Yosemite Part II

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The following morning I am woken by the cluttering of dishes and people loudly talking. I turn to the side and open my eyes looking at my gorgeous boyfriend. I place my hand on his face. A piece of his hair falls into his face and I move it to the side.

Jai opens his eyes. "Morning," A smile spreads across his face.

I sit up and move to straddle him. I lean down and capture his lips with mine.

Jai wraps his arms around me and he deepens the kiss. He slips his tongue into my mouth.

A knock on the door followed by. "If you don't get up now we won't have long at the park." Aleysa yells.

Damn, my sister knows how to ruin a perfectly good moment between Jai and I.

I pull back and look into his chocolate brown eyes. "We can finish this tonight, after our date." I climb off him and walk to the cupboard. I pull out a pair of skinny jeans with holes in them and a light blue t-shirt. I change my clothes and pull on a pair of flat boots.

When I turn back around I see Jai is staring at me. "I liked that view, but there's other views that I prefer." I pull my shirt up and show him my boobs. "Like this."

He groans. "You're not helping with what's happening beneath the sheets."

I laugh. "I will see you downstairs for breakfast." I give him a quick kiss before he can pull me on top of him. I shut the door and walk to the kitchen. I enter the kitchen to find the table set with food and Jai's family sitting at the table.

Charlotte's husband and kids are sitting at the table as well.

They arrived just before dinner last night. Charlotte was glad to see her family, especially after everything that happened since I was taken and Veronica and Ricky were shot.

After breakfast we clean the kitchen before we head outside to the waiting limos. I see three parked in the driveway. Jai, Aleysa, Nate and I walk over to the middle limo and we climb in. I open the fridge and pull out a bottle of water. I give everyone a bottle before I sit back in my seat. I put my seatbelt on.

Aleysa looks out the window. "It's beautiful up here. If I were to die today, it would be a peaceful place to be." She says.

I agree with her.

It's about a forty minute drive to Yosemite from where we are staying.

There's a look-out on the way to Yosemite and the limo pulls over. We climb out of the car and walk over to the look-out.

There's mountains and heaps of tree's where I am standing. The sky is blue with a few clouds in the sky.

It's a beautiful.

(A picture of Yosemite that I took last year when I was in the US)

Aleysa pulls her phone out of her pocket and she looks at Jai. "Can you take a photo of us please?"

He takes the phone from her and takes the picture of us.

Aleysa pulls Nate over to us and he gets a photo with us.

Veronica and Ricky walk over to us. She looks at Aleysa. "Do you want me to take a picture of you?"

Aleysa nods. "I want to have this picture with me until I die. This place is too beautiful not to capture every moment of it."

Veronica takes the picture of us, before she gives the phone to Charlotte and she takes the picture.

After all the pictures are taken we make our way back to limo's and climb inside. It takes ten minutes to get to the parking lot of the Yosemite National Park.

Aleysa climbs out of the limo first and she waits at the bus stop for us. "I need to go to the toilet." She says, as I walk over to her.

"Me, too. I'll show you where it is." I still remember this place like the back of hand, even though I haven't been here in a while. I lead the way to the restrooms.

After the restroom break we head back outside and walk over to the bus stop. There's a bus that picks you up and it takes you to different parts of the park. I look at the map and ask. "Where do you want to start?"

Ricky and Veronica decide that they want to take the longest hike. Gerald and Xander want to join them.

Everyone else has decided to do a shorter walk and possibly look around at the shops. The bus stops in front of the bus stop and we board it. The bus takes us to different parts of the park and stops at the next bus stop.

On the map I see one for a shorter walk to a fountain. I show the map to Charlotte. "Do you want to do this walk? It doesn't look too long and I'm sure the kids will be able to do it."

She nods. "Alright,"

At the next bus stop we climb off the bus and follow the path to the waterfall. I pull out a bottle of water and start drinking.

I stop at the sign and I read the name of the Trail and it says. "Bridalveil Trail."

Aleysa walks next to Nate as we start walking towards the waterfall.

Jai takes my hand as we follow the track. "I can't believe how beautiful this place is. I have been to other National Parks, but this one has to be my favourite."

I smile. "It was my favourite place." I stop and look at the waterfall as it come into view." I wish my parents were here to see it with us."

Jai pulls me into his arms. He looks at the sky. "They are around you. If you could chose an animal what do you think your parents would be?"

I see a bird fly over our head. "They would be a bird."

He smiles. "The next time you miss them. Look up at the sky and they will be around you."

I turn around in his arms and hug him. I bury my face in his jacket and I breathe in the leather. I close my eyes for a couple of minutes.

"Hurry up, lovebirds." Charlotte yells.

I pull away from Jai and laugh. "Why can't we ever have a moment without interruptions?"

"We can. When we get home. You and I are going to spend a couple of days in a cabin. Mum and Dad will look after your brother and sister. How does that sound?"

I look away from him. "I would love to do that, but I need to be around for my sister. If she died while we were gone I could never live with myself. Maybe, in a couple of months."

He smiles. "I like that."

We continue the walk to the waterfall. The sun hits it at the right angle and I see a rainbow reflection in the water.

Aleysa stands in front of the waterfall and she poses for the camera. She throws her head back and laughs as Nate picks her up and spins her around. She starts laughing and has the biggest smile on her face.

Charlotte's kids join my brother and sister for a few photos.

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