Epilogue Part 1

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Anant and Anjali met an year ago in the hospital when Anjali suffered a miscarriage and was heartbroken.Anant saw her crying while passing through her room, she was getting hysterical and a man was sitting besides her hugging saying "Di..please stop crying.It going to be okay.." over and over again.He didn't know why he felt an ache in his heart seeing her crying.He stepped aside when he saw her brother come out after she slept due to sedatives.The man looked wretched when he went out not even noticing Anant standing there on the side of the door.

He looked through the glass into the room where that woman was lying with tear stains on her face.His heart went out to her.He never felt this bad for any of the patients but why he was feeling unbearable pain seeing her like this.Considering it to be pity for her loss, he turned around and walked away shaking his head.He should mind his own business instead of intruding into other person's, especially some patient's space..

After that incident he met her face to face for the first time in mandir where she was crying sitting at the back side of the temple.He happened to come there to answer a phone call in silence.

He didn't know what came over him when he put out his handkerchief and crouched down before her.His call long forgotten and cut.

She stared at him with those painful eyes shocked at finding a stranger seeing her in this state.

Anant's eyes met with her shocked, teary ones and he lost his heart to her.He fell in love with this broken woman who has stirred some deep, beautiful emotions within him.He extended the handkerchief towards her and composing himself he said,

"I don't think anyone this beautiful should cry.I think your beauty can make a model run for her money.By the way who was that bas***d who made an innocent girl cry like this? Certainly he must be a loser.."

"How can you say i am crying for a man" she spoke and he swallowed hearing her voice, the vulnerability was clear in her words.

"Well, I..uh.." he fell loss of an answer and then he himself realized she was wearing the sindoor and mangalsutra.His heart crushed but deep down he didn't know why but he knew she wasn't happy with that man whoever he was, her husband."..I have eyes Miss, this sindoor and mangalsutra says it all."

Her eyes turned a bit more sad."Does it all reflects on my face? The agony, the pain?" she asked with heavy voice and he had the sudden urge to take her in his arms.She didn't even realized that she shouldn't be talking to a stranger about her life this openly.

Gulping down the lump that formed in his throat he nodded truthfully and she sobbed some more.He clenched his hands around the handkerchief.

"That is why Chote don't get convinced when i say i am fine..I should have been more careful.He himself is so much in pain and I..I am adding more into it by being this sad...I come here every day to cry my heart out because i can't cry freely in that house knowing it'll hurt my brother.He blames himself all the time and don't listens to me..I am a very bad sister, very bad..Because of my stupidity, he lost the chance he got for his happiness..Now that he has found out, he don't have the courage to face her...He is heartbroken...I don't know what to do to make him come out of this...I.." Her eyes widened as finally she realized she was opening up her heart to a mere stranger.Wiping her tears hurriedly she muttered a "sorry" and ran away leaving Anant worried in her wake.

He just wanted to relieve her of all the pain and he knew he can...he will no matter if she was married or not.

"I come here every day to cry my heart out"

The next day he hid behind a pillar as he came to the back side of the same mandir and saw her crying.He came out of the hiding and stood before her.She too stood up startled finding the same man before her whom she shared so much in a weak moment..

She was about to leave when he blocked her way.

"Look! I know you are hurt and you want to come out of it for your brother so let me help you.."

"I don't need anybody's help...You can't help me either...I am too messed up.."

"I can help you..I have studied psychiatry"

"So you are a psychiatrist? No thank you..I don't need one...I am not mad.."

"No, not a psychiatrist but a pediatrician.But i have studied a lot about counseling so yeah i can help you to deal with this.."

"Why do you want to help me? You don't even know me.."

"I can see you have trust issues Miss, but telling a stranger your story could not harm you anyway...I don't know you and even you don't...So fair enough..You tell your story to me and I will help you in coming out of it and after that you go your way and me to mine...What say?"

"But why do you want to help me?"

Because I love you...

"Like i said beautiful woman like you shouldn't cry" She smiled for the first time and he sighed in relief for getting to her.

That was just the start of their blossoming friendship.They met there almost everyday with Anjali sharing a bit of her life with him everyday.Initially she cried alot talking about her past but later she cried less but talked more.He listened not interrupting her and not wiping her tears either.

The day when she told him about Shyam and his betrayal, she hugged him for the first time and cried her heart out.He consoled her and from there onward their relationship took a new turn.He in between his talks made her come out of her sadness and pain.She found a friend in him with whom she can share her life miseries with...

It was during those days when Anjali found out about Khushi being his friend when he attended her call during one of their meetings.She had told him all of her story and her brother's including his wife but she hasn't ever told him the name of her Bhabhi..Seeing him talking so freely with Khushi pricked her and she made a huge mistake the next day when she came and told him that her Bhabhi Khushi was responsible for her child's death as Khushi called her names when she co-incidentally met her in Delhi..She being selfish didn't want to lose the support of him as she has a feeling every men in her life has been smitten by Khushi's innocence..

She didn't tell him that she knew Khushi was his friend and his Khush and her brother's wife were same.It was during those times, she realised why she didn't want khushi to be related to him in any way because she has started falling for this man who has helped her in her difficult time.She fell in love with her savior...But for keeping him with him, she took a selfish path..

Anant started being aloof to Khushi, his best friend when one day Anjali deliberately showed him the picture of Khushi with Arnav.Anant was shocked not being able to trust that his Khush could do something like this...He consoled Anjali and they became more closer as in a weak moment one day they both ended up kissing..

He realized the change in her eyes in the following days and knew she has started loving him too.Not wanting to delay further, he confessed his love and she too did the same, both feeling on cloud nine.

In amidst of all this, he ignored Khushi but never told her the reason.Khushi was hurt he knew but he didn't want to lash out at her because he knew if he talked to her, he will end up getting angry and will burst out at her.Anjali knew it too well when she saw him cutting her calls.

A month passed like this and Anant-Anjali became inseparable.They met everyday, spent as much time with each other as they can.Anjali hasn't told about Anant to Arnav yet but she planned to do it soon..

She was happy finding her true love and with Khushi out of her way she was sure Anant will be hers only...

But her happiness was short lived as Anant found out the truth from her mouth itself.

She was waiting at the back side of the mandir as always when instead of Anant mami came there as she was suspecting something going on in her niece's life as her smiles has come back and she visited the mandir almost everyday with one excuse or the other.On her insistence, she blurted out the truth before her Mami along with the lies she told to Anant.Mami though was happy for her that she found her love, she didn't like her accusing Khushi knowing that what price her nephew was paying doing the same.

Anjali was trying to convince her that she did this because she was insecure when she froze seeing Anant standing at a distance like a statue.

"Anant.." she called out heartbroken.

"I never knew you could stoop so low Anjali...But guess what that's what you both siblings are...Bloody cheaters and you guys just know how to play with people's life...You just understand the language of profits, of gaining even if its on the stake of others! I regret the day i fell in love with you"

She was numb with shock by now hearing his cold words.

"Anant..I am sorry..I never meant to hurt you..I..was..just..insecure.."

"Yeah the bottom line of Anjali's life.Her insecurities!! Firstly Khushi was hurt by your brother because of that and secondly she was being pushed away by me, her best friend because of the same..How much a good player you are...Miss Anjali Raizada!!"



With that he smashed the red box against the wall and went away.

Anjali broke down when she sat on the floor to open that box.It contained a beautiful diamond ring..

Anant has told Khushi about knowing a girl, her lies, their love...everything and has eventually broken down in her arms and Khushi forgave him.Afterall he too gave her support when she needed him in her tough phase.He didn't tell her the name of the girl because it could have hurt her.Their friendship bond got more strong in upcoming days and that's when Arnav came back in her life.When she decided to move back to delhi because of the anger she felt for Arnav for considering her not meeting him as his punishment, she has proposed the marriage to Anant and he had agreed without any questions because he knew he would be happy with his Khush if he married her if not as lovers then as best friends and he also wanted to show Anjali that he can be happy without her..

Before Khushi could come to Delhi, he went to Lucknow and told her everything regarding Anjali and also that whatever she will decide he will be with her as always as her best friend and in future, her husband..


Arnav was on cloud nine since he came to knew about her decision to give him..give them' a second chance.He was finding it difficult to keep his eyes away from her face and he didn't even try.She was chirpily watching the proceedings of the wedding still holding his arm.

"Arnav...stop gaping at me.Sab ab humari taraf dekh rahe hain..(Everyone is looking at us now..)" Khushi whispered blushing a scarlet red.

"Toh dekhne do(Let them see)..I don't care..." he whispered back looking at her face hungrily as if he was seeing her after ages..

She smiled in mischief and turned her head towards him and asked "Waise kya dekh rahe hain aap?(What are you looking at by the way?)"

"Khud ko yakeen dila raha hun..k..k tum sach mai maire pass ho..(I am trying to make myself believe that...that you are really with me..)"

She couldn't say anything after his heartfelt confession.Her eyes teared up as she knew how much difficult it must have been for him going through all these rituals without breaking down..and guiltily she accepted, it was her because of which he had to endure so much.So she didn't say anything after that and let him have his fill of her as much as he wanted to make his heart believe that she was his..only his for forever now...

After Anant and Anjali's marriage, Arnav and Khushi took their marriage vows(with all of their hearts this time) on insistence of both the families in amidst the cheers of guests and most importantly Arush who was giggling and clapping throuhgout seeing his parents on the stage.He was most certainly the guest of honor for his parents wedding.


Arnav saw Anant moving away from the crowd towards the garden to answer a call and he followed him.

As soon as he finished the call, he called him "Anant"

Anant turned back surprised at finding him here.

"Arnav or should i say Sale Sahab huh"

Arnav chuckled and then turned serious "Thank you" he said genuinely.

"What for? Uh let me guess..For not marrying Khushi?"

"For marrying my Di" he stated simply.

"No need for thanks, okay? I have acted selfish here as just like Khushi, I too realized i can't be happy without my love no matter how much they have hurt us"

"You both don't know what you guys have given me and my Di.." he swallowed.

"Ok Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada..Don't start it again or i should rewind the time and marry Khushi instead of your Di?"

Arnav looked at him incredulously.Anant chuckled as he saw his jaws clenching with anger.

"Seriously Raizada.Stop it, okay? I was kidding"

"This isn't funny" he gritted out."You can't even imagine what I went through these days thinking of her becoming someone else"

"Okay sorry" Anant realized he may have went overboard and apologized.

Arnav relaxed and then gave him a small smile.

Arnav pinched the bridge of his nose in agitation as he remembered the last few days of his misery.He was still feeling a bit unsure of how he got so lucky to have her back.

"Even i am sorry.I said pretty awful things to you that day" Arnav confessed about the day when he offered him money to back off from this marriage.

"Sorry accepted" Anant smiled which Arnav too returned "Aren't you curious to know what changed our minds? Or precisely Khushi's?"

Arnav chuckled "You can't even imagine how much! But right now i am content with just this knowledge that she is MINE now.."

"Hmm.But i have a confession to make."

Arnav brows frowned."And what is it?"

"I knew about Khushi's change of decision since that day" As he saw him more confused he elaborated "The day when you came to me with money offer.Remember?"

Arnav gasped "You mean she has changed her mind four days before the marriage?"

"Five days before But she told me a day later.Remember what i advised you that day?"

"Go Raizada! Just don't manipulate things anymore because in the end only happiness is going to win..This time i will make sure of that.Whatever Khush has decided, i am with her, i will always be with her!"

"That means..at that time she has already informed you.." Arnav felt himself go red with anger."Then why didn't you tell me at that time itself..You could clearly see how much it was hurting me so then why?"

Anant sighed.He wanted to inform him but his arrogant attitude has really angered him so he had let it on Khushi hands to tell him herself but he didn't know Khushi has planned to tell him on the wedding day itself.

"Forget about you..why didn't she tell me that day itself"

"Maybe she was enjoying your condition" he joked.

Arnav glared at him.Anant raised his hands in surrender before saying,

"What changed her mind and why she didn't tell you beforehand i can't tell you, you should ask her.Now cheer up Raizada..Stop worrying over past of what if' and why', live in the present..She is besides you and that's what you wanted right? So calm down and enjoy your life with your wife and son who are your everything.." Anant raised his eyebrow at him when he looked at him."What? You yourself told me that didn't you?"

"You have my everything.."

"And what is your everything' huh" asked Anant calmly despite Arnav's shout.

"Khushi and Arush..and..and even Di loves you.."

Arnav smiled despite of his anger.He calmed down because he knew Anant was right.What mattered was his present where he has got back everything..his family..his Arush and his Khushi..

Surprising himself and Anant, Arnav gave him a hug.

"Control yourself Raizada.I know i am handsome but i am truly a man...And even your sister's husband..What will your Di think?"

"Shut up Anant" Arnav said in mock anger and then chuckled in which Anant joined him.

They knew it was good start of a strong bond between them as now everything was falling back in place.


How dare he? He was ignoring her she could very well see that.He haven't said anything after their renowned their marriage vows.

Anjali Di got married and now she was off to her sasural with Anant.She saw him watching his Di with moist eyes but that tears weren't of sadness but of the happiness which his Di got by a miracle.Guests has left and so has her parents but still he hasn't even spared her a glance.She had seen him how contently he had finished off the rest of the wedding.The guilt, the sadness, the pain of losing her has made him restless and since the last 10 days before marriage, she has seen him only worried and on the edge BUT now he was behaving as if last few days didn't even happen.As if she meant nothing to him, as if...as if..

"Humph" she huffed annoyingly.

"Maa" Arush smiled cheekily patting her cheeks as if to assure his mother that everything will be alright.

"See na Arush your Dada is ignoring me" she pouted arranging him in her arms.Arush chuckled cutely and gave her a sloppy kiss.Khushi smiled at his innocence forgetting her anger for a moment.But then her nostrils flared as she saw him coming towards them.

To her utter disbelief he came up to them and took Arush from her without even sparing her a glance, left back.Her mouth gaped open.

What the hell? Did he just..did he just...?

She stomped her foot before rushing upstairs to their room.

A pair of eyes followed her movements looking at her retreating back smirking widely.

Mrs.Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, this is just a minute payback for what you made me go through and for hiding about your change of decision..

"But don't worry sweetheart..just few more minutes and i will give all of my attention to you.I will be all YOURS" he whispered looking at the direction of his room knowing she must be cursing him sitting in there.

Arush giggled in his arms as he saw his father smiling.

"Arush lub dada..." Arnav kissed his nose "Dada lub Arush too.."


Payal volunteered to make Arush sleep tonight with her and everyone agreed knowing the couple needed this time alone.Kissing his son's forehead whose eyes were already dropping due to the tiring day, he handed him to Payal and rushed upstairs with a spring in his steps..

Raizadas smiled relieved seeing him happy after so long..

"Khushi.." he called as soon as he opened the door eagerly.There she was sitting on the recliner muttering under her breath.As soon as he called her, she gave him a shooting glare then stood up to leave when he blocked her way.

"Kahan ja rahi ho?(Where are you going?)"

"Aap se matlab? Hatiye hamare raaste se..(Why should i tell you? Leave out of my way..)" she fumed some more as she saw him chuckle.Her mouth gaped open at his cool behavior.

She pushed him away.

"You laad governor..You Rakshas...You..You..."

"..Shaitan" he smirked completing it for her and saw her face turning red with more anger..


She pushed him again making him stumble back a step.

"Samajhte kya hain aap khud ko huh...Aap ki himmat kaise hui aisa karne ki..(What do you think of yourself huh...How dare you do that?)"

Another push.

"Apko kya lagta hai hum aap ki aik nazar k liye taras rahe hain..Aisa kuch b nahi hai..Aap humein dekhe ya na dekhen humein koi farak nahi padhta..(What do you think, i am dying here for you to glance at me just once...Its nothing like that...You look at me or not, it doesn't matter to me..)" Arnav quirked his brow at this as if saying oh really?!

"Aap ko mazak soojh raha hai...Toh theek hai..(You are finding it funny...Then fine...)" she gave him another push.

"Hum abhi jaate hain wapis aur Anantji se shadi kar lenge...(I will just go right now and marry Anantji...)"

Arnav's face hardened at this.Khushi oblivious to his anger continued hitting him.

She was about to push him again when he gripped both her hands, twirled her around and pinned her to the closed door with her hands above her head.

"Aik bhi kadam bahir nikal k toh dikhao iss kamre se..Tumhari taange tod dun ga Mrs.Raizada...Tum SIRF MAIRI ho!!!(If you took even a step outside this room then i will break your legs right here..YOU ARE MINE!!!)"

Khushi's eyes widened.He was looking quite angry.As her words which she uttered a minute before came back to her, she realized she has touched his sensitive nerve.Just tonight few hours ago he was heartbroken of the thought of her wedding and now she has brought this up again.She has opened his fresh wounds, more so she has added salt to them...

"Humara wo matlab..nahi tha..Humein maaf kar dijiye..(I didn't mean that...Forgive me..)"

He again twirled her around, now his back resting against the door with her leaning dangerously close to him.

"Toh kya matlab tha tumhara? Tum abhi bhi uss...uss Anant se shadi karna chahti ho? (Then what did you mean? Still you want to marry that...that Anant..?)" he gritted out pressing her waist.

Her breathing labored as she could feel every inch of her body pressed to his...


"Arnav" he emphasized "Call me Arnav and that's an order.."

She gulped seeing the intensity of feelings in his eyes..

"Ar..Arnav i am sorry..I didn't mean to hurt you"

She saw him closing his eyes to control himself.When he opened them she could see his anger has somewhat calmed down...Just a bit though as his eyes shone with accusation and hurt.

"You changed your decision four days back. You knew i was going through hell and still you didn't tell me?"He shook her.

"I came to tell you but you were making deal with Anantji and it made me so angry."

"And you thought to extend this huh?"

"No. Your attitude blew my mind off and i was all ready to leave but then Anantji told me his decision to marry Di so i stayed. I would've left right after their marriage but then....i saw your condition at the time of jaimala and then...you walked away when you weren't able to see anymore and left to garden and cried there...and it ...just melted me.I - It suddenly dawned on me why you behaved like that and i understood it all. I forgave you there and then for everything."She finished with a croak.Tears shining in her eyes.

Emotions thrilled him at her confessions, he didn't know what to reply in words and he didn't even try.

Leaning in he pressed a kiss on her neck making her breath hitch in her throat.Nuzzling his nose there he whispered hoarsely against her neck.

"Say that you are mine.."


His hands that were around her waist started gliding up caressing each and every part of her body coming in between.

"Hmm" he urged her.."Hum kya khushi?(You what khushi?)" his voice came out huskier sending chills down her spine..

"Hum..sirf..(I am..only..)" he kissed her cheeks one by one and she was transported into world of haziness..

"Say that you are mine.." he kissed her earlobes.

"Han.." she replied dazed.

"Say it Khushi.." he rasped out as he kissed her jaw going lower giving open mouth kisses along its path.

She let her head fall back giving him more access to her neck..He pressed his lips on her throat earning a moan from her.He trailed his mouth on her skin as he came more down pushing her saree pallu away.Her breathing as well as his was rugged by now.He kissed the valley between her breasts just above her blouse and she hugged him tight as if electrocuted.He buried his nose in her hairs and embraced her, pressed her to himself trying to make himself believe this was real, she was here, she was before him, in his arms...this close, this intimate and he was touching her because she was his and only his to cherish with her mind, body and soul...

"I am yours...only and only yours.." he heard her whisper against his neck and that was it...Years of pain and hurt, pining for her, crying out for her, missing her, secretly craving for her has taken its toll on him...

He cupped her nape pulling her up softly closer to his face and pressed his lips to hers and kissed her like a man possessed.He poured out all of his love, pain, hurt in it in the kiss.He murmured all of what he went through without her in between the kisses and she reciprocated with equal favor making his heart swell with love for her..only her.His tears running down along with hers as finally...finally after long painful separation and heartrending penance, they were together...!

They pulled back when they couldn't resist the need to breath and broke into hyperventilation as soon as they parted their lips.Pecking her swollen lips, he rested his forehead against hers and they both took deep breaths.

"I love you.." he confessed in a whisper.

"I.." she was still feeling dizzy after the passionate kiss..

He smiled understanding her plight.

"Thank you.." he murmured after some seconds and she looked up at him with those innocent eyes he has fallen in love with..


He was about to answer but suddenly his eyes took a mischievous glint "For this amazing kiss.."

She punched him lightly before hiding her red face in his chest.She shivered when she felt him chuckle, the vibration of which she could feel in her whole body.

"Thank you for coming back in my life and filling it with happiness again..." this time he said seriously as she looked up at him standing in his embrace.


"Shhh" he put a finger on her lips "Let me say it Khushi.." she blinked her eyes and he carried her into his arms and laid her down on the bed..

She realized that her veil wasn't on her chest and tried to cover herself frantically when he held her hands stopping her.

Her chest started heaving when she saw him placing both his hands on either side of her before leaning on her pinning her right below him.

"I mean it Khushi..Mai saari umeeden kho chuka tha tumhe wapis paane ki jab maine mandap mai dekha dulhan ko ghunghat mai..Mujhe laga tum ho..Aur mai tumhe kho dunga ab hamesha hamesha k liye jab maine..(I have lost all hopes Khushi of getting you back when i saw the bride in the veil..I though it was you and i will lose you now for forever when I...)" he swallowed with teary eyes.She caressed his face giving him comfort to continue "..Jab maine pandit ko kehte sunna k sindoor ki vidhi shuru karne ka samey ho gaya hai..Mai kis dard se guzra tha uss aik pal mai wo mai tumhe bata bhi nahi sakta..mai..(..When I heard the priest saying that its time for the putting on the sindoor on the bride by the groom...I can't even tell you how much i went through in that moment...No words could explain the hurt of that time...)" his voice has turned more and more hoarse and heavy..

Khushi with tears rolling down her cheeks encircled her arms around his neck and hugged him close to herself as he finally let go and cried in her embrace telling her how much he went through these days preparing for her wedding.Burying his face into the crook of her neck, hugged her back with same passion and longing..

"I missed you so much.." he finally whispered after calming down...He was still half lying on her in her embrace.

"I missed you too.." Khushi whispered back caressing his hairs, her voice choked.

He moved his head up to see her face and saw her in tears.She cupped his cheeks.


She nodded "Hum ne bhi apko bohat miss kiya Arnav...Har pal, har waqt..Bas bohat gussa the hum khud pe k jis ne humein itna rulaya hum kyun uss k bare mai hi sochte rehte hain? Kyun usse bhula nahi paa rahe...Kyun usse khud se..apne wajood se juda nahi kar pa rahe...? Bohat miss kiya apko humne tab jab humne arush ko apne ander mehsoos karna shuru kiya...pehli bar jab humne apna ultrasound karwaya...tab jab humne apne bache ki dhadkan sunni..tab jab humne pehli bar uss ki kick mehsoos ki...tab jab un dino humara mann kuch b khane ko kiya...tab jab humein gussa ata bina kisi baat k...Sab se zyada miss humne apko tab kiya jab doctor ne..doctor ne humein btaya k hum aik ladke ki maa ban gaye hain..Uss din hum apne bache ko gale laga k bohat roye the Arnav...(I too missed you alot Arnav...Every moment, every time...Just that i was angry at myself that why..why i can't stop thinking about the same person who made me cry so much? Why i can't forget him...Why i can't separate myself from his memories? I missed you so much when i started feeling Arush inside me growing...Even then when i went for my first ultrasound...and also then when i heard the heartbeat of my child for the first time...Even then when i felt his first kick...All the time when i felt like eating anything...When i started getting angry for no reason...I missed you the most when...when the doctor told me that i am now the mother of a baby boy...At that time i have cried so much Arnav hugging my son close to myself...)" she was hiccuping by now and Arnav had a hard time controlling his own cries..He kept kissing away her tears not intruding because he knew they both needed this closure before they could move on in their life...They both have missed so much...

She continued after finding her voice "Humein bohat gussa aane laga khud pe..Aap pe..Humne thaan li thi ab aap k baare mai nahi sochen gay par nahi jab jab hamari nazar Arush pe padhti tab tab hum apko miss karte...Jab arush hamari taraf dekhta tab tab humein lagta k jaise...jaise aap humein dekh rahe hain...Sab kehte the Arush mujh pe gaya hai, bilkul mairi tarah hai par wo ye nahi dekh paye k uski aankhen bilkul aap k jaisi hain...Jab bhi hum unn ankhon mai dekhte humein lagta jaise k hum aapko dekh rahe hain...Bohat kosa humne khud ko par aapki yaad kabhi nahi gayi hamari zindagi se..Hum chah kar bhi apko bhool nahi paye...kyun k aap k wajood ki jeeti jagti nishani thi hamare pass...Apka beta Arush..(I got angry on myself so much and even on you...I have decided that i will never ever think about you again but no...whenever i looked at Arush, i missed you...When Arush looked at me everytime, it felt like you were looking through me...Everyone said that Arush looks like me but they failed to realise that he has your eyes...Whenever i looked in those eyes, i felt like i was looking at you...I cursed myself so much but i never could get rid of your memories...I couldn't forget you even though i wanted to desperately..Because i had a part of you with me, living and breathing with me...Your son Arush..)"

He kissed her forehead "Hamara beta Arush...(Our son Arush)"

He pulled her on the top of him as she continued to tell him when and how much she missed him and he listened intently kissing her head and caressing her back in soothing manner to tell her now he was with her and nothing can separate them now...

Both didn't know when they fell into deep peaceful slumber for the first time in years.


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