hand and step out.

He closes the door and turns on the alarm. We walk into the restaurant hand in hand.

The waiter looks at us. "Do you need a table for two?"

I nod. "Yes,"

The guy shows us to a table in the back.

I'm glad he gave us this table.

I open the menu and have a quick look at the food on the menu. I look over the top of it at Jai. "What are you having for breakfast?"

He shrugs. "I have no idea. What about you?"

"Buttermilk pancakes."

He laughs. "You make them at home. Why don't you try something different?"

"No, way. I prefer to stick to foods that I know that I will enjoy. I don't want to eat something that will give me an upset stomach."

"I'm going to get a Grand Slam."

I look at the menu and I see what the Grand Slam is. It's two pancakes, two eggs, two bacon strips and two sausage links and the plate looks big.

I hope he gets sick from eating all that.

The waiter walks over to the table and he takes our drink and breakfast orders.

Jai leans his elbows on the table and he looks at me. "I'm worried about you, Chloe. You woke up last night screaming. Did you have a bad dream?"

I did, but I'm not going to tell you about it.

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