Yosemite Part I

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The plane lands at Merced Airport at 1:30pm. I rise and pull out my carry on luggage. Aleysa rises and pulls her bag out of the overhead compartment. She puts it on her shoulder and she follows me off the plane.

Jai stops beside me and he places his arm around my shoulder. "I can't wait to see Yosemite. I heard it was a beautiful place."

A smile spreads across my face. "It is. I spent three Summer's here with my parents growing up."

"Did you come across any bears?" Aleysa asks.

"Yes," I look at her. "Mom, Dad and I were sitting at one of the tables when a bear came with its cub. I thought the cub was cute and I was about to get up and walk over to it. Mom grabbed my arm and said. 'Sit down. If you make a sudden movement the bear will kill you.' I sat back down. She threw a sandwich on the ground away from us. We watched the bear move over to the food and we backed away from the table. We went into the shop that was behind us and we waited for the bears to leave."

Aleysa turns to Nate. "Did you go with them?"

He nods. "I think I was like five when we went there. That was the last time we went to Yosemite. Mom and Dad were afraid that I would try to touch the bear cub as well."

I see my suitcase and I take it off the conveyer belt. Then I see Aleysa's one and I pull that off as well.

Nate looks at the suitcases coming around and he points to a red one. "That's been around twice."

"I know."

He looks at me. "Where is my suitcase?"

I see a few more suitcases come down the chute. "It could be in there."

Nate look at the pile. "It is." He runs over to the suitcases and he pulls his off.

Veronica, Ricky, Gerald, Charlotte and Xander walk over to us with their luggage.

Veronica looks at me. "The limo is waiting for us."

We walk out of the airport to the waiting limo's.

At the limo's; there are two guys with signs with Marshall on it.

Veronica looks at Jai. "I will go with your siblings and father. You can go with your family." She climbs into the limo.

Our limo driver looks at Jai. "I'm Spence, I will be your driver for the duration of your stay."

Jai shakes his hand. "I'm Jai Marshall." He pulls me into his side. "My beautiful girlfriend, Chloe Knight." He points to my brother. "Nate and Aleysa. They are Chloe's brother and..."

He looks at Aleysa. "Daughter?"

I laugh and then shake my head. "She's my sister."

"Damn, your parents must have been old when they had her."

Mom was 36 when she had my sister.

That's not too old.

I leave my suitcase with the driver and I climb into the car.

I'm not going to argue with this guy. I can't wait to be at the house.

Aleysa and Nate climb in next.

Nate looks at me. "I want to punch him for saying that about Mom. She was perfect."

I smile. "Yes, she was." I pull my siblings in for a hug.

Jai looks into the limo and I see his gorgeous face fall from the smile he had on it. A scowl replaces it. "Shit," he rises and walks away.

I look out the window behind me and I see Jai with his hand in the guy's shirt. I can't make out what he's saying, but from the look of terror on the guy's face it's not anything nice.

Aleysa looks at me. "I'm hungry."

I open the bag of food I brought with me and I give her a sandwich and an apple.

She takes it from me. "Thank you."

Nate takes some food out of the bag too. He takes a bite of the sandwich like he hasn't had anything to eat in days.

In reality he ate two hours ago.

Jai climbs into the car and he sits across from me. He smiles. "I can't wait to see the place you booked for us."

I lean forward in my seat. "It's a cabin in the woods. There's fourteen rooms, a spa and a swimming pool and there's also a sauna."

"Why did you book a big place?"

"I was going to surprise you by inviting your family. They're like my family too."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jai."

The limo driver climbs into the car and he looks at my siblings and I. "I want to apologise for my behaviour out there. I hope that you won't ask for a new driver."

I move over to Jai and I whisper. "We will give him another chance. If he messes up we can just take your parents driver."

He smiles. "Alright,"

I look at Spence. "You get one more chance. Don't say anything about our parents." I look out the window as I say. "They're dead."

"Shit," Spence grips the wheel hard and his knuckles turn white. "I'm an idiot. No wonder he went a little crazy on me out there. He didn't tell me why, but now I understand. I should think before I say anything."

"That you should." I look out the window and see that Veronica's limo is gone. We have a two hour drive ahead of us."

"Can we go now? It will take us two hours to get there and I want to choose my room before my boyfriends family."

He starts the car and pulls it away from the curb.

I lean back into my seat and close my eyes.

The limo pulls into the driveway of the wooden log house in the middle of the bush.

This place was the closest accomodation that I could rent that's close to Yosemite National Park.

I didn't want to stay in the national park. I wanted to have some privacy with my family.

Veronica walks over to the limo. She looks at me. "I made sure the master suit was your room. Nate and Aleysa have rooms next to yours. Xander's got the basement. He knows that our family don't want him too close to you." She looks at Aleysa. "We also know your younger sister is very protective of you too. It would have been hard for him to sleep close to you."

Jai hugs him Mom. "Thank you,"

She pinches his cheek. "I would do anything for my little boy." She says in a baby voice.

His face turns red and I start laughing.

I love this woman.

Jai steps away from his Mom. "Why do you have to embarrass me in front of my girl."

She smirks. "It's a mother's job to embarrass her child."

Aleysa pulls on my dress. "I'm tired. Can you show me to my room?"

Veronica looks at her. "I will show you to your room." She turns to Jai. "Can you carry her bags to the room?"

"Yes, Mom." He wheels two suitcases into the house.

Nate and I follow them into the house with our luggage."

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